Sunday Post — September 15th, 2019

September 15, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

(or should I say, “since my last Sunday Post” on the blog, since that was a few weeks ago!)

✨ hiatus announcement
state of the ARC
✨ 10 top items on my wishlist
september TBR
WWW wednesday
✨ august haul
ration (adult horror/dystopia review)
new site/welcome back!
stacking the shelves
TBR lows & highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ the work of art (adult historical romance review)
✨ try a chapter challenge
✨ august wrap
✨ the ten thousand doors of january (adult fantasy review)

reading this weekend…

I’ve read so little lately! 🙁 I just want to knock out some graphic novels.

? giant days, vol. 10
? blackbird, vol. 1
? no ivy league
? moonstruck, vol. 2
? unnatural, vol. 2


new review arrivals

  • eARCs:
    • lucky caller
    • together we caught fire
    • the magick of food
    • be not far from me
    • docile
  • Print ARCs:
    • in darkness, delight: creatures of the night
    • when the stars lead to you
    • ghost squad
    • rules for vanishing
    • the apocalyptic mannequin
    • on the night border

about that ARC ban

As I mentioned in my last Sunday Post as well as my last State of the ARC post, I’ve taken a whole new outlook on my ARC ban! I won’t go into all the details as they’re all right here, but I wanted to give an update on my progress so far! Since my ban started on August 25th, I’ve hauled eleven (11) new review copies. That said, not all 11 of those count against my ban — let’s break down why:

  • two (2) copies were unsolicited — meaning I didn’t request/accept them, they were surprises (though I’m still incredibly excited for them!)
  • three (3) copies were requested/accepted months ago — meaning I can’t really count it against my ban if it was set in motion already
  • one (1) copy is a short nonfic title about witchcraft — I don’t count these against my bans because they’re educational and I tend to read them very quickly (and they usually only require like, a 1- or 2-paragraph review, so they’re “easy” reviews)

That leaves only five (5) to count “against” my ARC ban, which would be pretty bad if this was spanning a week, but keep in mind that this update is spanning three weeks! That’s an average of 1.66 per week. If we look at my last few State of the ARC updates, I usually acquire 8 or more ARCs per week that would count against these same ban rules. So, as you can see, the new system is working REALLY well so far!

I do still have a few ARCs on their way that I requested/accepted before the ban went into place, but even with those in mind, I expect these numbers to stay low or drop even further in the next few weeks. ? I’m feeling very pleased with myself right now!


outside the blogosphere

The last few weeks have been a huge roller coaster. The day after my blog went on hiatus, I got really sick and have stayed sick since then. I’m not sure what it is — maybe a weird, early strain of the flu, or just my mono flaring up — but I’ve been dealing with a ton of respiratory issues, the worst fatigue I’ve ever felt in my life, body aches, and more. Plus, it all triggered my depression pretty badly because I hate feeling “incapable”, and that’s how being sick always makes me feel. ?

Outside of being sick, and blog-moving stress, though, things have been really good! Sadly, one of my coworkers has left our branch, but it’s not all bad; she’s moved on to bigger and better things, and it opened up a great opportunity for me! Since January, I’ve been the Children’s and YA Coordinator (I didn’t apply for the children’s position, but it was what was open and I was more than happy to make the most of it until something else opened up, and my boss was totally aware/understanding of this). I love kids, but teens are my passion, and I haven’t had time to do anything with our teen patrons because the children/tween groups are much more time-consuming.

Since my coworker’s role was a Library Assistant (meaning she did a little bit of everything, but had no specific responsibilities), it was easy for our regional admin team to find a way to make me the official YA Librarian and to bring in a new Children’s/Tween person, instead of a new Assistant. Long story short, I’m moving into a dream library position for me, and I get to drop the parts of my job that aren’t wholly suited to me (like storytime, etc.)! *happy dance*


what I watched

Slender Man (2018)

Slender Man (2018) — Meh. 2.5 stars. I wasn’t expecting much, to be fair.

what I listened to

Gregory Alan Isakov — “The Weatherman” and “Evening Machines” albums. (Gregory is probably the most frequently listened to artist in our family and has been for a good 3 years straight, but I find myself gravitating towards these albums even more every fall.)
Frank Turner — “No Man’s Land” album. (I haven’t listened to this all the way through yet, but I’ve listened to the first half and am already obsessed, especially with ‘Jinny Bingham’s Ghost’.)

what I played

? Hungry Cat Picross
? Lily’s Garden

Yep, I’m counting mobile games, and honestly, if you don’t think mobile games count, well… sucks for you. ?‍♀️ I haven’t had the attention span, or felt well enough, for anything but mobile games over the last couple of weeks. These are two titles I play nearly everyday for at least a few minutes here and there, anyways, but since I’ve felt so crummy and mostly laid in bed, I’ve been playing these two a lot.


a few last words




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Congratulations! That is so ridiculously exciting! I’m applying to grad school for my MLIS now — I would love to be a Youth Librarian one day! I held a children’s assistant position, and I learned really quickly that is not a great age group for me. I love the teens/tweens and I always have some great recs for them when they come in! I don’t mind reading stories…but story time was the bane of my existence. I do it when I have to, but man, I was so happy when I didn’t have to do that anymore!

      I hope you get to feeling better soon! Also, I’m absolutely loving your site, it looks wonderful!

      1. Thank you so much! Good luck on your grad school application, I’m sure you’ll get in and do great. 🙂 And yes, I feel you – storytime is just not for me, nor are the other children’s programs. We try to host 1-2 kids’ events per week outside of storytime and I get so emotionally/mentally worn out because I know it isn’t the right fit for me. We’re thankfully on a hiatus from all events besides storytime right now because we’re about to move locations, but even just that one storytime per week is enough to have me impatiently awaiting the day when they choose my replacement and I get to move on to strictly teens. ?

        Thank you! 😀

      1. It’s really fun! It’s the only game like this that has kept my attention as well as it has, and I think it’s because I’m actually really invested in the unfolding storyline. There’s a bit of an angsty, super slow-burning romance between Lily and her new neighbor and he’s sort of the “bad boy”, so it’s fun. ??

    1. Omg, congrats on your position!! I hope you feel better physically and emotionally, and am glad you finally get to focus on what you love. 🙂

    1. I’m very excited for you review on the ten thousand doors of January!


    1. congrats on kicking your arc ban in the butt! looks like your making a lot of process and that must be such a relief. i just got approved for be not far from me too and i’m so keen to get to it asap… even if it doesn’t come out til next year.

      and woooow, congrats on your new position too! that is so exciting. i really hope you’re feeling better soon. that’s rough that it hit right after the switch! ?

      1. Thank you!!! Yesss, the progress is sweet ? I looked at my ARC schedule for the next few months today and it was the first time I noticed that, after October’s releases, my release schedule plummets to like, a max of 5-6 books per month? And that is SO SMALL for me and feels so manageable, I almost cried a little hahaha. And I feel you, I really want to start Be Not Far From Me like… RIGHT NOW lmao

        Thank you so much! <3

        1. wow! that’s amazing. i don’t blame you for crying haha, i’m just glad for you. i can’t imagine the stress it must have caused you so i’m happy to hear it’s making a positive impact on your reading life.

          i have no idea how you deal with having arcs of things that don’t come out for awhile. i’m so keen to pick it up but like, do i need to wait closer to the release date? idk!! …. but i really don’t want to either

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