Sunday Post — June 16th, 2019

June 16, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.

I actually changed up the formatting this week and borrowed a few ideas from Cassie’s weekend wrap-up layout! I adore her endlessly so if you’re not following her, you should fix that ASAP. ♥


this week on the blog…

Let’s talk about ARC bans!
Queer reads on my TBR
WWW Wednesday
The Bride Test (adult romance review)
Goodreads TBR Purge #3
Saturday Smalls (mini reviews)
Stacking the Shelves
TBR Lows & Highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ Shelf tour post #3
✨ The Right Swipe (adult romance review)
✨ The Girl in Red (adult fantasy review)

new review arrivals

* = requested pre-ban
** = graphic novels & manga don’t count!

    • * The Mythic Dream
    • * Almost Home: Poems
    • * Color Outside the Lines
    • * Permanent Record
    • * SLAY
    • * Salvation Day
    • * Splinters are Children of Wood
    • * Bloom


outside the blogosphere

Nothing much to report this week other than finally starting to get my mental health back under control. ♥

reading this weekend…

Loads of current reads, still, but I’m focusing on:
? Ragged Alice
? The Resurrectionists
? Her Silhouette, Drawn in Water
? Stalking Jack the Ripper (reread)
? The Girl in Red

what I watched

? Good Omens (episodes 2 & 3)

what I listened to

* these are my favorite songs of the week!

? Frank Turner — ‘Be More Kind’, ‘Little Changes’
? Epica — ‘Design Your Universe’, ‘Unchain Utopia’
? Leaves’ Eyes — ‘Across the Sea’
? Marshmello ft. A Day to Remember — ‘Rescue’
? Amber Run — ‘I Found’

what I played

? The Sims 4

a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. OOh, I’m so excited to hear your thoughts on ‘Slay’ and ‘Bloom’ actually come to think of it, I’m excited to see what you have to say about all of these. Glad you are getting your mental health back in control. I’ve been having some issues myself lately and it’s finally easing up. I’m rooting for you and if you ever are in need of anything, let me know. Also, definitely adding your recent favourite music to my playlist. Thanks for sharing!

      1. I’m so sorry for the late reply, but thank you and I hope you’re doing better! <3 I'm also here if you need anything (and it usually doesn't take me this long to answer, LMAO). I'm doing a lot better lately, thank goodness. And Bloom was amazing! I'm hoping to start Slay soon. 😀

    1. yay for no new ARC requests, looks like your ban is off to a solid start ? and it’s good to hear that your mental health is feeling more manageable!
      I marathoned all of Good Omens in a few days (in my defense, I’m on summer break with not a ton to do) and just rewatched the last episode yesterday because it was that delightful; honestly I think it’s better than the book just because I actually get most of the jokes (or at least I don’t notice the ones that I don’t understand) and also the actors are phenomenal.
      also, I relate so hard to that last meme. that’s me whenever I meet someone new and they ask me about myself! ?

      1. Good Omens! Oh my gosh, I’m so glad I finally saw this comment haha. My spouse and I are still between eps 4 and 5 because I’ve basically dug my heels in and refused to approach the end. I’m so scared of my babies getting hurt. ? I love their portrayals of Crowley and Zira so much it pains me and WOW, I have never shipped any two characters so hard IN MY LIFE. Anyways, you saying the last episode was delightful makes me feel a lot less terrified to continue, so my spouse thanks you because I think they’re very ready to see how it ends. ?

    1. Yay! I love you & the adaptations to your recaps!! SIMS FOREVER, I want to do a post sharing screenshots of my Sims and Simstuff but I don’t know how well that’d be received (but do I care…? hahaha).

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