T10T: Spring TBR

March 19, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Every season, I dedicate one T10T post to that season’s TBR.
Since spring starts this week, it’s time to look back on my winter TBR and let you know which 10 books I specifically want to read over the next few months!

While you’re here, you can also check out the spring TBR jar I posted last week!



  1. King of Scars ❌
  2. A Curse So Dark and Lonely ✅
  3. Binti: The Complete Trilogy ✅
  4. The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away ✅
  5. The Weight of the Stars ✅
    • (in progress)
  6. Wicked Saints ✅
    • (in progress)
  7. This Mortal Coil ❌ (started and set aside for later)
  8. A Heart in a Body in the World ❌
  9. The Black Farm ✅
    • review to come ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  10. Kingdom of Ash ❌

1. Girls on the Verge — Sharon Biggs Waller
We don’t see a lot of actively pro-choice books in YA, so I’m very interested in this one, plus I’m hearing great reviews from friends!
review copy; releases April 9th

2. In the Neighborhood of True — Susan Kaplan Carlton
1) I’m super here for historical Jewish rep that goes outside of the box, and 2) I’m on the blog tour for this one, so I definitely gotta read it before it releases!
review copy; releases April 9th

3. The Raven’s Tale — Cat Winters
A retelling of The Raven? My little Poe-loving heart is so happy.
review copy; releases April 16th

4. The Bride Test — Helen Hoang
After how much I loved The Kiss Quotient, HOW did I not start reading this the second it downloaded onto my kindle? Nobody knows!
review copy; releases May 7th

5. Hope and Other Punchlines — Julie Buxbaum
THIS COVER. This synopsis. This author. I’m here for it all and was SO excited when I was approved for an ARC of it!
review copy; releases May 7th

6. That Kind of Guy — Talia Hibbert
I’m so ready for a new Talia Hibbert release in the Ravenswood series, so I pre-ordered this as soon as it went up on Amazon! I already know I’ll be reading it the moment I get my grubby little fingers on it (which hopefully will be before its release, since I’ve gotten Talia’s ARCs in the past!).
releases May 2nd

7. On the Come Up — Angie Thomas
I actually can’t believe this has been out for over a month now and I haven’t read it yet! I know it’s going to be amazing. ♥

8. The Priory of the Orange Tree — Samantha Shannon
This is definitely the most ambitious title on the list since, well, she thicc, but I’ll be so pleased if I can read it before spring is out! I think I should be able to, since I’ll be participating in a veeeery sloooow buddy read with Whitley!

9. A Thousand Perfect Notes — C.G. Drews
Given how much I love PaperFury, and how fast I pre-ordered this baby, I genuinely was shocked a few weeks ago when I realized that I pre-ordered it, received it, took pretty pictures of it, put it on my shelf… and never read it?!?! 
Obviously, I have to fix that ASAP.

10. A Heart in a Body in the World — Deb Caletti
I’m legitimately a little bit mad at myself for not making time to read this during the winter when it was on my winter TBR, so you bet your butt I’m fixing that this season!

Do you enjoy creating seasonal TBRs?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I don’t create seasonal tbr’s when I make monthly or even yearly tbr’s I have a hard sticking to those. So, I don’t think seasonal tbr’s would work. I tend to sway away from my monthly tbr’s and end up reading whatever I’m in the mood for.

    1. I have not yet succeeded in making a TBR that I can stick two. After two attempts (both for read-a-thons) I have reasonably decided the TBR life is not for me. But looking at everyone else’s TBR? That, I enjoy! You can find so many new books in one place.

      1. Haha oh nooooo! I used to be the same way, not sure what changed but it means I can 100000% understand why TBRs do NOT work for everyone! Sometimes I wonder if I’d be MORE or LESS productive with my reading if I ditched them, but I have so much fun making them that I don’t want to find out yet. ? Thank you!

    1. I really want to read The Priory of the Orange Tree too! I actually made a acquisition request at my local library which was just approved. I’m so excited! I really need to catch up with Talia Hibbert’s Ravenswood. I haven’t read the second book yet, but I already know I’ll love it. I think I might listen to the audiobook of On the Come Up too, in the coming months. I think it’ll work well with the rap parts in the book.
      Happy reading, Destiny!

      1. That’s so exciting that they approved your request!! I hope you get to read it ASAP. 🙂 And the Ravenswood books are just so much fun! Oh yes, I bet the audio would really be the way to go with On the Come Up. I hope you enjoy it <3 thank you, you too!

    1. I love creating some seasonal tbr’s even if I never succeed in reading them all haha. I also still need to read A Thousand Perfect Notes even though I pre ordered it. #hides

    1. I guess my seasonal tbr is more of a “Oh god, look at all these new books that are coming out this month. They’re ALL going on my TBR.” So less to do with the season haha. And i just got Priory yesterday! Super excited. Hopefully it doesn’t take me the rest of the year to finish it. 😛

      1. Bahahaha ??? I always have a hard time not making my seasonal TBRs just lists of what I’ve most recently hauled. I have to make myself put upcoming ARCs on there or it’s a recipe for failure lol!

    1. On the Come Up was on my list this week, too.
      And I’m impressed you got so much of your winter TBR read considering the fact that you’re also juggling work, parenthood, and grad school. Wow!
      My Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. I have absolutely no clue when I’ll be reading The Priory. Like.. I really want to but since I can only read some pages at a time right now, it doesn’t seem like a smart move to start a giant book like that, haha! :’)

    1. Ahh, I hope you’ll get to A Thousand Perfect Notes soon, it was such a fantastic debut 🙂
      happy reading! 🙂 x

    1. I cannot wait for The Bride Test. It made my list, too! I feel like everyone is eagerly anticipating it. I hope you get to read all of these this spring.

    1. I picked up Kingdom of Ash the day it released, but have I read it yet? Of course not. I’ve decided that I’ll get to it over spring break. Hopefully that ends up working out, and I’m all caught up on my reread by then! I also did not know that Julie Buxbaum was releasing another book! I need to check it out!

    1. I can’t believe I haven’t read on the come up yet too! It’s on this month’s priority TBR for me. I’ll be so mad at myself if I still don’t get to it! I also am so intimidated by PRIORY! it’s so thick and I’m literally the slowest reader so it’ll probably take me about two months to read! Ahhh and besides that I’ve heard such good things about a heart in a body in the world, especially meltotheany. I can’t wait to hear your thought on wicked saints because I have heard some mixed things but a lot of people are loving it and it has such a dark gothic vibe to it. I love for books inspired by Eastern Europe and ones with shadow and bone Darkling feels to it

      1. I hope you get to read it ASAP! And yes, Priory does look huge haha. I’ve read longer books but something about how massive it is physically, whew. ? Wicked Saints has been good so far but hasn’t amazed me, so I’m hoping it does by the time it’s over! I’m definitely getting HUGE Darkling vibes and I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, because while I like the Darkling’s character a lot, knowing the author is so obsessed with him is making it feel like she’s almost trying too hard to mimic him? I’m hoping my opinion on that changes in time :/

    1. I have not thought of doing season TBR lists! This is a great idea. This year I separated some books out for 2019 TBR. You’ve got me thinking it could be even more cool to break things down seasonally…just might have to. Thanks to you I’ve added The Raven’s Tale and On the Come Up to my TBR. Which season, I don’t know, no promises but you put them on my radar. Thank you. If/when I read them I’ll be sure to send a shout out your way.

    1. Oh yes and I have read the first in the Binti trilogy. Plans to read the rest soon. As well by that author, Nnedi Okorafor, I read The Book of Phoenix a while ago and with my bad memory I forgot. BUT do NOT let my memory reflect the book, I did enjoy it and will be rereading it.

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