Sunday Post — November 24th, 2019

November 24, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

✨ a court of mist and fury (NA fantasy REREAD review)
10 reading habits i hope to return to in 2020
bad call (adult nonfiction review)
www wednesday
short-a-thon announcement (readathon)
stacking the shelves
saturday smalls
tbr lows & highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ get a life, chloe brown (adult rom-com review)
✨ end of year tag
✨ november haul
✨ november state of the ARC

reading this weekend…

? transfer
? dark and deepest red
? monster, she wrote
? i hate fairyland, vol. 3


new review arrivals

  • eARCs:
    • the god game
    • jane anonymous
    • dead meat: day 3
  • Print ARCs:

about that ARC ban

Three hauls this week, but one of them (Dead Meat: Day 3) is something like 100 pages long, and I’ve already started Jane Anonymous, so… not too shabby!


outside the blogosphere

I had to work a lot of extra hours on Monday and Tuesday, but since I’m a part-time employee, I got to take Thursday and Friday off! I’ve been really tired lately, so that was much-needed relaxation. I thought it was just my body adjusting to the colder temps + still getting used to the CPAP machine, but I was due for some routine labs anyways, so I went and had some routine labs done.

Not only were my thyroid levels off again (we’re trying a new dosage of my meds for 6 weeks, and if it doesn’t help, they’ll do another ultrasound to be safe — cross your fingers for me), but my vitamin D was super low (which happens all the time), and my iron was CRITICALLY low. I’ve had anemia since I was a preteen, but it’s never been this bad — my doctor said a bit lower and I’d have been going in for a transfusion. ? I stopped taking my iron a while ago because it made me so sick (for shame, I know), but I had no idea it was so low, and it definitely explains so much about my health struggles lately. My doctor’s got me trying a new form of iron supplement I’ve never used before, and after taking it the last few days, so far, so good! (For anyone who’s curious, it’s called EZFE.)

Anyways, between the days off and the new meds, I’m feeling very optimistic about the next few months as I start to get everything back to where it needs to be (plus I’m planning a big “sugar detox” in January)! Oh, and my sugar levels were much better than they were a year ago, so I’m stoked to see that I’m no longer considered pre-diabetic. ? So as long as those thyroid re-checks come back good in a few weeks, I think 2020 is going to be a great year for taking charge of my long-term health and working towards feeling better!


what I watched

? Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019) — 2.5 stars (I’m so glad I waited for a Redbox rental on this one instead of spending $30 to see it in theatres, but I’m really shattered that I didn’t enjoy this more.)
? Frozen (2013) — 4 stars; REWATCH (With all the Frozen 2 hubbub going around, my spouse decided to finally watch the first one, as they’d never seen it. They just kept repeating, “Okay, I get it now” and gushing about how awesome Idina Menzel is, lmao.)
? 3 from Hell (2019) — 3.5 stars (This was easily my least favorite of the 3 films, but I still really enjoyed it, especially Sebastian’s character. And nothing beats seeing Otis go into protective big brother mode over Baby.)

what I listened to

Image result for nosleep podcast

The NoSleep Podcast (It occurred to me that I’m several episodes behind on the current season, so I listened to a few this week. The Halloween episode in the random abandoned house was brilliant.)

what I played

Delicious — Emily’s Taste of Fame (I finally renewed my GameHouse sub and got back on my franchise re-play. This is my third or fourth time playing this particular installment and I’m almost done with it. It’s always been one of my least favorites, though.)


a few last words




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I hope the new supplements work for you! Can I ask what’s up with your thyroid levels? Mine are off as well and I’m curious to know more about yours.

      1. Thank you! My thyroid has been underactive since I was about 11-12 years old. It’s common in my family so I’ve been on meds for it for ages! Right now it just seems like the dosage I’ve been on wasn’t QUITE enough to keep my thyroid hormones up to par, so we’re increasing it a little. The meds help a lot, thankfully.

    1. I am sooo stoked I got into Stardew right before the update! I won’t have time to play until tomorrow but I’m very excited. I’m glad to hear your health problems are more under control and hope you continue to feel better. 🙂

      1. I’m so glad you did, too! 😀 I can’t wait to see what you think of the new update. I’ve only gotten to play about 1.5hrs since it came out but I’m in awe of how much new stuff there is! I read the changelog (if you haven’t yet, it is a bit spoilery, fair warning) and it’s legitimately 18 miles long, I swear lmao. And thank you <3 <3

        1. I’ve glanced through some bullet points of the change log but decided I didn’t want to spoil myself too much! I think I won’t notice it all since I didn’t get very far in before the update BUT my fav thing so far is that when you find a book you can keep doing your thing instead of having to stop to read the notif. It’s the little things ?

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