Sunday Post — October 6th (7th — oops!), 2019

October 7, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

✨ state of the ARC
october TBR
✨ 10 5-star predictions
WWW wednesday
september wrap
stacking the shelves
TBR lows & highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ try a chapter challenge
✨ rosemary and rue (adult paranormal fantasy review)
✨ the work of art (adult historical romance review)
✨ ten thousand doors of january (adult fantasy review)

reading this weekend…

My currently-reading list is too big again… but this weekend is mostly:

? in darkness, delight: creatures of the night
? growing things & other stories
? rosemary and rue


new review arrivals

  • eARCs:
    • dreams of lake drukka / exhumation
    • dead meat: day 1
  • Print ARCs:
    • the fearing #3: air & dust

about that ARC ban

Three new hauls this week, which isn’t bad anyways, but especially when you consider that they’re all novellas (each one is 120pg or less, I think) and I’ve already finished one of them!


outside the blogosphere

If you follow me on Twitter, you miiight have seen my mini meltdown yesterday (Sunday) morning where I talked about my health issues as of late and the fact that it seems I may have developed sleep apnea recently. If you missed the rant, the short of it is that I’ve gotten very little sleep and had no energy at all for almost 2 months and it’s really started wearing me down. This week was just tough because, on top of everything else, I was super hormonal and cranky, and it’s just been a bit of a nightmare. Luckily, my mom is a nurse and she and my father have both dealt with sleep apnea most of my life, so she’s been able to support me through figuring out what steps I need to take, and I’ll be calling this week to see how soon I can get into a sleep study. Hopefully, I can get some relief very soon and get back to normal, because I’m usually an incredibly busy, constantly-moving person who rarely sits still — and that’s how I like it! — so spending 12-14 hours per day in bed due to total and complete exhaustion has been nothing short of soul-destroying for me. 🙁 Sorry for the sad update, hopefully next weekend’s will be happier.


what I watched

Saw (2004) — REWATCH — 5 stars (as always. this is one of my favorite film franchises of all time & I rewatch the entire series 1-2 times per year, no shame)
? Saw II (2005) — REWATCH — 4.5 stars
? 47 Meters Down (2017) — 2.5 stars (this was low key awful, sorry to everyone who loved it but I thought the acting was terrible & wtf was that ending??)
? The Visit (2015) — REWATCH — 4.5 stars (this never gets old but was weirdly way more emotional for me this time than the past 2 times I saw it?)
? Saw III (2006) — REWATCH — 4.5 stars 

what I listened to

? this was just a week for hitting “shuffle” every day in the car, so I don’t really remember anything specific I listened to ?

what I played

Image result for final fantasy xiii

? Final Fantasy XIII


a few last words




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Sorry to hear about your sleep apnea! I hope you start to get good sleep and rest regularly. Sending good vibes <3

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