T10T: Characters I Want to Hang Out With

March 5, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic was supposed to be about characters we’d like to trade places with, but I read a lot of fantasy and horror, which leads to lots of characters in positions I definitely don’t wanna be in! ? Instead, I decided to focus on characters I want to hang out with — with a twist: 5 from books, and 5 from TV shows!


1. Cassian from A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOTAR)
He’s hilarious, protective, sweet, and, well… have you met him? If you have, you probably get it. ♥

2. Cress from Cress (The Lunar Chronicles)
She’s sweet, fun, and I just loved her to pieces during Cress and would totally hang out with her. I think there’d be NO end to the laughs and surprises there!

3. Kady Grant from Illuminae (The Illuminae Files)
What’s not to like about Kady? She’s feisty, loyal, brilliant, hilarious, sarcastic, and everything I want in a lady, tbh.

4. Blue Sargent from The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle)
Blue is one of those book heroines who I can never quite tell if I love her because I relate to her, or because she’s just one of my book crushes, but either way, she’s incredible. She doesn’t see her own values sometimes, but she’s so brave and loving and will do anything for her little found family.

5. Luna Lovegood from HP and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter)
Luna was my first ever book crush on a girl, and she’s always going to hold such a special place in my heart. She’s an odd egg for sure, but she’s so caring and the way she treats people, especially Harry when he needs her—no joke, I get a little emotional just thinking about it. She’s one of my favorite characters ever written and I’ll never get over her. ♥

6. GiR from Invader ZIM
I honestly don’t even think I have to say anything here if you’ve ever seen the show, but if you haven’t, do yourself a favor and look on youtube for literally any clips featuring this little weirdo.

7. Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy
I know Meredith isn’t always the most popular character, but I really adore the way she sticks up for herself and isn’t afraid to go off on a tangent when something is wrong.
NOTE: In a decade of being a fan of this show, I’ve never made it past season 8 because I’m terrified of the things that I know are coming. Someone please motivate me to suck it up and catch up on this freaking show. ?

8. Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers
Like GiR, Louise is another character you just have to see in action. She’s so freaking funny and terrifying. I’d probably somewhat regret hanging out with her but it’d be worth it.

9. Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad
Freakin’ Jesse, man. Do you ever have those characters you just can’t talk to people about without getting emotional because you love them SO MUCH and you just want so badly for them to be safe and happy and healthy? That’s Jesse. ?

10. Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender
I feel like I inadvertently saved my favorite show and my favorite character for last, but seriously, Sokka was… I don’t know how to say this without knowing some of y’all will think I’m strange: Sokka was a life-saving character for me. I’ve been following the show since its premiere (literally, I watched it live as it premiered and never missed an episode!) and was going through a REALLY hard time when it began. I was struggling tremendously with depression and didn’t know how to ask for help. Every day was hard, but for that little window of time during each episode, thanks to the entire character cast but especially thanks to Sokka, I could let go of everything scaring and upsetting me and just… laugh. I needed it more than I could ever have described. I always say that Zuko is the best character development arc I’ve ever seen, and I stand by that, but I don’t remember often enough to gush about what Sokka’s character meant to me as the silly, goofy, protective, angry big brother/comic relief.

Aaaand now I’m gonna stop typing and go mop up this stupid puddle of tears (no, really, where did these feels even COME from?!). 

fanart credit:
1. Cassian
2. Cress
3. Kady
4. Blue
5. Luna


Are any of these characters near and dear to your heart, too? Let me know in the comments a character who you’d love to hang out with, or who you have a crush on, or maybe one that makes you as emotional as Sokka makes me! ??


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Ooh Kady from Illuminae! And some of the other ones too in that series- what a fun group that would be to hang out with and go through wormholes together and all that lol.

      1. Yessss! I adore Kady but I felt like I could have written half this list from that series because the characters are so lovable. It was hard at first for me to pick between her and Nik for my Illuminae Files character pick. 🙂

    1. Kady, blue, Meredith ?? such great choices!! Reminds me that I have a few seasons to go to catch up on Grey’s haha

      1. Haha at least I’m not the only one who needs to catch up!! I recently restarted the series (for the… 5th time? 6th maybe?) because for some reason the first several seasons are like my “comfort food” TV haha!

      1. Ooohhh, I love Luna so much! I really got a little bit choked up talking about her to my spouse the other day, it was silly but I was gushing about how great of a friend she is to Terry and I got emotional haha!

    1. Your list is so great! I did a mixture of book and television characters as well! Luna and Meredith made my list, and I’m now a little salty that I forgot about Bob’s Burgers because I’m a definite Tina.

      1. Thank you! Oooh I’m gonna have to go check out your list! Hahahaha Tina is AMAZING. I love it. I love everyone on that show so much, really! My spouse always jokes that Linda and I would get along great because we would just get drunk and throw around puns all night. ?

        1. It really is hard to pick a favorite character from that show. I think one of the reasons I love it so much is because I can find a bit of myself in each of them. I would DEFINITELY be down to get wine drunk with Linda hahaha. Every now and then I can do a really good impersonation of her saying “alriiiiiight” and it cracks my husband up.

    1. I would love to hang out with those book characters as well!

    1. What a great way to twist the topic! But wouldn’t we all want to hang out with the entire Inner Circle and the Rampion crew in just one big hang out?

    1. I love what you did with this week’s list. I couldn’t think of enough people I’d want to be, but I’d certainly like to hang out with quite a few people in books I read!

    1. Great twist on the topic because, yeah, who’d want to actually be most characters? They have hard lives! I’d love to hand out with Cress or the Avatar gang though!
      My TTT this week.

      1. Haha thank you! They really do have hard lives, don’t they? But if I could get into their worlds post-incident, when it’s all settled down and safe? Heck yeah. ? I’d totally go spend some time in the Commonwealth or Omashu or something.

    1. Cassian, Kady Grant, Louise, Luna.. so many amazing characters! I think every character you chose would make amazing dinner party guest haha!

    1. Omg I’ve never made it past season 8 either and now I’m too scared. Whenever I used to get Really depressed, the early seasons of greys were the first thing I would turn to to watch because even though there were some super sad storylines the friendships between the main characters are so comforting to me.

      1. Oh I relate to this SO hard. I’ve rewatched the first 5-6 seasons several times because it’s my comfort show when I’m really down and just need to curl up in bed and veg out on something. <3

      1. I could honestly totally see Blue and Luna being friends! Blue would believe Luna and listen to her stories, and Luna would let Blue be quiet and cranky when she needs to be. ♥

    1. I like what you did here. I didn’t want to come up with characters I wanted to switch places with, so I did ones I didn’t. I wish I would have done this instead!

    1. Luna would be great to hang out with! As would Meredith! You really should get watching Grey’s, yes it will pull ALL the emotions out of you but it is so worth it!

    1. Blue and Luna seem like such great characters to hang out with and of course Sokka is just amazing haha.

    1. I love this post, Destiny! Blue, Luna, and Cress are all such amazing, precious characters, and I would LOVE to spend the day with them! I feel like they all have such a unique way of seeing the world, and it’d be such a treat to have them share their perspective with me! And that’s so wonderful how Sokka’s humor and light-heartedness was able to help you so much! To this day, I’ll crack up over every joke he makes, no matter how many times I’ve heard it! <3

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