T10T: 2018 Debuts I Missed

January 22, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic was supposed to be about books I meant to read in 2018 but didn’t, but I wanted to narrow it down to debut novels released in 2018 that I meant to read, but didn’t (and will try to read this year!).



1. A Thousand Perfect Notes — C. G. Drews
YA contemporary
I honestly can’t believe I haven’t read this! I pre-ordered it months before it released and was so excited to support Cait (or Paperfury, for some of you!), and yet I know this is gonna wreck my heart so I haven’t read it yet?! Dammit, I am prioritizing this ASAP, tears or no tears.

2. The Beauty That Remains — Ashley Woodfolk
YA contemporary

 3. Sea Witch — Sarah Henning
YA fantasy

4. Nothing Left to Burn — Heather Ezell
YA contemporary

5. Always Never Yours — Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka
YA contemporary
(Emily wasn’t a 2018 debut, but Austin was!)


6. Not Even Bones — Rebecca Schaeffer
YA fantasy/paranormal/horror

7. Heart of Thorns — Bree Barton
YA fantasy

8. You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone — Rachel Lynn Solomon
YA contemporary

9. The Wicked Deep — Shea Ernshaw
YA fantasy/paranormal

10. American Panda — Gloria Chao
YA contemporary


What were some 2018 releases you missed?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Circe, Starry Eye’s, and Lifel1k3!! My post is going up tomo but those are the 2018 pubs! From your list, I can’t wait to get to Sea Witch or Wicked Deep!

    1. Ugh yes I need to read A Thousand Perfect Notes still as well. I had it on pre order and then it got cancelled on the day of release. OHMYGOSHWHY and then had to reorder and got a faulty cover edition. -_- And now I still haven’t read it. Hopefully soon though.

        1. The spine is on the backcover. The cover got misprinted so I have a white line on the cover then the cover start and continues onto the spine and the actual spine is mostly on the back cover.

    1. I really want to read Not Even Bones too! And I’ve had a copy of A Thousand Perfect Notes on my Kindle for ages because I really wanted to support Cait, but I haven’t read it either. Something to rectify this year for sure.
      Happy reading, Destiny!

    1. I started Sea Witch last year but never finished it. I really should reread it this year and finish it this time.
      This is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. I have the same shame for A Thousand Perfect Notes. I really wanted to get to it this month, but so far I haven’t had the chance and it’s eating me alive.
      I have read Always Never Yours on the other hand and it was a super cute read! I hope you enjoy it!

    1. A Thousand Perfect Notes should be on my list too! I don’t usually read contemporaries, but I really wanted to support Cait! It just kept getting pushed down my TBR. Hopefully we can both get to it this year! Happy reading!

    1. Ahhhhh. I really liked A Thousand Perfect Notes and I loved The Beauty That Remains, Always Never Yours and Nothing Left To Burn (favorite read of 2018)! I hope you’ll get to read these books at some point 😀 <3

    1. I’ve read A Thousand Perfect Notes and The Wicked Deep and didn’t think they were spectacular, but always am interested to hear your thoughts.
      For me, the debut books from 2018 I hope to read this year are ‘Children of Blood and Bone’, ‘Seven and a half deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle’, ‘The Poppy War’ and ‘The Poet X’. There were also lots of non-debut books I want to read. 2019 was supposed to be about the backlist but I keep going to the library!

      1. I wasn’t personally a big fan of CoBaB, but I was majorly in the minority there, so I’m crossing my fingers for you! And The Poppy War was one I almost put on this list. It sounds so good. 🙂

    1. A Thousand Perfect Notes is on my list as well… and I picked it out of the TBR jar, so I’ll be reading it soon! I have to finish The Last Year of the War and an ARC to put on my blog on February 4th first though. And I also want to read American Panda.

    1. I need to read A Thousand Perfect Noted ASAP!!! I keep telling myself to read it and just … haven’t? What’s wrong with me!? Definitely need to prioritize it! I also have to pick up The Wicked Deep and Sea Witch as well!
      American Panda is the sweetest, fluffiest book ever! I adore it to pieces! ?

    1. So many good books!! I loved the heartbreaking brilliance that is A Thousand Perfect Notes and you definitely need to get to that, ASAP! I hope you enjoy all of these.

    1. I read Always Never Yours last year and I really liked it. Meg the main character is really cool and kickass and overall I enjoy the story and romance. I also recently read American Panda and it was so cute! The Taiwanese representation was really good and I loved Mei and her complicated family dynamics.
      I hope you get to read most of these books soonish and I hope you enjoy them all ?

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