Sunday Post — April 21, 2019

April 21, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


this week on the blog…


next week on the blog…

  • Quarterly stats wrap
  • Girls on the Verge (YA contemporary review)
  • Criminal Intentions: The Cardigans (adult mystery/romance review)
  • Aurora Rising (YA sci-fi review)


new review arrivals…

    • All the Better Part of Me
    • The Stars May Rise and Fall
    • The Unicorn Anthology
    • The Saturday Night Ghost Club
    • Made for You
    • The First Girl Child
    • Somebody to Love
    • Unchained Desire
    • Drakon’s Knight
    • False Bingo: Stories
    • Dear Sweet Pea
    • Serpent & Dove
    • How We Became Wicked
    • Orpheus Girl
    • The Wives


a week in the life of…

What a great week! I had Friday off for Easter, and the Pink Full Moon on Friday brought in the most amazing wealth of energy and spoons. I got so much cleaning and organizing done around my house, caught up on blog comments, wrote some reviews, and had amazing quality time with my little family. ♥ I definitely needed a weekend like this!

a few last words…


For those of you who have read Wicked Saints:


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. What an absolute gift of productivity and spoons you had on Friday, love! I also had a lot of energy to get caught up on my comments near the tail-end of last week, which was refreshing to say the least!
      I am picking up Aurora Rising next and am so excited, can’t wait to read your review once I have written my own. I am so tempted to request Serpent and Dove but for some reason haven’t yet. I still feel so behind on everything and limiting my requests is helping.
      I hope you have a wonderful week, love!

        1. Girl, I get it. I literally catch up on my comments and then don’t reply to them for 3-4 weeks again. It’s a vicious cycle which I would love to break free from.

          1. I feel this so much. I usually catch up once every couple of weeks AT LEAST (though I used to aim for catching up every Monday without fail, because T10T posts bring in a lot of comments), but lately it’s been a struggle and this is the first time I’ve gone this many months without catching up. I hate it.

    1. Aww it’s so great to hear that you had a nice productive, and relaxing weekend with your family! We all need stress-free days like that some times! I was on spring break this past week, so I had some time for productivity and relaxation too! It felt heavenly! Haha!
      I hope your next week is just as lovely! ?

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