Sunday Post — August 4th, 2019

August 4, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

✨ Talia Hibbert’s WORK FOR IT cover reveal
July haul
✨ 10 overdue ARCs I want to read in August
Choking Back the Devil (adult horror/poetry review)
State of the ARC
WWW Wednesday
✨ August TBR
✨ July wrap
Try a Chapter Challenge
The Fearing #1: Fire & Rain (adult horror review)
Stacking the Shelves
TBR Lows & Highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ The Gossamer Mage blog tour post (adult fantasy)
✨ The Work of Art (adult historical romance review)
✨ Salvation Day (adult sci-fi review)
✨ The “I Dare You” Tag

new review arrivals

* doesn’t count against ARC ban (due to having been requested/accepted before ban, in a previous week, being unsolicited, or being a graphic novel, poetry collection, or otherwise “one-sitting” read)

    • The Silence of Bones
    • The Shadows Between Us
    • Bent Heavens
    • Miss You Love You Hate You Bye
    • * Dark and Deepest Red
    • The Deep
    • You Deserve Each Other
    • The Glass Woman


outside the blogosphere

This week was a lot better than last week, mainly because it was fairly uneventful and it was the first week at work in months that didn’t involve any massive Summer Reading Program events or planning. ? I also read more this week than I have in months, so that was a huge relief.

reading this weekend…

I still have too many current reads (11), but this weekend, I plan on finishing a few quick reads so I can get that number lowered!
? In the Shadow of Spindrift House
? Dead to the World
? Shout
? Aquicorn Cove

what I watched

? Into the Dark: They Come Knocking (2019) [Hulu original] This was okay. The creepy kids were fun and I liked the overall plot, but the script was weak and the acting left a lot to be desired.
? How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019) [movie day @ work] Well, that was bittersweet. I loved it, but it also broke my heart a few times.

what I listened to

* these are my favorite songs of the week!

? This was mostly an audiobook week for me!

what I played

? Nothing this week! I didn’t have much free time at home.

a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m always impressed by the amount you post in a week! And all the posts look like you put so much time into it 🙂

      1. No, I haven’t watched the series! Have you? And it is sad to see the series end. 🙁 The last one was SO good though so I definitely recommend it when you’re in the mood for some tears lol!

    1. Hahaha, the Halloween meme made my day! It’s so true! I’ve already been planning a few blog posts for October! Oops. 🙂 I’m so happy you liked the last HTTYD movie! It’s definitely bittersweet and had me weepy, but I adored it nonetheless! Lovely wrap up! <3

      1. Haha I love that you’re already working on October content! You’re amazing and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us, beautiful! And yes to HTTYD – so bittersweet but so great! Thank you, doll!

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