Sunday Post — September 22nd, 2019

September 22, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

This was a quiet week for me! I actually had planned to have a lot of content created in advance before returning from hiatus, but the toll it was taking on my mental health was too high. Then, this week was super busy, so… oh well. There’s always next week!

✨ work for it (adult m/m contemporary romance review)
✨ 10 diverse middle grade titles (and a giveaway!)
WWW wednesday
stacking the shelves
TBR lows & highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ wonderland (adult fantasy/horror anthology review)
✨ try a chapter challenge
✨ august wrap
✨ state of the ARC

reading this weekend…

? wonderland
? a court of mist and fury (reread)
? darkdawn
? dreamland (reread)


new review arrivals


  • eARCs:
  • Print ARCs:
    • hex life: wicked new tales of witchery

about that ARC ban

Um… I kind of did AMAZING with my BAN this week?! I mean, do you see that?! I only hauled ONE FREAKING REVIEW COPY and it was one that’s been one of my most anticipated releases of the year since last year. I’m so proud of myself right now.


outside the blogosphere

I finally am feeling human again! After over two weeks of pure misery and sickness, I’m back to sleeping like a normal person, I’m not doped up on cold/sinus meds 24/7, and I’ve been getting some stuff done. This week was super busy because I had to play classwork and housework catch-up to make up for having done almost nothing while I was sick, but I’m hoping the week ahead of me is going to be pretty chill, especially since it’s the beginning of my FAVORITE SEASON! ???


what I watched

Head Count

Head Count (2018) — 4 stars! I love horror flicks based on creepypasta tales but they’re usually a disappointment. While I didn’t enjoy the SFX on the villain at the end, and the acting wasn’t great, overall, I thought this was really fun and well-crafted.

what I listened to

Image result for leprous band

Leprous — ‘Alleviate’ and ‘Below’. (My spouse is obsessed with this group. I haven’t been the biggest fan of their older music — not a huge prog fan here! — but their new singles are incredibly theatrical and outside-of-the-box, and I can’t get enough of these two tracks. I can’t wait for the new album in a few weeks.)

what I played

? Hungry Cat Picross
? Lily’s Garden

Like last week, I pretty much only had time for mobile gaming this week! I’m really hoping this space will be a little more full and exciting next week. 🙂


a few last words




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.


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