Sunday Post — July 28th, 2019

July 28, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

✨ Changeling (MG fantasy review)
Oddly specific settings I love
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (YA paranormal review)
WWW Wednesday
Asylum (YA horror review)
The Black Farm (adult extreme horror review)
Stacking the Shelves
TBR Lows & Highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ State of the ARC
✨ Talia Hibbert cover reveal
✨ July haul
✨ July wrap
✨ August TBR

new review arrivals

* doesn’t count against ARC ban (due to having been requested/accepted before ban, in a previous week, being unsolicited, or being a graphic novel, poetry collection, or otherwise “one-sitting” read)

    • * The Deep
    • * Echoes
    • Seven Deadly Shadows
    • Salvaged
    • Foul is Fair
    • The Widow of Pale Harbor
    • Michigan vs. the Boys
    • Real Queer America
    • * A Violet Fire
    • The Map from Here to There
    • You Owe Me a Murder
    • The Sound of Drowning


outside the blogosphere

TWs: pet illness, human illness, cancer

This was not a great week in our home. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have already seen this, but Wednesday night, our Corgi had to be rushed to the emergency vet, where they ran some tests and we found out it looks like she has terminal cancer in her spleen. There’s no prediction of whether she has a few weeks or several months left because this type of cancer is so unpredictable and can go south so quickly. 🙁
Then, Friday afternoon, we got word that a family member — who I used to be extremely close to, but have had a rocky relationship with for the last few years — also has cancer. We don’t know how advanced it is, but it has spread to multiple organs, from what I’m told. I have a lot of tumultuous feelings about this family member, so it’s a messy experience right now because I worry that, if I don’t make amends, I’ll regret it, but on the other hand, this person has put me and my family through some hellish times and I know I’m valid in hesitating to just sweep it all under a rug. I know the answer I’m most likely looking at, it’s just a hard step to take.
On a happier note, though, yesterday, my son had his first ever playdate and it went so well! When your child’s an only child who doesn’t go to daycare, it can be hard to find ways to socialize them, but one of my Storytime regulars was having a birthday party, so we went bowling with a bunch of 3- and 4-year-olds (my son’s 3). It was a little stressful, but a really good reprieve from the week, and my son had a blast, so I’m a tired but proud mom haha.

reading this weekend…

I still have too many current reads (10), but these are the two I’m planning to knock out ASAP:
? Godsgrave
? The Work of Art

what I watched

? We Have Always Lived in the Castle (2018) [Redbox rental] This was just okay. I liked the acting and cinematography a lot, but the source material isn’t very enjoyable to me, so I knew the movie wouldn’t wow me, either.

what I listened to

* these are my favorite songs of the week!

? I really didn’t listen to music enough this week to have anything to list here, which is super rare for me, but… I dunno, I just drove in silence a lot. :/

what I played

? World of Warcraft (Just lots and lots of WoW again. Escapism at its finest.)

a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Hahaha that last meme!! 🙂 Also, I am so very sorry for all of your hard news recently!! My thoughts are with you!!

    1. OMG I just lost it over the David Tennant thing. It’s so good, but also so true!!
      I’m so sorry about your pup, that’s really sad. Also about your family member – that’s a tough position to be in. Making it right can often conflict with what has happened, but you need to do whatever it takes to make YOU feel better. It may be that they also want to make amends, which can ease your decision. But don’t fell like you have to invalidate your feelings because of the situation. Sending hugs and love your way ?

    1. Enjoy your reading!
      I’m so sad to hear about your dog and the family member, hopefully everything will improve soon!

      1. Thank you <3 It has thankfully been better than expected lately! The pup is actually doing pretty well. As far as the family member goes… I guess it hasn't gotten better so much as I've grown to accept it, which is all I can ask for right now.

    1. Jeez, Destiny.. That definitely sounds like a hard week..
      First – Since I contacted my father again after Jamie was born and found out he was at the hospital due to three minor heart attacks, I can definitely see where you’re coming from. I’d say.. Give it a shot to talk to that family member and then kind of leave the ball in their court. It’s a hard step, but if you’re taking the first one you can’t blame yourself afterwards. [In my case, my father hasn’t contacted me once since so I guess he isn’t interested in Jamie at all.]
      Second – I’m so sorry about your pup! Feels like you only got her last week and already things are going south.. I hope she doesn’t suffer and has plenty of time left, truly.
      If you need to talk, you know where to find me. <3

      1. Thank you so much. <3 I'm so sorry about your dad not reciprocating – that's so bullshit and makes me angry for you. But like you said, at least you tried. My mom actually did me a favor and reached out to this family member to give our love and thoughts, etc., and he pretty much completely blew her off and acted like he didn't have any interest in talking to her. It was enough for me to basically feel like I've accepted how things are, because even if he might react differently to me, the fact that he's treated my mom badly for so long is enough to help me make my decision. :/ For what it's worth, this family member has also had basically zero interest in meeting Isaac, so I feel for you, and I'm here if you need anything, too. ♥

        1. Well. It sucks for your mom to be blown off like she was, but at least now you all know where you stand and you don’t have to go through the hassle of TRYING. Since, obviously, he isn’t worth it. I wouldn’t bother with someone who’s like that towards my mom either.
          And I can’t even imagine someone not wanting to meet Isaac – or Jamie – since they’re both amazing. I’d want to meet him in a heartbeat if it were possible, haha!

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