Sunday Post — May 5, 2019

May 5, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


this week on the blog…


next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!
  • Shelf tour series debut
  • ??? (lol no really I have NOTHING drafted, pls put me out of my misery)


new review arrivals…

    • Into the Crooked Place
    • In the Shadow of Spindrift House
    • Loki: Where Mischief Lies
    • 29 Seconds
    • A Lush and Seething Hell
    • Stage Dreams
    • The Voice in My Head
    • The Storm Crow
    • The Merciful Crow
    • The Infinite Noise
    • Who Put this Song On?
    • Scars Like Wings
    • Gravemaidens
    • The Grace Year
    • The Tenth Girl
    • Going Off-Script
    • Full Throttle
    • The Never Tilting World
    • Beyond the Black Door
    • Sabbath
    • Reading Quirks
    • Elfen Lied Omnibus, Vol. 1
    • Minecraft, Vol. 1
    • The Town That Feared Dusk
    • Terminal


a week in the life of…

This was a pretty solid, uneventful week! I don’t have much to report on, though I did start a new reading journal yesterday! And by reading journal, I just mean a basic dot-grid bullet journal, so if you have any bookish BuJo spreads, please share them with me!

a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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