Sunday Post — June 23rd, 2019

June 23, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

Most Anticipated July-December 2019 Releases
WWW Wednesday
The Mid-Year Freak Out Tag
Shelf Tour #3
Stacking the Shelves
TBR Lows & Highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ The Right Swipe (adult romance review)
✨ The Girl in Red (adult fantasy review)
✨ Try a Chapter Challenge
✨ Summer TBR Jar

new review arrivals

* = requested pre-ban
** = graphic novels & manga don’t count!

    • * A Heart So Fierce and Broken
    • The Science of Monsters
    • * The Fearing Book One: Fire & Rain
    • * Always Never Yours
    • The Haunted
    • ** BTTM FDRS


outside the blogosphere

I read almost nothing this week between work functions, getting a new gaming PC, and my son’s birthday, but I feel like it was a pretty great week despite being completely and totally exhausted by the summer reading program at work.
This week is actually the last week I’m expecting to be super exhausting for the program, though, hopefully (knock on wood)! After this week, I get to look forward to next week where I get a 4-day weekend for the 4th of July, and then the program events slow down tremendously until it ends at the end of July. So basically, my point is: if I can survive this week, I’ll hopefully be golden. ??

reading this weekend…

Loads of current reads, still, but I’m focusing on:
? The Girl in Red
? Other Words for Smoke

what I watched

? The Perfection [Netflix, horror film] (which was, in fact, perfection — how did nobody tell me it was so gay?!

what I listened to

* these are my favorite songs of the week!

? Marshmello ft. A Day to Remember — ‘Rescue’

what I played

I actually basically gamed non-stop the second half of this week. Having a new gaming PC that can actually run my games at all, much less on the highest settings? This is brand new and incredible. ?
? The Sims 4
? Overwatch

a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ooh I started playing sims again last Saturday, and I’m totally addicted again.. This game is the best though!

    1. That is so funny that you have been busy at work lately and slow down in July because I am just getting to the crazy now! We have summer registration this weekend and then endless classes and programs throughout the rest of the summer! It is definitely a stressful time for librarians, so I don’t imagine I will be reading a whole lot but that is awesome that you will be! :] Enjoy it :]

    1. Do I have to watch The Perfection now? Because if that’s not a glowing review, I don’t know what is!

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