Sunday Post — October 13th, 2019

October 13, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

stacking the shelves
TBR lows & highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ anything I can actually get out of this life slump in time to post ?

reading this weekend…

? anything I can focus on for more than five seconds ?


new review arrivals

  • eARCs:
    • the house in the cerulean sea
    • scavenger hunt
  • Print ARCs:

about that ARC ban

Two new hauls this week! One is a book I’m just wicked excited about and couldn’t pass up when I saw it on Edelweiss, and the other was an author offer that intrigued me a lot because it features one of my favorite horror tropes!


outside the blogosphere

What a week. If you saw my updates about evidently developing sleep apnea, I’m pleased to report I was able to get a CPAP machine this week and it has changed my life. I finally feel back to normal, energy-wise! Instead of using that newfound energy to Get Shit Done™, though… I spent the week ignoring all adult responsibilities (besides, like… my kid, work, and my pets) and just played a shit load of Stardew Valley. I regret nothing.


what I watched

Saw IV (2007)

? Saw IV (2007) — REWATCH — 4 stars (still working on my series rewatch, but I didn’t watch any other movies this week)

what I listened to

? this was just a week for hitting “shuffle” every day in the car, so I don’t really remember anything specific I listened to ?

what I played

Image result for stardew valley

? Stardew Valley (I restarted my game – finally – and I’m so glad I did because I’m taking it way more laid-back and having so much more fun this time around.)


a few last words




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m happy you got your energy back! Hopefully your life slump will be over soon!


    1. I play Stardew Valley too. Made the mistake of marrying Shane. He’s a terrible husband. It took me forever to figure out how to fish.

      1. LMAO so this is such a late reply and I’m sorry for that, but ironically enough at the time you would have posted your comment, I *was*, in fact, pursuing Shane! ? I ended up getting bored with him after a while, though, so I didn’t marry him. Thanks for the advice haha!

    1. You super deserve to spend your newly-regained energy doing whatever you want! Glad you’re feeling better. 🙂 <3

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