Sunday Post — March 24, 2019

March 24, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


this week on the blog…


next week on the blog…

  • The Witch’s Kind (adult fantasy/historical fiction review)
  • The Near Witch (YA fantasy review)
  • In Another Life (YA mystery review/blog tour)


new review arrivals…

    • Ayesha at Last
    • Something Like Gravity
    • Nocturnal
    • The Last Post
    • Unnatural, Vol. 2
    • Moonstruck, Vol. 2
    • The Best Lies
    • Wayward Sisters
    • Shout Out
    • Outpost


a week in the life of…

Whew, another VERY busy (and stressful) week! We normally only have “events” 2 days a week at my library, but this week had something going on every day, and by the time 5pm rolled around on Friday, I was so out of spoons it wasn’t even funny. I’ve spent the weekend so far just trying to recuperate. We also made some huge eating overhauls in our house over the last week by basically purging our fridge and cupboards and replacing everything with low-carb foods, so between the work stuff and carb cravings, ya girl needs a nap. ?
Oh, and we adopted a Corgi! Say hello to Roxie!


a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. No, just the Corgi. I’m not sure if you saw my thread on twitter about it, but the puppy sadly did not work out with us. She was SUPER aggressive from the day we brought her home, and even after a couple of months of trying to train her and talking to vets and trainers about it, nothing was improving. She got to the point where, if Isaac so much as walked past her, she would lunge at him or start snarling, and if I tried to grab her to pull her away, she’d bite the shit out of me. I’ve worked in animal ER clinics and dealt with injured K9 units and huge dogs and all kinds of shit, and I’ve never been as scared of a dog as I was of this puppy! ? So, we found someone who had a lot of experience with Beagles and didn’t have kids or pets in their home, because we were starting to suspect that part of her aggression was being worsened due to anxiety from being around our cats and Isaac. We still don’t know where the initial aggression came from, if it was the home she was born in or what, but the last I heard from the people we rehomed her to, she was doing a LOT better with them and was in training. It really sucked a lot but we felt like we had no choice, and then we weren’t going to even TRY again with another dog until Isaac was much older, but Rox kind of fell into our laps and was just such a perfect fit that we decided to take a little leap of faith and it’s been amazing. ♥ I’m really glad we did and that Lila was able to find a home she could be happier in, too. (sorry for the novel!)

    1. Great post! Glad you made it through a crazy week. Oh man food overhauls, I know that all too well right now especially. You can do it! Lol. Congrats on the Corgi and pat-on-the-back for adopting. I’ll be looking forward to your review of the Near Witch. I’ve got VE Schwab on my list but haven’t read any of her work yet. Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. Our week with an event every day at the library is coming up on April 1. I am not ready.
      Congratulations on the new corgi! She’s very cute ?

      1. Oof! I hope it doesn’t wear you out too badly. I see some libraries in the Atlanta area where they have multiple events a day, every day, and I’m like… HOW?!?!?! ? and thank you!

    1. YOUR CORGI IS ADORABLE. Hi, Roxie! Also, both those memes are on point. I hope you have a more manageable week this week!

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