T10T: Books That Made My Eyes Rain

April 16, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s theme was “rainy day reads”, but to me, ANY book is a rainy day read — it’s just perfect reading weather! Instead, I thought I’d pick 10 books that made my eyes rain. ? Here are a few tearjerkers I loved!


  • The Hearts We Sold — Emily Lloyd-Jones
    • This book had some heavy content anyways (major TW for abusive parents), but there were two twists that broke my heart and left me sobbing. I never saw either of them coming and I’m still devastated over them. ?
  • Second Chance Summer — Morgan Matson
    • It’s literally a book about a girl spending the summer with her family during her father’s final few months of battling cancer, so you go into the book knowing it’s going to be sad, but no amount of preparing myself was able to numb me to this ending.
  • Over and Over Again — Cole McCade
    • This one’s different because it’s not necessarily meant to be a tearjerker, but it’s a long, slow-burning romance and I’ve read it twice and just quietly cried through most of it both times. I’ve had this problem ever since I was a preteen where I just get really, unreasonably emotional while reading slow-burn romances — especially when they have such sweet chemistry like Luca and Imre do! — and these two just kill me. ♥

  • Summer Bird Blue — Akemi Dawn Bowman
    • The fact that it’s a book about a girl mourning her sister’s death is bad enough, and I honestly cried at least once every 20% or so while reading this one, but there’s a scene with the mother towards the end that BROKE me. I’m talking ‘ugly-crying, hyperventilating, curling up with a blanket and napping afterwards because I was exhausted’ crying.
  • Circe — Madeline Miller
    • A lot of you may not relate to this one, and that’s okay, but Circe has some of the best motherhood representation I’ve ever read in my life and it really made me so emotional a few times. Circe loves her son so much and would truly do anything for him, and I definitely remember cuddling my little bear a lot while reading the chapters where her son was little.
  • Blood Water Paint — Joy McCullough
    • This is one of the most underrated books of my life, I swear. It’s a novel (mostly) written in verse about the life of Artemisia Gentileschi, a famous Roman painter whose career was almost ended before it truly began when she was assaulted by her mentor and took him to trial over it. If you want something to make you rage-cry, this is it.

  • The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo — Taylor Jenkins Reid
    • If I even gave a hint towards what in this book broke my heart, it would spoil a vital part of the story, so I won’t — I’ll just say that something happened in this gorgeous, incredible book that stopped me dead in my tracks and made me literally just slam the book shut, lay my head down on my desk, and sob. All I’ll say, for anyone who’s read it, is that it’s not the ending, but fairly close to it.
  • A Conjuring of Light — V.E. Schwab
    • I mean, this is one of my favorite series in the world. I was sad to see it end, I was terrified of what might happen to my babies, and there was pain. This entire book was basically just 624 pages of me trying (and failing) to keep my shit together.
  • Obsidio — Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
    • I mean, there’s a lot of sad stuff and some really terrifying moments in this book (terrifying as in DON’T YOU DARE HURT MY BABIES, AMIE & JAY!), but there’s one scene in particular where I was just sobbing, there was probably some snot going on, I considered curling up all the way under my house and laying there until the earth took me back… It was rough.
  • Just Listen — Sarah Dessen
    • Just Listen has been my favorite Dessen novel since I was a teen, and I’ve read it so many times, but it literally NEVER stops making me cry. It tackles PTSD and sexual assault, and there’s just this one scene where the survivor’s family learns what has happened to her, and their reaction is so genuine and broken that it always leaves me all messed up for a little while.

What was the last book to make you cry? Did any of the books in my list make you feel a little rainy, too?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Circe sounds amazing! And of course Taylor Jenkins Reid is phenomenal and I look forward to reading more from her- I really liked Maybe In Another Life.

    1. So many good books on this list! I LOVE Just Listen, it’s my favorite Dessen novel, and such an emotional read.

    1. Absolutely loved Circe. A beautiful story! I’ve heard son of Achilles is a tearjerker too ?

    1. I like how you twisted this topic today! Circe was on sale at Audible.com the other day so I got it; hopefully I’ll get the chance to listen to it soon.
      I don’t know the last book to make my eyes rain, but the most recent book that made me really ugly cry was Clockwork Princess. Which I mentioned this week as a book to read on a rainy day, because you can just go outside while you’re crying and people will think they’re just raindrops, LOL.

      1. Thank you! 😀 Oh, I hope you like it. I meant to grab that daily deal of Circe for rereading and I’m mad at myself for forgetting until the next morning!
        Clockwork Princess, OMG! That was brutal. ?? My poor babies! Hahaha I love that, just go cry outside. ? It reminds me of those little emo graphics we all used to use on Myspace back in the day. “I like walking in the rain so nobody can see my tears~”

    1. Fabulous list! I love that you’ve done books that have made your eyes rain. Genius! I adore Second Chance Summer. Such a beautiful read.

    1. Ooo these sound so good think I’ve added most of them to my tbr, I love a good teAr jerker

    1. I’ve only read two of these – Second Chance Summer and Obsidio – but BOY OH BOY did they make me cry! If I’m guessing the correct moment in Obsidio… there aren’t really words for what I felt in that moment, to be honest.

      1. Oh my gosh, Obsidio… did it involve a certain character running across a field? Because, HOLY CRAP, I just… I literally get a lump in my throat just THINKING about that scene, even knowing how everything ended. ??

    1. You reminded me that I need to read The Hearts We Sold!!! All your list is perfect honey, there are many books here that I still need to read but I feel that I’ll love once I do it ??✨

    1. Great list! I have been meaning to read something by Bowman for awhile – I’ve heard her books are wonderful. And the book that got me the worst was The Bronze Horseman. I actually cried for days. I literally had trouble sleeping. It was just too much emotion!

      1. Thank you! I’ve really enjoyed both of her books so far and she’s honestly made my auto-buy author list so quickly, so I hope you get the chance to read something by her soon! I’ve never read The Bronze Horseman, but now I’m very intrigued if it affected you that strongly! 😮

        1. You should definitely try it! Though also be aware it’s a trilogy. Knowing that it wasn’t over yet *might* have helped a little bit with my reaction to the first book. Haha. But still, SO many tears that were so worth it.

    1. Nice twist on this week’s topic! I haven’t read any of these, but they sound very emotional. I get emotional over books to (happy tears as well as sad tears). The most recent book that comes to mind that made me cry was Crooked Kingdom. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday

      1. Just Listen is sooo good, especially if you like YA contemporary and don’t mind some pretty heavy topics being explored. Thank you for stopping by! Sorry for the delayed reply, but I’ll check your list out, too! 😀

    1. I have been putting Second Chance Summer off for exactly the reasons you mentioned. I need to pick it up soon.
      There are only a few books that have made me sob. The one that I would recommend is Bright Side by Kim Holden. It’s the answer I give when someone asks what my favorite book is. I also sobbed with After It Rains and Me Before You. The last time I sobbed was at the end of Daisy Jones & The Six.

      1. Second Chance Summer is really sad but SO worth it! It’s just such an all-around great read. I really hope you get the chance to read it soon! It would be a perfect summer book since it’s very summer-y.
        Oooh, I’ll check out Bright Side, thank you! I still need to read Daisy Jones & The Six. I got an eARC of it but didn’t get to it in time, so I bought the audiobook with my Audible credit this month and want to start it soon!

    1. LOVE your list! YES Blood Water Paint is SO underrated! It was one of the best books I read last year and it’s so gorgeous and Artemisia Gentileschi is one of my heroes and I desperately want more people to read that book. I loved Circe, too, and I’m desperate to get to The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo – I’ve heard so many good things!

      1. Oh my gosh, SO UNDERRATED, I swear! It’s amazing. I’m so happy to hear someone agree with me on that!! I really hope you love Evelyn, too. I’m dying for a reread of that one some time this year!

    1. You’re so clever, Destiny! I kept thinking to myself, “WTH is a ‘rainy day read’?” There aren’t any specific books I read on a rainy day, lol!

    1. This is a great list! Second Chance Summer made me cry so hard. I loved it so much though haha. Can’t wait to read Evelyn Hugo and Summer Bird Blue 🙂

    1. Oh gosh, Circe was such a great book! The Song of Achilles also definitely pulled at my heartstrings. I don’t usually cry while reading books, but that last book that got me close was The Boy Who Steals Houses ?

      1. I need to finish The Song of Achilles soon! I picked up the audiobook on sale not too long ago, might have to pick it up in the next couple of months. <3 Ohhh, I heard that was pretty brutal! I want to read it!

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