Sunday Post — March 31, 2019

March 31, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


this week on the blog…


next week on the blog…

  • Wicked Saints (YA fantasy review/blog tour)
  • Super secret cover reveal!
  • April TBR
  • March wrap & haul
  • surprise ARC reviews!


new review arrivals…

    • The Kiss Thief
    • Hotel Dare
    • Teach Me
    • The Silence
    • In Darkness, Delight


a week in the life of…

Another super busy week at work, but thankfully, it was the last super busy week for a little while and I got to breathe a big sigh of relief (and get some sleep). ? Beyond that, there wasn’t much going on in my world this week — just how I like it! ?

a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I do like these posts. They help me see what I missed, like The Near Witch review. Added Wicked Saints to my TBR, no telling when I’ll actually read it, but I’ll be interested to hear what you think. Have a great week!

    1. Last week was busy for me too! That meant I didn’t get to read very much, so I’m hoping to catch up this week. Thanks for putting Hotel Dare on my radar! Can’t wait to see what you think about it.

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