Sunday Post — March 3, 2019

March 3, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


this week on the blog…


next week on the blog…

  • It Ends With Us — Colleen Hoover (NA contemporary review)
  • February Wrap
  • ARC Reviews (???)


new review arrivals…

    • Here There Are Monsters
    • Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune
    • Rebel
    • Lock Every Door


a week in the life of…

What a week! If you remember me mentioning I was sick in last Sunday’s post, it got worse. I had to go to the doctor Monday, and ended up staying home from work Monday and Tuesday, which meant working double hours on Wednesday and Thursday to make up for lost time.
Now I’m in the middle of a four-day weekend thanks to a weird schedule this week, but we also decided to rearrange most of our home Friday night and yesterday, and I’ve spent today sleeping to make up for the very little rest I got the last 2 days. ? I’m hoping to spend the next two days reading as much as possible as I haven’t touched anything but audiobooks in days!

a few last words…


(If you aren’t following Nathan Pyle’s new webcomic, please get your mind right and go do it because I am OBSESSED.)


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Hope you feel better. I’ve been hit by the lurgy too and it sucked the life out of me….just thought it was going and it came back full force!

      1. Thank you love!! ♥♥ i’m doing a lot better right now than I was a few days ago so I’m just hoping this sickness doesn’t come back for a round 3 before spring gets here. ? Of course, spring brings pollen allergies and all, but I’d always rather deal with those than legit sickness! And that’s actually hilarious to me but awesome. ? sweet kitty! My cats just respond to “kitty kitty” and a tongue clicking noise I make LMAO. My two-year-old has started trying to learn how to do it, and I will softly snap my fingers to get their attention too, so now he’ll walk around trying to snap his fingers and saying “kitty kitty kitty! kitty kitty!”

    1. Oh no, I hope you start feeling better so soon!
      Looking forward to what’s next on your blog! Also, that cat comic made me laugh hard. That’s exactly 100% what living with cats feels like hahaha. Our oldest cat responds to hers, but my own cat just… stares at you if you make a noise and then walks in the opposite direction. Unless you have treats and then suddenly we’re best friends ?‍♀️

      1. Thank you! I’m feeling a lot better by now, thankfully! And that’s hilarious about your cat. One of my cats is extremely social but doesn’t act like she recognizes her name at all. The other cat will occasionally let you know she heard you but she still won’t come to it, and it’s hit and miss if she will come at all when called (we have to lightly snap our fingers together and go “kitty kitty!” for them to come at all lol).

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