Sunday Post — July 21st, 2019

July 21, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

✨ Mid-year stats update
10 authors I’m giving a second chance
WWW Wednesday
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (MG fantasy review)
Living Dead in Dallas (adult paranormal fantasy review)
Stacking the Shelves
Saturday Smalls
TBR Lows & Highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ Changeling (MG fantasy review/blog tour)
✨ Shelf tour
✨ Try a Chapter challenge
✨ Salvation Day (adult sci-fi/thriller review)

new review arrivals

* doesn’t count against ARC ban (due to having been requested/accepted before ban, in a previous week, being unsolicited, or being a graphic novel, poetry collection, or otherwise “one-sitting” read)

    • Violet
    • * Cosmic Crystals
    • * A World Full of Spooky Stories
    • * Wait, What?
    • * The Escape Manual for Introverts
    • Taaqtumi
    • * We Love Anderson Cooper
    • * Choking Back the Devil


outside the blogosphere

This was my first week back on my old schedule, and I can’t even tell you guys how much happier I was. My spouse even looked at me at one point early on in the week and said, “It’s like you’re back,” because they felt like the increased hours had changed me so much (and not for the better). Our whole family is just thriving right now. ?
I’m still slowly chipping away at comments and have reached the point where, if a comment is more than a couple of weeks old, I’ll probably just “like” it unless it requires a reply, so please don’t think I’m rude! ?? I just can’t wait to get caught up and NEVER LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN. At the time I’m writing this post, I have over 800 pending comments to approve and reply to.

reading this weekend…

I think I’ve FINALLY kicked my reading slump! ? I’m trying to finish a few current reads over the next few days:
? Changeling
? Salvation Day
? In the Shadow of Spindrift House
? Dead to the World
? Hunting Prince Dracula (reread)
? The Work of Art

what I watched

? Nothing! Whoops.

what I listened to

* these are my favorite songs of the week!

? Of Monsters and Men — ‘Wild Roses’ (still obsessing over their whole discography while impatiently awaiting the new album!!!!)
Epica — ‘Unchain Utopia’

what I played

? World of Warcraft (Just lots and lots of WoW.)

a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

Leave a comment
    1. Happy to hear your work is better now!

    1. I’m loving all these Sunday posts, Destiny! I’m trying to keep commentary to a minimum since it sounds like you have a lot to catch up on lol, but wanted to send some quick praise and say I’m happy the new work schedule is helping your life balance! Hope all stays well! Happy reading, love!

    1. 800 pending comments??? Damn, girl! (The positive side: you’re clearly a total charmer because look how many people want to talk to you!)

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