T10T: Bookish Worlds I Need More Time in

March 12, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic was supposed to be about standalone books that need a sequel, which got me thinking about series that should’ve been longer, which brought me to this twist on the theme: bookish worlds I need more time in!


1. Whimsy & the Fair Folk lands — An Enchantment of Ravens
I was 100% NOT READY for AEOR to end, and I’d still kill for more books set in the village of Whimsy and its surrounding atmospheric-as-hell Fair Folk lands.

2. Karthia — Reign of the Fallen series
We got two whole books in Karthia, but let’s be real, that wasn’t nearly enough. There’s just so much left that I feel like warrants exploring, and I know Sarah must have a million more characters in her head that I need to meet!

3. The Four Londons — Shades of Magic series
What’s not to love about the four Londons? Whether it’s Dull London, Kell London, Creepy London, or Dead London, I’m endlessly fascinated by and/or in love with and/or terrified of all of them. (Luckily, we do get to revisit this world in the future!)

4. Erilea — Throne of Glass series
If you wondered why I still haven’t finished reading Kingdom of Ash… well, this is why. I’m just still not ready to say goodbye.

5. Akielos & Vere — Captive Prince series
What I wouldn’t give for another full trilogy set in Akielos and Vere! I don’t even need a plot, really; several hundred pages of fluffy filler material and banter would be plenty…

6. Henrietta — The Raven Cycle
This is another one that’s probably borderline cheating, since we do get to spend more time in Henrietta, and very soon (y’all best believe I’ve got that doodled & signed copy pre-ordered!) — but I can’t help it, I had to include it. I miss my babies. ?

7. SPAAAAACE — The Illuminae Files
(It seemed like it would take up too much room to name all of the settings.) Seriously, though, I miss Kady and Ez and Nik and Ella SO. FREAKING. MUCH.

8. Hogwarts — Harry Potter series
know I’m not alone when I say how badly I would love to have had more time in Hogwarts, but not through licensed fanfiction (*cough*) or anything else weird. I just wasn’t ready for the original books to end!

9. Midas — To Kill a Kingdom
Technically, I’d rather spend more time in the oceanic settings of TKAK, but Midas was the only setting’s name I could remember and I was too lazy to go grab my book off the shelf. ? But either way, this is one standalone I definitely have been craving a sequel to!

10. Camp Half-Blood — Percy Jackson and the Olympians
This last one might sound silly, because I’ve only just finished PJO, and obviously, I have more series ahead of me by Uncle Rick (and even with some of the same characters!), but… it didn’t stop me from actually shedding a tear at the end of The Last Olympian because I was so sad to see that specific series come to a close!

Are there any bookish worlds you regretted saying goodbye to, or series you’re putting off finishing because you’re not ready yet, like me?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. An Enchantment of Ravens sounds SO good, and the way you describe it as well, with the faery lands makes me want to read it even more. Plus that cover is all kinds of awesome.

    1. I haven’t read Kingdom of Ash yet either. Soon. It’s a big book though, and with all the other books begging for attention, I just haven’t gotten there yet. But I want to find out what happens nevertheless!

    1. Holy crap YES! I agree with like ALL of them!
      I recently finished Reign of the fallen duology, and I NEED MORE!!
      Also Illuminae! Even if they are just going to drink tea together the whole book, I would love it. Those characters are the best! (Would prefer if they would actually do something though!)

    1. I’m reading To Kill A Kingdom at the moment and loving it but I’m almost finished I don’t want it to end! I’m super excited for us to have more time in the Four Londons (I need Threads of Power now!) and Henrietta (ditto with Call Down The Hawk). I love Camp Half-Blood but sadly feel like I’ve outgrown Rick Riordan’s writing, so I think the end of Trials of Apollo will be my last foray into the PJO universe. I would also love more time in Hogwarts-seriously why can’t we have a Marauders prequel? We all want it darn it!
      My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2019/03/12/top-ten-tuesday-202/

    1. Harry Potter, for sure. Also, Panem and The Hunger Games trilogy. The way it ended was nice, but I want to see more!

    1. I get why you put Henrietta on here. I am so excited we get to spend more time there. It can’t come soon enough in my opinion!

    1. I could definitely use more time in Hogwarts, please and thank you, but just … not the direction it’s going right now. xD I’m picky, I know. A world I just can’t get enough of is the world in the Villains series by V.E. Schwab! I can’t even begin to imagine what sort of EO I would be, but rest assured, I totally would be. I face enough life-threatening situations as it is. xD

    1. ? I adore your names for the different Londons in ADSOM! And I feel the same way about Kingdom of Ash! I bought the book the day is came out, but I haven’t read it yet because I’m so sacred of what I’ll do once it ends. (And because I still haven’t finished my re-read.) And Henrietta is such a wonderful setting! I can’t wait to reread that series before the Ronan trilogy come out! It’s been too long since I read those books!

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