T10T: 2017 Releases I Didn’t Read Yet

January 9, 2018

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is Top Ten Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn’t Get To! There were a lot of books I wanted to read in 2017, but didn’t get around to, so the hard part about this week’s post was just narrowing it down to only 10! To help me slim my pickings, I decided to focus only on 2017 releases that I intended to read when they came out, but forgot about.


1. The Bone Witch – Rin Chupeco
You’ll probably hear me say this a lot in today’s post, but this was a book I pre-ordered and then promptly let collect dust on my shelf all. freaking. year. I think it’s because, by the time I had a free slot in my #currentreads shelf, so many people had called it boring that I passed it by. In recent months, I’ve learned 2 things: 1) A lot of reviewers I trust very much adored it, and 2) The average Goodreads user’s idea of “very slow” usually translates to my idea of “GIVE THIS THING ALL THE STARS!”

2. Strange the Dreamer – Laini Taylor
I swear, I must have drooled over this book a million times in 2017. I wanted to read it right when it released, but I hated the US hardback and wanted the UK version instead. I kept hemming and hawing about ordering it, for one reason or another, and didn’t add it to my shelves until receiving it for Christmas a few weeks ago. (Thanks, Mom!)

3. The Alchemists of Loom – Elise Kova
This wasn’t technically on my TBR before it released, but I first heard about this book in February or March, and it was immediately on my radar. That said, when I learned Elise was releasing the entire trilogy in 2017, I decided to wait until the 3rd book released before I started the series.

4. Once and For All – Sarah Dessen
Anyone who knows me well, knows that my love for YA contemporary was literally birthed exclusively by Sarah’s writing, so I make a habit of pre-ordering every single book she releases. I usually read them right away, which is why I can’t possibly explain the fact that I haven’t read this one yet.

5. The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding – Alexandra Bracken
I’m a total sucker for MG horror, and this one sounded like it was right up my alley. I received it as a birthday gift shortly after its release and picked it up immediately, but got distracted with a million other reads and put it back on my shelf, where it has glared at me from its sad little spot ever since.


6. The Valiant – Lesley Livingston
All I had to hear was “female gladiators” and I was sucked in, but I ended up not getting my hands on a copy until October, and now I just haven’t gotten to it yet. I don’t have a good reason for this one.

7. Wires & Nerve, Vol 1 – Marissa Meyer
Pre-ordered it. Fangirled over it. Ooohed and ahhhhed over it. Aaaaand then realized I didn’t want to read it until I finished The Lunar Chronicles series, which still hasn’t happened. (Guess who pre-ordered Vol 2 for that pre-order swag, though?)

8. Sleeping Beauties – Stephen King & Owen King
I was really excited about the synopsis of this one, plus I love Joe Hill so much that I was super curious to see how one of Stephen’s other children’s writing would be! That said, even when I got this (right when it released), deep down, I knew it wasn’t happening for a while…

9. Gray Wolf Island – Tracey Neithercott
This sounded so unique and interesting, and then I even got an eARC for it, like, the day before it released, and I was so stoked… and it never happened. I’m sorry I failed you, NetGalley (again).

10. A Line in the Dark – Malinda Lo
A queer thriller? Sign me up. I actually requested an ARC of this one 3 or 4 times (through emails and eARC sites), but never lucked up on getting an approval, and I still haven’t purchased a finished copy. *whomp whomp whoooomp*

What was a 2017 release that you meant to read right away, but never got around to?


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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          1. I probably won’t get to Prosper quite that soon, but I do really need to get a review of Gray Wolf Island put up on NetGalley, so I’d be down for February on that one if you want. 🙂

            1. That’s fine no rush on Prosper. I’m down to read Gray Wolf Island next month. I’m so excited now. I’m looking forward to it.

    1. Last year I read “Daughter of Smoke and Bone” and completely fell in love with Laini Taylor`s writing. I definitely want to read “Strange The Dreamer” and its upcoming sequel this year.
      Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. Oh, I wanted to read “Sleeping Beauties” last year as well but I got the feeling that many readers didn’t enjoy it that much, so those negative reviews scared me away a little bit 😀 I still want to read it though but considering that it’s quite a long novel (unsurprisingly for Stephen King^^) I could definitely need some encouragement 😀

    1. Great list! Strange the Dreamer was my favorite book of 2017 so I hope you enjoy! The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding was such a great Halloween book. I’m really hoping to read Sleeping Beauties and A Line in the Dark this year.

    1. same on Once and for All!! i preordered it and everything and i was so excited to get to it…and then i thought “hey i’ll reread other dessen books and THEN read it”…and guess who hasn’t picked up a single dessen book since???

    1. The Bone Witch, Strange The Dreamer, The Alchemists of Loom and The Valiant are all still on my TBR as well. Hope you’ll get to all of these in 2018 🙂

    1. The Bone Witch has been collecting dust on my shelf too. I tried to read it, but I didn’t get too far. I guess I wasn’t in the mood.

    1. Oh my gosh I borrowed and returned The Bone Witch without reading it so many times haha I really need to just pick it up and start reading. xD Strange the Dreamer is on my list, as well! I kept meaning to read it and never did, lol. (Why is that the story of my life though, oops.) Lovely list, I hope you get around to these books sometime in 2018! <3

    1. Oh yeah i do the pre-order and then let them gather dust on my shelves a lot too. I see you judging me The Last Magician! Hopefully we will get to the books on our lists this year. 😀

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