T10T: Summer TBR

June 26, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt was Series I’ve DNFed, but I couldn’t think of enough that I’m 100% sure I’m not continuing, so I decided it was time to do another seasonal TBR!

In March, I did a Spring TBR for T10T. Out of that list, I read 6, DNFed 1, and didn’t attempt 3. So, I’d call that a 70% success rate – not bad! We’ll come back at the beginning of fall and see how I do with this list!


1. Toil & Trouble — (edited by) Jessica Spotswood & Tess Sharpe
I’ve had this ARC for ages and keep meaning to pick it up, but I have gotten soooo many anthology ARCs over the last few months that I’ve been forcing myself to put it off until close to its release date.
Unreleased, ARC; releases 08.28.18
July TBR

2. Mirage — Somaiya Daud
I’m hearing rave reviews about this one, so I can’t wait to dig into it!
Unreleased, ARC; releases 08.28.18
July TBR

3. Worlds Seen in Passing — (edited by) Irene Gallo
This is another anthology ARC I’ve received, and while I’m very excited about it, it’s BIG, so I’ll be starting this one as soon as I finished Toil & Trouble!
Unreleased, ARC; releases 09.04.18
July/August TBR


4. City of Ghosts — Victoria Schwab
This is the only summer pre-order I have that I know I will be reading as soon as it arrives (unless the ARC gods bless me before then), because I have had this baby pre-ordered since the beginning of the year. One of my favorites taking on MG horror/fantasy? Sign me up!
Unreleased, pre-order; releases 08.28.18
August/September TBR


5. Twilight — Stephenie Meyer
I haven’t read this in eons… y’all have heard me talk about my OG Twihard hipster status enough times that I’ll spare you the story, but I’m a bit apprehensive for this.
Reread/Throwback Event
July/August TBR

6. Eragon — Christopher Paolini
My fiance and I pick out one buddy read every month, and we’ve picked this one for July. We both loved it as kids but never continued the series, so we’re both hoping to read at least the first 2 books this year!
Reread/Throwback Event
July TBR

7. The Hunger Games — Suzanne Collins
Similar to Twilight, I’ll be buddy rereading this with my friend Julie for the throwback event in Life & Lit! I’ve actually read this series 5 or 6 times total, but it’s been a while.
Reread/Throwback Event
July/August TBR


8. Shatter Me — Tahereh Mafi
I know this series gets very mixed reviews, but I think I’m going to like it. This is one of the first things I plan on reading for the throwback event!
Throwback Event
July/August TBR

9. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer — Michelle Hodkin
This one, I’m less certain about, but since I own the trilogy, I gotta at least try it!
Throwback Event
July TBR

10. Vampire Academy — Richelle Mead
This one… I honestly have super low expectations for (no offense to any fans – I just don’t read paranormal romance very often), buuuut it’ll probably be fun and quick, if nothing else!
Throwback Event
July/August TBR

Are any of these books on your summer TBR, too?


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I have City of Ghosts on pre order too. I can’t wait! I liked the first Mara Dyer book but then never picked up the next one…
      Good luck!

    1. I really loved Vampire Academy. I was thinking of rereading it this year, but I’ve started rereading the spin-off first, because I haven’t yet read the last two books and it’s been ages since I read the books, I kinda forgot the smaller details. I’m so curious about Mirage! I’m hearing tons of great stuff about it.

      1. That’s such a pain, when you haven’t finished an older series and you don’t remember it well enough to pick up where you left off! That happened to me with the His Dark Materials series when I was younger – I read the first 2 but only remember some of the first and NONE of the second, and I was always too uncommitted to the series to go back and reread and finish it up.

      1. I’m quite a while off from tackling either of those two, so I’m hoping they’ll both be in paperbacks by the time I’m ready for them so they match the ones I already have, lol! I hope you enjoy them 🙂

    1. Funny, Vampire Academy is on my list of series I don’t plan on finishing haha.
      I can’t wait to read City of Ghosts! Love all of Victoria’s books so definitely want to read that one this summer. My Plain Jane is another sure thing for me, probability even this week 🙂

      1. Haha oh, I’m not sure if it’s a series I will end up continuing unless I just absolutely LOVE the first book, but Vampire Academy is just one of those things that I feel like I’m “out of the loop” for not having read, if that makes sense? It’s silly, I know, but I really do!
        City of Ghosts. <3 Schwab is a goddess, truly, and I want to read everything she ever writes! And I hope you enjoy My Plain Jane! I still need to read My Lady Jane.

        1. Yes, I totally get what you’re saying! I hate feeling out of the loop haha.
          Hope you get to enjoy My Lady Jane soon, I wish I had read it sooner ♥️

    1. I’ve found myself rereading a lot of books lately, and enjoying them more the second time around. Case in point: Shatter Me. I reread it so I could read “Restore Me” and I’m really glad I did because I forgot a bunch of stuff! 😛

        1. I just didn’t pick up the sixth book. I think I just outgrew it in the time between and I wasn’t invested anymore. Maybe someday I will finish, but I doubt it. What finales have you forgotten to read?!

          1. Ohhh, yeah, definitely been there! Oh man, let me think. Okay, there’s Eragon, which I actually never read the 3rd OR 4th books of (in my defense on the 4th one, when *I* first read those books, they were new and were only supposed to be a trilogy!). Animorphs – I never read the last… I want to say 6 books? (I think there are, like… 50 something in the main series) Those are both series I just outright forgot to finish. Of course, now I’m trying to think of more examples and totally blanking, lol! I could give you a list a mile long of series I read the 1st book in, loved, and forgot to continue, though!

    1. I love your sections on this 😀 I’m curious to see your thoughts on Mirage since it sounds really cool but I haven’t heard a ton of reviews on it yet!

    1. I’m so envious of Mirage. I’ve heard wonderful things and would love to read that soon. Also I can’t wait to hear how your return to Forks will be! 😉

    1. So fun that you are planning to reread the Twilight and Hunger Games series( serieses? lol). Both of those were books that got me back into reading for pleasure while I was busy reading for school. I think it could be fun but also interesting to see how you react to them now that ten years of reading and life have passed- hope you enjoy it on some level : )

      1. Thank you! 🙂 The Hunger Games hugely helped me get back into reading, too – I had been barely reading anything for a little while before those came out (I think I got into them right after book 2 released) and they sucked me right in! So, fingers crossed!

    1. ??? I need to start the second book of Shatter Me, though I wasn’t a huge fan of the first book.
      All of the books you plan on reading during the Throwback Event are ones I’ve read already – I hope you enjoy them! Vampire Academy is one I really enjoyed back then, though not sure if I would if I go back and read it again.

      1. I’m glad it’s not just me! Sometimes I think maybe I just haven’t read the “right” paranormal romance books. To be fair, I have read VERY FEW books/series in the genre!

    1. Toil and trouble is actually on my TBR as well and I’m slightly worried because the only other anthology found its way to the DNF zone.
      City of Ghosts, honestly same. As soon as it comes out, it’s gonna be in my hands. Strange, I have never read anything by Victoria Schwab (V. E. Schwab) and I’m so excited still. The synopsis sounds like something I’d devour instantly.

      1. Oh no, I hope you enjoy Toil & Trouble more than the other anthology you tried! I am a huge fan of anthologies, always have been, but I can totally see how the format itself is just not going to work for everyone – I have some friends who refuse to touch them because it’s just not their thing. Hopefully you just got a bad apple and will enjoy Toil, though!
        Oh wow! She’s brilliant. I picked up my first book by her last summer and fell in love with her writing voice immediately. I also got to meet her back in April and she was so kind and wonderful. ♥

    1. I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews of the Shatter Me series, but I’m thinking about giving it a go this summer. I love your lists of re-reads! I tend not to re-read too much, but your list is reminding me of books I would probably enjoy just as much the second or third time around.
      My TTT: Bookgirl Secrets</a

    1. I really liked Shatter Me! Books 1 and 2 were okay but book 3 is my favourite and I reread it very often. I hope you like it as well! Do stick till book 3 though.

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