T10T: Backlist Books I Want to Read Right Now (or eventually…)

January 8, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week is meant to be our most anticipated releases of the first half of 2019, but I wasn’t feeling it, so I went in a totally different direction: backlist titles I want to read right now (or eventually). Basically, we’re talking about the books that I’m always dying to read, but never seem to get around to! Maybe in the comments, you all can help me decide which ones I should hurry up and read ASAP, and I can try to fit a couple of them in before Late-a-thon ends! ?

PicMonkey Collage.jpg563.jpg1. Second Chance Summer — Morgan Matson

2. The Miseducation of Cameron Post — Emily M. Danforth

 3. The Scorpio Races — Maggie Stiefvater

4. Alice — Christina Henry

5. It Ends With Us — Colleen Hoover

6. The Serpent King — Jeff Zentner

7. Vampire Academy — Richelle Mead

8. Rhapsodic — Laura Thalassa

9. This Savage Song — Victoria Schwab

10. The Bone Witch — Rin Chupeco

Do you have any backlist titles you keep meaning to read, but never get around to?

Which book from my list do you think I should read first?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. Thank you! Oh man, that’s a pretty big recommendation—I’m one of those weird people who loves books that make me cry so the fact that it was one of very FEW books to do that to you? Yup, I’m SOLD lmao!

    1. I really liked It Ends With Us and Second Chance Summer. Sad books, but worth reading. I definitely have a large backlist of books to get through. It seems never-ending!

    1. I need to finish listening to The Bone Witch. I started last year but didn’t finish it. I think I would like it more though if I was actually reading it so it’s kind of tough. But that is a book I want to read this year and take off my TBR. One book on my backlist I want to read this year is A Thousand Nights. I heard so many good things about it and… I never read it.

    1. The Bone Witch! I haven’t read it yet but I’ve heard great things from friends I trust. I hope to read it this year as well. And The Scorpio Races is also one that I keep meaning to read and then never do ><

    1. literally my main goal of 2019 is to catch up on my old backlist books so i feel ya on this! ? the scorpio races is one of the oldest books on my tbr so yikes, i need to get to it asap
      it ends with us is wonderful from memory but quite a hard read (seriously, major tws for domestic violence). vampire academy is fun is you’re looking for a 2012-era ya vampire romance (totally fave of mine back in the day!)

      1. Bahahaha I’m glad I’m not alone! I know I won’t be able to catch up on mine this year but I am aiming to knock at least 100 books off of it. Good luck to us both, whew! ? And thank you so much for the TW on It Ends With Us ♥♥♥

    1. I haven’t read any of these (although I bought This Savage Song on sale last year). My friend is always raving about The Vampire Academy though… once at work she talked to me about it for 1/2 hour… so that would be my friend Lydia’s recommendation!

    1. This Savage Song is wonderful! I also have Alice on my TBR.
      The Diviners is one I have been meaning to read forever! Hopefully 2019 is the year I’ll pick it up

    1. I have SO MANY backlist books that somehow I never seem to read. I should actually make a list too!
      I hope you get to read these books!

    1. Most of these are also on my backlist – the only one I’ve read is Vampire Academy, and I’ve completely forgotten everything that happened in it so I need to reread it before I move on to the sequels anyway! Good luck with getting through some of these books this year, hopefully you’ll enjoy them and they’ll have been worth the wait.

    1. Ha ha literally half the books on my shelves are backlist books that I never seem to get you, so I totally feel you here. Of your list, I’ve read This Savage Song, which wasn’t my favourite of Victoria Schwab’s books, but I would still recommend, if only because the sequel, Our Dark Duet, is really great. I’ve also read The Scorpio Races, which I liked, but not as much as The Raven Cycle by the same author.
      My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2019/01/08/top-ten-tuesday-193/

    1. Alice, The Scorpio Races, It Ends With Us, Vampire Academy, and This Savage Song are ALL on my backlist. Actually, the only one of these that I’ve read is The Serpent King. I thought it was… fine? One of those I’m-glad-I-read-it-but-wouldn’t-read-it-again books. Although there was a bit of heartbreak in there….
      Anywho. 🙂 I hope you really enjoy these when you get there!

    1. I’m frantically trying to get in the perfect mood to read Rhapsodic because I have this tingly feeling that I’m really going to like it. I remember The Scorpio Races as super interesting when I read it a few years ago! c:

    1. Both The Serpent King and Second Chance Summer broke my heart (and I obviously loved them). I can’t wait for you to read it, but… prepare some tissues haha 🙂

      1. Thank you! That’s one that I honestly can’t believe I haven’t read yet, because it sounds perfectly up my alley—I just somehow always forget about it until I have too many current reads to add another at that moment! *sigh*

    1. I’ve heard of a few of thoses, but haven’t read any.
      I FINALLY read both “radio silence” and “Eliza & her monsters”.. but I still have to read “under rose tainted skies”, “reasons to stay alive”, two Ruth Wares..

    1. I want to read more of Morgan Matson’s books! I read Save The Date last year and it was such a delightful read! The Scorpio Races is one of my favourite books and It Ends With Us is such an intense read. The Bone Witch and especially it’s sequel is so so good! I hope you enjoy all of these!

    1. I have so many backlist titles that I want to get to. I have The Serpent King and It Ends With Us that I haven’t read yet. The only one I have read on your list was This Savage Song. I listened to the audiobook and personally I didn’t like the narrator and I think that’s why I didn’t like the story.
      Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. I know I say this constantly but, Alice is amazing, and I think it would be really interesting to read if you’d just picked up the og story! As always, check out the triggers before you pick it up!

      1. I seriously don’t know why I haven’t hurried up and read it yet!! Sometimes I legitimately consider putting myself on an ARC ban for a month and only reading backlist books that I’m dying to get to like Alice!

        1. You should! Do it like a monthly challenge and turn it into a cool blog post, that’s how I motivate myself to read particular books sometimes!

          1. Ooooh that would be super fun… I’d just have to pick a good month for it! I’d have to pick a month where I don’t have many ARCs coming out so I could catch up ahead of time — which wouldn’t be any time soon sadly as I have tons of ARCs for every month until July as of right now ?? I’m grateful but also kicking myself…

            1. SOO many arcs! How do you do it??? You should definitely try and have a challenge month though, they’re so much fun!

            1. I don’t know ? I’m failing so hard right now and this month has been a huge lesson in learning how to not beat myself up. I normally consider it a bad month if the month ends and I have more than 1 or 2 ARCs that came out that month and I didn’t get to within a week or so of their release (preferably before their release though). But January is almost over and I’ve missed the releases of 4 of my January ARCs so far, plus I have 4 releasing on the 29th and I don’t think I can get to them all in time. So I’m just trying to take this as an example to learn to stop biting off so much more than I can chew!

            1. I generally try not to stress about them! Just catch up on them once the audiobooks come out and read them that way!

    1. I love that you made the topic your own ?
      I have SO many backlisted books to get to, I hope I’ll be able to do it this year. I’ve heard amazing things about The Serpent King and I’m really interested in reading it too! Another book that I really want to read is This Savage Song – I’ve heard it’s amazing!
      I haven’t read anything by Schwab yet, but I really want to change that in 2019. Good luck with all these books and happy reading x

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