Top 10 Tuesday: Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start

June 20, 2017

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this weekโ€™s challenge is Top Ten Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start But Haven’t!

This one is pretty self-explanatory, and as a reader with a TBR pile that has been slowly burying me alive for most of my teen and adult life, this one should be a breeze. I didn’t want today’s post to just be a basic numbered list, because I feel like you guys deserve more information than that. ๐Ÿ˜‰ So, I’m going to also give you a quick rundown of when the series began, how many books are currently in it, and if it has been completed!

1. Throne of Glassย series by Sarah J Maas


Book 1 released in: 2012
Number of books currently in series: 5 + 1 novella compilation
* Next release:ย Tower of Dawn, Sep 2017

2. Mara Dyer trilogy by Michelle Hodkin


Book 1 released in: 2011
Number of books currently in series: 3
* Spin-off series: The Shaw Confessions, beginning in Nov 2017

3. The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson


Book 1 released in: 2014
Number of books currently in series: 3 + 1 novella

4. The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien


Book 1 released in: 1954
Number of books currently in series: 3

5.ย Loom Sagaย by Elise Kova


Book 1 released in: 2017
Number of books currently in series: 1
* Next release: The Dragons of Nova, July 2017

6. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi


Book 1 released in: 2011
Number of books currently in series: 3 + 2 novellas
* Next release: Restore Me, March 2018

7. The Chronicles of Alice by Christina Henry


Book 1 released in: 2015
Number of books currently in series: 2

8. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


Book 1 released in: 2015
Number of books currently in series: 2

9. Clash of Kingdoms by Erin Summerill


Book 1 released in: 2016
Number of books currently in series: 1
* Next release: Ever the Brave, Dec 2017

10. The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare


Book 1 released in: 2007
Number of books currently in series: 6

I know, some of you are probably reeling over the fact that I haven’t already started some of these series (like TMI, LOTR, or TOG)! The older series have mostly all been on my TBR for years, but I somehow just haven’t gotten around to them. TMI almost got left off of this list because I actually am not 100% sold on the idea of Cassandra Clare’s books, but so many of my bookish friends love her writing that I feel like I at least have to give it a try!

What’s a series you’ve been meaning to start? Do you see any series on my list that you think I should put a rush on?

More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ooo! I see some on your list that *should* have been on mine too (this doesn’t help my TBR though). The TOG books (which I own) and I’m curious about Erin’s books too. I saw a lot about “Ever the Hunted” when it released, so I’ll have to remember to take another look at it.

      Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Destiny. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I’m on the fence about reading anything by Cassandra Clare too, but it’s true that her books have been extremely well received by the blogging community. I think for now I’m probably just going to enjoy the Shadowhunters TV series though!

      Great list, including some books I’ve never heard of. I did really love Lord of the Rings, but it takes about half of the first book to really feel like you’re into it, Definitely a slow starter for when you have some time. I highly recommend the Six of Crows duology though! Both books are among my all-time favourites.

      1. I hear that the show is very different from the books, so if you do pick up the books, maybe you’ll get a brand new story out of them! haha! Ad thanks for the comment. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I forgot to put Throne of Glass series in my list. I’m so curious about it. Yep, lots of great reviews so far. Anyway, what a great list of series you have here. Thanks for sharing the others. I’ll check them out. ?

    1. I tried Throne of Glass and The Kiss of Deception but ended up not liking both. Throne of Glass was well written, but the main character was too powerful and I couldn’t take her seriously. Kiss of Deception … I was so upset – it’s just a giant love triangle
      Chronicles of Alice looks interesting!

    1. Shatter Me is one of the series I need to read too! I didn’t include it on my list but now I’m mentally adding it because I know everyone loved it, and a new trilogy is on its way ? I also have had Mara Dyer on my TBR forever but I’m not sure when or if I’ll ever get round to it….

    1. Six of Crows is great. Initially I wanted to read Ever the Hunted as well but after some mixed reviews realized it probably wasn’t for me.

    1. I’m a bit disappointed with the way the Throne of Glass series is starting to look like – tbh I couldn’t care less about Chaol and the new book is about him, and I thought the last book’s end look a lot like ACOMAF’s one ^^ but I still want to know how it ends :p
      The Mara Dyer trilogy is one of my absolute favourites! Sure it’s a bit – lot – spooky, but it’s just so good! Mara is unreliable character and it makes everything more interesting ๐Ÿ™‚
      The Shatter Me trilogy – well the main trilogy – is pretty dang good, but the third book is like 500% better than the first two books ๐Ÿ™‚
      The Six of Crows duology is probably the best duology I’ve ever read! Both books ended up being favourites!

      1. Have you seen the Tower of Dawn cover? I hate it. D: I’m glad you liked Mara Dyer! It sounds really good. And I have heard lots of reviewers say Shatter Me’s first book is the worst one lmao. So at least I know to go into it optimistic for the latter part of the series!

    1. I love the Throne of Glass series, though I do want to say that I did prefer the earlier books in the series (I think). Read The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and Shatter Me and was disappointed and underwhelmed by both… the former probably more of the WTF-did-I-just-read variety. Ick. Will not be continuing either of them, but I know heaps of people loved both. Great picks!

      Cass @ Words on Paper

    1. Oh man so many good ones here! And if you’re not sold on Cassandra Clare, I would honestly just read The Infernal Devices. They’re the prequels to TMI and they are infinitely better. Better written, more original, better characters, etc.

        1. You definitely should! They’re SO much better. Plus, it’s the only series I can think of that has a love triangle that is a) not predictable and b) doesn’t suck.

    1. I’ve started most of these already and have finished the Six of Crows duology.
      I’ve heard great things about the Mara Dyer trilogy and hope to get to that someday. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

    1. Eeep, I totally get the feeling of being crushed under and immense TBR! It’s just so hard to read EVERYTHING right?!? I reeeally love Cassandra Clare books though. <3 Plus I think they get even better as they go on.? And I also loved Six of Crows, Shatter Me, and The Mara Dyer books! (Although I still have to finish that trilogy haha.)

      1. My TBR is literally burying me alive and it is the best possible way to die lmao. Yay! Thanks for the positive reviews – that’s all the more motivation to hurry up and read them, lol.

    1. Some really great series up there! I’m surprisingly caught up on a few of those but I’m behind on a lot of them that I desperately need to catch up on, especially Mara Dyer!

    1. You definitely should read Shatter Me and Six of Crows! They both are awesome <3 And if you're still hesitate whether you'll like Clare's writing or not, I'd suggest to read The Infernal Devices first since it's better (to me, but a lot of people seems to agree :D) and it has less books!

    1. I have series that I’ve been meaning to read for years as well. There are just so many books I’d love to read. I need more time! I definitely recommend reading LOTR. It is wonderful. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. If I had to tell you to start one of the series on the list I would probably go with Six of Crows. (I love Throne of Glass and Lord of the Rings but I think Six of Crows is sooo good!). It is probably the best duology I have read….ever.

      1. It’s probably highest on my list out of all of these, really! I just am so determined to struggle through the Grisha trilogy first. I’m on book two and I just hate Mal so much. ๐Ÿ™

        1. It will get better I promise! I thought Six of Crows was way better than the Grisha Trilogy but you will be glad you read those before Six of Crows.

    1. I’m So glad I’m not the only one who has yet to read the Throne of Glass series! That one and The Remnant Chronicles were on my list. TMI would have been too, but I’ve read the first one… I will finish that series this year!

        1. I remember liking it… Both times I read it haha for some reason I was just never able to continue… Hopefully third time will be the charm.

    1. Great list! Anything I haven’t read is on my TBR. ? The Alchemists of Loom sounds amazing.

    1. Some of these are ones I want to read, too, but they didn’t quite make my list. I want to read Ever the Hunted and the Six of Crows series.

      Nice list. I hope you enjoy your reads. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I really hope you start Six of Crows soon. I think it’s one that everybody should read. I loved it so much!

        1. I haven’t even read the Grisha Trilogy, haha. I jumped right into SoC. I’m a bad fan. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Ah I started the Remnant Chronicles about 3 years ago and never finished so I need to pick those up again some time soon! LOVED both Six of Crows and Shatter Me and I definitely need to read some Elise Kova as well ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I love how you formatted yours! It’s nice to see how know how many books are in a series and whether or not it’s currently ongoing before jumping in.

    1. I liked your list! I didn’t know that the Mara Dyer series had a spin-off, I need to check that out! It’s a good series if you like thriller books. Also I’m currently reading TMI. I’m enjoying it so far, I hope you like it too! ๐Ÿ˜€

      1. Ooh, yes! It was just announced a few months ago, I think. I guess it’s supposed to revolve around Noah? I only know a little bit about the trilogy to even know who he is. ? Thanks!

    1. Nice list! Six of Crows is on my TTT as well! I actually read the first books in the Throne of Glass series last month, it took me years to pick them up, so you’re definitely not alone there ๐Ÿ˜‰ I hope you’ll enjoy them more than I did, because of all the hype I felt a tad disappointed.

      1. Oh no! I think that’s why I haven’t picked them up yet – I’m scared of being disappointed. I adored ACOTAR, so it’s like… how could I possibly love TOG as much as ACOTAR? Sigh.

    1. Great list! I didn’t include these on my list, but I still need to read the Throne of Glass and Shatter Me series too. I also just finished the first Six of Crows book last week and thought it was brilliant.

    1. Half of the series you’ve mentioned are on my personal TBR list! Six of Crows is amazing and definitely deserves the hype it gets. I haven’t read the sequel yet, unfortunately. I hope you enjoy Six of Crows as much as everyone else who has read it did, Destiny! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Throne of Glass I’m not too keen on starting since I feel it’s too overhyped and I don’t get along well with overhyped books. Dx

    1. Ah I love how you did this post!! I can always use some general updates about different book series, whether they’re still going or when the next books will release, etc. It’s tough to keep track of everything these days! Six of Crows is my favorite series of ALL TIME so I obviously recommend that you read it soon, lol. I also recently read Shatter Me, which had been on my TBR for years. While I had some mixed feelings, I did enjoy it overall! I’m excited to continue on with the rest of the books ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I love the way you broke it down! I cheated this week and did a very simple list but I usually like to include more information. I can only speak for Six of Crows and The Alchemists of Loom but they are SO good!!

    1. TMI is a looong series (especially if you include the other tie-in books). I hope you don’t get bored or give up ?
      The Remnants Chronicles was brilliant, and I really hope you like it! Six of Crows and Shatter Me too! Most people give up on Shatter Me after the first or through the second book, but please get to the third. That book is ABSOLUTE FAVE and I hate that many don’t get to it.

      Here’s my TTT of the week ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I read the first book for Shatter Me and I think I have the next book. I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t great imo and I didn’t really like any of the characters much. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it more than I did. The writing was really pretty though! I can’t seem to push myself to continue reading the Mortal Instruments series! I don’t know why! Maybe I’ll get back into it eventually. Great list! โ™ฅ

    1. I was obsessed with the LOTR films for years before I read the books. I loved them, but I think the Hobbit might be my favourite. Throne of Glass and Six of Crows nearly made it onto my list too!

    1. The Loom Saga!! Loved The Alchemists of Loom and can’t wait for the second book in the series. It turned me into a fan of steampunk and was so exciting to read. I hope that you like it.

    1. Wow! This is a great list, Destiny. I love how you’ve provided some series stats for us– I hate starting a series which is incomplete. I always forget everything relevant before the final book comes out. Go figure.

      I started TMI, but I honestly don’t get it. I don’t think Clare’s writing is that strong, and I was sooo frustrated by the ending. I’ve been told I should give her Clockwork series a try– the writing has improved a ton — but I just can’t seem to do it. Six of Crows is awesome, though. Nothing like a good heist!

    1. WELL YOU CERTAINLY MUST PUT A RUSH ON LOTR. XD I’ve read the first book….six times? Eight? Lmao, I’ve lost track at this point. Point is – they may seem dense and boring at parts, but keep going and you’ll stumble into some of the most beautiful, gripping writing I’ve ever read.

      There are so many books here I haven’t read! Throne of Glass, The Remnant Chronicles, The Mortal Instruments….haha, I’m not completely sold on Cassandra Clare, either, so you’ll have to tell me what you think of TMI!

      Lovely post!

      Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    1. So many great choices!! Several of these could’ve been included on my own list, like Shatter Me, LOTR, and TMI. I thought about including Throne of Glass, but I’m honestly not sure if I want to read it. I’ve heard so many mixed things about it. I have the first book so I’ll probably read it eventually, but we’ll see. ๐Ÿ˜› If you end up not liking TMI that much, I’d recommend The Infernal Devices. I read that trilogy and loved it even though I haven’t read TMI yet and I’ve heard a lot of people who’ve read both prefer TID.

      1. I’m hearing so many people recommend TID over TMI! I feel bad skipping the first series, but I’m really tempted to just start with TID – especially since I actually own the first TID book from where I grabbed it used super cheap last year.

        1. I still plan on reading TMI at some point, but I’m kind of glad I started with TID, especially after hearing so many people say they liked it better than TMI.

    1. Ohh I still need to read The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson and The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare! I have a few books from each series that have been sitting on my Kindle for forever. There’s just not enough hours to read in a week lol!

      1. There really aren’t. Sometimes I wish I had a time freeze ray JUST for the purpose of getting more reading done. I would just periodically freeze time like once a day, while my kid naps and everyone else is busy, and I’d just veg out on the couch and power through some chapters. lmao

    1. One of the bookTubers I watch loves The Remnant Chronicles and the Shatter Me series. I am hoping to read those, too! I hope you get to read these soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

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