T10T: Books I’d Cuddle a Nazgûl to Get Early

May 1, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt was actually Books I’d Slay a Lion to Get Early, but I don’t want to kill anything, and besides, cuddling a Nazgûl sounds hella scary. Anyways, here are 10 upcoming releases I’m super excited for, in order of release dates!

NOTE: These definitely aren’t ALL of my most anticipated upcoming releases — just the ones that I don’t have ARCs of!


1. Bright We Burn — Kiersten White
The finale to one of my very favorite trilogies (which, sadly, I have not been approved for an ARC of yet, but I’m still holding out hope!). I’m absolutely excited and terrified to see this story come to an end.
Releasing: July 10, 2018

2. City of Ghosts — Victoria Schwab
I’m so excited for Victoria’s upcoming MG release! Sad story about this one: when I met her a few weeks ago, she had ONE ARC with her and I was literally a millisecond away from being the person who got it. Heartbreak for life, man.
Releasing: August 28, 2018

3. The Storm Runner — J.C. Cervantes
To be fair, I’m excited about all of the books that have been announced for the Rick Riordan Presents imprint so far, but this is the one I’m most looking forward to: an urban fantasy about a disabled child who has to enter a war with the gods… to save his dog. Yes, hello, please sign me up for the feels. ♥
Releases: September 18, 2018

4. The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein — Kiersten White
Another Kiersten White release! (Don’t laugh, there were almost 3 on this list.) I love anything to do with Frankenstein, anyways, and I know that Kiersten will do this hist-fic retelling its due honor, especially since she’s a bit of a Mary Shelley fiend.
Releases: September 25, 2018

5. (Don’t) Call Me Crazy — edited by Kelly Jensen
This is an upcoming YA nonfic collection about mental health, and there are some real gems on the author list, but what really sold me on it was Victoria Schwab’s contribution, which she told me at her signing event was one of the things she’s most proud of in her writing career. That alone could have sold me on it no matter what!
Releases: October 2, 2018


6. Blanca & Roja — Anna-Marie McLemore
I loved Wild Beauty so much that it honestly put Anna-Marie on my auto buy list immediately, and this sounds so gorgeous and queer and wonderful. Plus, the rep in this book? One of the sisters is queer, one of the boys has a disability, and one of the characters is non-binary. ♥ I love how unapologetically diverse her books are.
Releases: October 9, 2018

7. Dear Heartbreak — edited by Heather Demetrios
First of all, the author lineup for this anthology is incredible. Second, it’s a book in which the editor had real teens send in stories of abuse, heartbreak, cheating, etc., and then the authors write short stories to “answer” those letters. It just sounds like such an incredibly unique, heavy, and authentic take on the topic.
Releases: December 18, 2018

8. The Wicked King — Holly Black
As the follow-up to The Cruel Prince (which you can read my review of here), I’m sure this one is going to be on a lot of this week’s lists! I don’t think I was the #1 fan of TCP, but I did 5-star it, and I do genuinely believe that TWK is going to be even better for me. ♥
Releases: January 8, 2019

9. King of Scars — Leigh Bardugo
Honestly, before I even met Nikolai Lantsov, I was excited about this just because his character is so widely loved, but now that I’ve read the Grisha trilogy? I NEED IT NOW. ♥ I honestly would be fine with a 9-book series on this cinnamon roll.
Releases: February 5, 2019

10. On the Come Up — Angie Thomas
I’ll be 100% honest: the synopsis for this one doesn’t attract my interest nearly as much as The Hate U Give‘s did. That said, Angie is such an incredible author and I loved her debut so much that I’d be silly not to be excited for this one, too!
Releases: February ???, 2019

What upcoming 2018/2019 releases are you most excited for?


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I almost added “The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein” because it does sound interesting… but since the genre is one I don’t read much of, then I kind of forgot about the book in final post editing stages.Who knows, perhaps I’ll still pick it up when the time comes! 🙂
      Happy reading. 🙂

      1. That’s understandable! You could always wait and see what kinds of reviews it gets – I do that sometimes when I’m just not sure about an upcoming release. 🙂 Thank you, you too!

      1. Bahaha you were the first person to comment on the title and it legit made me SO DAMN HAPPY!
        Dude, that KoS cover gave me all the feels. ALL OF THEM. I’m so pumped and ready for it.

        1. I was scrolling through my feed and saw that title, and immediately thought, “That is beautiful. Someone needs a high five.” ?
          I love the cover so much! I’m obsessed! Ugh, I need the book already! I can’t stand the wait!!

      1. They both sound soooo good, for real. Honestly… first of all, I need more GOOD middle grade books in my life, and second of all, I’m so excited for the Rick Riordan Presents imprint and everything it’s doing right now. ♥

        1. I’m a big fans of Rick Riordan, I’ll buy anything with Rick Riordan name on it!!! I always recommend Nevermoor to everyone who wants to read MG book! It’s so good!! Have you read it?

    1. A 9-book series about Nikolai Lansov does not sound bad AT ALL. I’d read every single one of them and I’d still want more 🙂 So looking forward to City of Ghosts and The Wicked King too! Also, love your post title 😉

      1. RIGHT? And you KNOW you’d be entertained and laughing and having all the feels through all 9 books and then some! Bahaha thank you 😀 I was hoping people would get a kick out of it!

    1. Amazing picks! I can’t wait for City of Ghost (and Vengeful omg can you believe it’s coming out this year??!!), The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein (how could I not know about this book earlier??), King of Scars, and The Wicked King!

      1. Shamefully, I still have to read Vicious!! I don’t even own it yet but I really need to get it because I hear SUCH good things about it and I’m sure Vengeful will be amazing too (like everything Victoria touches!). And doesn’t Dark Descent sound so cool?! Idk if you know this, but that same author is also releasing a book next year called Slayer that’s going to be a Buffy the Vampire Slayer spinoff!

          1. Oh woooow! It’s so good! I mean, I dunno how much of that is my nostalgia speaking, since I grew up watching the show with my aunt, but I think it’s really worth checking out! 🙂

      (Something about kings….hmmmmm)
      I’m super excited for Kingdom of Ash by SJM in October ^.^
      This is an amazing list!
      Happy Reading!

      1. Bahaha yesss, give us all of the amazing king-ish books! Oh, I’m working on catching up with the TOG series right now. I was a very late bloomer for that one – I bought the first 6 books last January, and bought ToD on its release day last year, but decided to put all of them off until it was close enough that I could kind of marathon them right before the finale haha! So I’m reading one book a month and so far I’ve only read Assassin’s Blade and TOG, but I’m loving the series so much that I’m definitely gonna preorder KoA. 🙂
        Thank you, and happy reading to you too! ♥

        1. YEEEESS! When I bought the ToG series, I didn’t research it so I was all, “Oh Yeah! I bought all 5 books, I’m gonna binge this series!”….. then I finished Empire of Storms and was like Waaiiiiiittt, THIS ISN’T THE LAST ONE!!!!! AHHHHHH!! and then I cried…. a lot..
          I’m gonna re-read them, leading up to the finale as well <3

          1. Bahahah ohhh nooooo! If it makes you feel any better, I almost did the same thing! I thought EoS was supposed to be the next-to-last book and that the one coming out last fall would be the last one, so I was like, “Okay, I won’t have long to wait!” Then I learned it wasn’t finishing until THIS fall and I went NOPE! lol!

    1. The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein sounds very dark, but intriguing. I might have to look into that when it comes out. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Great list! The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein is on mine as well! I cant’ wait to read it, and of course The Wicked King.

    1. Ahhhhh your story about missing out on the City of Ghosts arc makes me so sad! ?? Loved your list, Destiny! We definitely have a few anticipated releases in common! ❤️?

      1. Oh my gosh, right? I was in a little bit of a funk all afternoon over missing the ARC! 🙁 Oh well – at least it comes out in a couple of months and I was able to preorder it so I know I won’t have to wait TOO long. Thank you, Amy! ♥♥ Haha yesss, anticipated-release-twinsies!

    1. I totally agree about On the Come Up! I’m not as sold on it as I was for THUG, but I’ll probably read anything Angie Thomas writes

      1. My thoughts exactly!! Like… let’s be real, she could be like “I’m writing a 700 page novel about Big Mav going grocery shopping” and I’d be like, *cracks knuckles* LET’S DO THIS ANGIE! Lol!

    1. The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein is on my list as well. Give me anything and all things Frankenstein!

    1. I can’t wait for Blanca & Roja. Anna-Marie McLemore is one of my auto-buy authors as well. Her writing is so beautiful and I fall in love with it again and again with each book.

      1. She’s so incredible, isn’t she? I keep meaning to read her pre-WB titles, but I loved Wild Beauty so much that I think part of me is worried I won’t love the other books as much, even though logically, I’m pretty sure I will. Did you hear about the announcement of her upcoming collaboration with Tehlor Kay Mejia?

        1. I love Wild Beauty, but I think her novel When the Moon Was Ours is even better. Just in case you can’t decide which of the previous ones to pick up first. I did hear! You just reminded me that I need to see if it’s on Goodreads yet, so I can add it to the TBR.

      1. Rightttt? I just… need it right this moment. I finished Crooked Kingdom a few hours ago and I feel this complete and total emptiness in the spot where my soul would go (if I had one)

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