T10T: Books I Am Scared to Reread

April 10, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt was actually Books I Loved But Will Never Reread, but I thought I’d take it up a notch by listing ten books that I am actually afraid to reread, whether due to fear of problematic content, or just a worry that the writing won’t have stood the test of time and it will taint my precious memories.


1. The Twilight Saga — Stephenie Meyer
This one is a funny addition to the list, because I actually am rereading this series this summer (I just placed an order for the first 2 in used hardbacks last week, in fact!). I adored this series as a kid, until it reached Breaking Dawn. I hated the ending so much, I gave my books to my aunt and never looked back, but now I’m nervous/eager to reread them. #noshame
Last read: 2008

2. Dreamland — Sarah Dessen
This was one of my favorite Sarah Dessen books as a teen, because it was the first YA book I ever read that depicted an abusive romantic relationship, and I thought it captured it really well at the time. Now, roughly a decade (and multiple abusive relationships, unfortunately) later, I’m curious as to whether or not I’d still find this well-done.
Last read: 2007-ish?

3. Prodigal Son — Dean Koontz
The first book in the Frankenstein series is one I’ve been meaning to reread for a long time, but after how much my tastes have changed and how weary I grew of Koontz’s writing over the years, would I still love this one as much now as I did then?
Last read: 2010

4. Cold, Thin Air — C. K. Walker
Fun fact! This was, I think(?), the very first book I ever reviewed, as well as the first book I ever featured on my bookstagram. (Those awful pictures are long gone, so don’t bother checking, haha!) I 5-starred this one so fast, but I wonder if it would hold up as well now. (To be fair, she’s the Queen of NoSleep for a reason, so it probably would.)
Last read: 2016

5. The Nature of Jade — Deb Caletti
I think this was the first anxiety rep I ever read, and it meant a lot to me back then, but I wonder how it would hold up now that I’ve read so many other great books with anxiety rep, too?
Last read: 2009


6. North American Lake Monsters — Nathan Ballingrud
Probably the first horror anthology I ever truly, 100% loved? I remember reading this while I was in my first trimester of my pregnancy, and combined with the hormones, it had me a little bit rattled, but I’m a little harder to impress with horror stories than I was 3 years ago. Rereading it is actually on my “must read” list for the year!
Last read: 2015

7. The Association — Bentley Little
This was my first Bentley Little book, and it creeped me the hell out. Like, it’s hard for books to creep me out, but this one definitely did, so I kind of want to reread it to see if it still does?
Last read: 2012

8. The Truth About Forever — Sarah Dessen
This was my first Dessen book ever, and I loved it so much that I reread it several times in my teens, but I have no idea how it would hold up now! That said, I did reread my second book ever of hers, Just Listen, last year and still loved it.
Last read: 2009-ish?

9. Phantoms — Dean Koontz
This was my favorite Koontz book at the time that I read it, but as I said earlier, I’ve grown weary of his writing, so I have no idea if this would still be even remotely enjoyable for me to reread!
Last read: 2011

10. The Perks of Being a Wallflower — Stephen Chbosky
This was probably my singular favorite standalone of my teens, but I haven’t picked it up in 10 years now because I’m so worried that it would fall short for me and basically ruin my entire teenage bookish memory?
Last read: 2008

Are there any books that you are afraid to reread? If so, why?


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. You chose to spin the topic just like I did, and Twilight made my list as well! I LOVED those books when I read them (I believe I was in my second/third year of college when Eclipse came out and I even went to the midnight release party at Borders. lol). Like you, though, I really did not like Breaking Dawn. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to read them again and have that same feeling. I don’t want to taint my previous reading experience!
      – Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

      1. That’s amazing! I love that we both had the same idea and that we both picked Twilight for our lists. 😀 Yesss, exactly – how could I ever love them as much now as I did back then?!

    1. I quit the Twilight series in the last book too, but honestly have been thinking of rereading >_<

    1. I recently re-read Twilight and it was definitely a different reading experience for me. It’s really interesting to do that!

    1. I don’t know most of these but I got rid of my twilight books when I was pregnant. I first read New Moon which I really enjoyed but then the other books could never quite match it and as time passed, I just can’t imagine ever picking them up again. I don’t read much vampire stuff anymore anyway.

    1. I’m just not a rereader, and frankly, I’d hate to reread a beloved book only to have it disappoint me and ruin my memories?

    1. I’m also afraid to re-read most of Sarah Dessen’s books. Her books were my escape route of choice throughout high school and into college. But, I don’t own any of her books, and I’m not sure that I would want to, either.

        1. I did love the movie though-it’s one of those books where the story is great, it just came across better for me on screen than in the book.

    1. Ohhhh Twilight. I definitely loved it when I read it too, but wouldn’t re-read it now lol. Also lol I’m glad I’m not the only one who hated the ending! 😛

    1. hmmm… i don’t think so, to be honest…
      although i said the same thing about movies… when i was around 9-10, my fave mivie was Hercules with lou ferrigno…. then i rewatched it as an adult,, and omg… i mean i see ehy it appeals to a child, but still…

    1. I have no shame with Twilight as well. While The Host is something I read nearly yearly, I have reread the Twilight series a few times over the years.

    1. I agree with The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I did enjoy it when I read it but I will probably never re-read it!

    1. There are a lot of pretty good books coming out this year….. I may not get any re-reading done at all….. which is fine by me… I’m gonna devour all the shiny new books 😀
      Happy Reading!

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