Sunday Post — May 26th, 2019

May 26, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


this week on the blog…


next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!
  • Shelf tour post #2
  • Try a chapter challenge
    • both of the above posts were supposed to go up last week, but I forgot to schedule them after drafting them ??
  • State of the ARC
  • May haul
  • June/Pride TBR


new review arrivals…

    • Twice in a Blue Moon
    • Guest: A Changeling Tale
    • The Girl in Red
    • A Reflection of Shadows


a week in the life of…

What a great week! We took the kiddo to the zoo, and he loved it; otherwise, besides work, it was a pretty quiet and relaxing week at home. The summer reading program is starting at work soon, plus my summer classes start in about 2 weeks, so I’m just trying to take as much time as I can to relax before June and July kick my ass. ?

a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. oh Summer Reading…. mine starts the last week of June, right after ALA Annual, so at least I’ll get pumped up from the conference before Summer craziness. But it is crazy that I’m already planning for fall– and I’m late on that. I need to get more organized and ahead of the game.

    1. Sounds like you have a lot of great posts coming this week–I can’t wait to read them! 🙂
      And oooh, The Girl in Red! I’ve been curious about that one. Eager to hear your thoughts on it.
      Also, what are your summer classes about? Glad to hear you had a great week!
      (And yesss, summer library reading programs. I love those!)

      1. Oof, super late reply, I’m sorry! Thank you for the kind words 😀 <3 And my summer class was about Project Management in libraries! Nothing too exciting sadly, haha. But one of my fall classes is about children's books, so I'm very excited about that one!

        1. You’re all good!
          And that still sounds interesting! Did you enjoy the class?
          And oooh, I’m also taking a class on children’s books in the fall called “Children’s and Young Adult Literature”!

            1. Yes, I am! It’ll be the second YA class I’ve taken (the first one was called “Ethnic American YA Lit”).
              I don’t know what the books are for the picture book side of it (because we’re not required to buy those), but I know the YA side is a mix of newer and older titles. The books are Birchback House, The Hate U Give, Before We Were Free, Farewell to Manzanar, Gabi, a Girl in Pieces, Miles Morales, and Turtles All the Way Down. I’ve read THUG and Before We Were Free before, but I’m excited to discuss them with others again!
              Do you know what kind of books you’re reading for your children’s lit class?

            1. That sounds awesome! I’m not sure on what our reading list will be like yet. I know there are some really popular diverse titles of the last decade or so — I think stuff like THUG, Simon vs., etc., you know, the big bestsellers — but otherwise, I’m excited to find out!

            1. Oooh, that also sounds really awesome! I can’t wait to hear more about your class in the fall!

    1. Can’t wait for your shelf tour 🙂

    1. Wow, I’m perpetually amazed by bloggers who put out consistent content almost every day. Sadly, I’ve barely been scraping by because I’ve just been posting one thing a week since it takes me ages to draft posts. Also, there’s a new Christina Lauren book? Omg, I can’t wait to know what it’s about and read your thoughts on it! I’m so excited for your June Pride tbr too because I plan to try my best by reading allll the queer books in June. Also, kind of unrelated but that meme about coffee reminded me about how I tried coffee for the first time last week through an expresso. It was so bitter, but my friend said it would help me stay awake and it did. It was so weird being able to stay up for 24 hours because at that point, I would start to get sleepy at 8PM ?

      1. Awww, thank you so much, Caitlin! ?? You are too sweet! And that’s hilarious about your staying up 24 hours after your first coffee, I love it. ? I love a good caffeinated beverage, that’s for sure!

    1. So excited for the readalong you’re hosting! I’m definitely going to try and participate in it! Good luck on summer reading, I work at a public library and we started summer reading the other day, and I’m already ready for it to be over lol.

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