T10T: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2018

July 10, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt was originally a throwback to your first ever T10T post; though the prompt has now been changed, I really loved the throwback idea, and my first ever T10T was my Top Ten Most Anticipated Books for the Second Half of 2017.

Before I give you guys my most anticipated list for the rest of this year, however, I wanted to give my updated thoughts on my list from last year!


1. Renegades — Marissa Meyer
DNFed @ 50%
2. The Language of Thorns — Leigh Bardugo
owned, unread
3. Hunting Prince Dracula — Kerri Maniscalco
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ REVIEW
4. A Semi-Definitive List of Worst Nightmares — Krystal Sutherland
owned, unread
5. Girls Made of Snow and Glass — Melissa Bashardoust
6. Daughter of the Burning City — Amanda Foody
7. They Both Die at the End — Adam Silvera
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ REVIEW
8. Amid Stars and Darkness — Chani Lynn Feener
unowned, unread
9. The Ravenous — Amy Lukavics
10. Nyxia — Scott Reintgen
owned, unread

And now, on to this week’s list!


1. City of Ghosts — Victoria Schwab
This is the first in an upcoming MG paranormal/horror series!
august 28

2. Toil & Trouble — Tess Sharpe & Jessica Spotswood
A whole anthology about witchy women? Yes! I’m about halfway through my ARC of this one and loving it so far.
august 28

3. Summer Bird Blue — Akemi Dawn Bowman
I read this in June and adored every single heartbreaking, beautiful, diverse page of it. I should have a review coming up soon!
september 11


4. Wildcard — Marie Lu
I loved Warcross and have been so excited to see how the story ends!
september 18

5. Escaping From Houdini — Kerri Maniscalco
I also read this in June, and adored it. It was a smidge less delectable than book 2 for me, but still a solid 5-star read, and I’ll get a review up for this closer to its release date!
september 18

6. The Sisters of the Winter Wood — Rena Rossner
I can’t even describe how excited I am for this beautiful Jewish adult magical realism story. It’s based on old folklore and looks so promising!
september 25


7. Girls of Paper and Fire — Natasha Ngan
Give me all the queer Asian SFF, please!
november 6

8. Empire of Sand — Tasha Suri
2018 seems to be the year I’m finally getting excited about adult fantasy releases, because this is another one; it’s an own-voice Indian adult fantasy that sounds incredible, and I can’t wait to dig in!
november 13

9. Bedfellow — Jeremy C. Shipp
loved The Atrocities, so I’ve been dying for more of Jeremy’s work! I’ve been craving a horror read, so I literally had to force myself not to crack this open the second my ARC arrived yesterday!
november 13

10. Dear Heartbreak — Heather Demetrios
This anthology has one of the coolest themes I’ve ever heard of: Heather asked teens worldwide to send in letters about the dark side of love (abuse, cheating, etc.), and then collected a bunch of YA authors to write stories about the letters. As an abuse survivor, stories about toxic relationships are incredibly cathartic for me, so I already know I have to get myself a copy of this one when it releases.
december 18

What late 2018 releases are you most excited for?


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I can’t wait for Wildcard either! I’m so excited to see what directions the story heads in! And oh no! I’m sorry to see you DNF’d Renegades! Haha

      1. Right?! Especially after that cliffhanger, I’ve gotta know what happens next! Haha no worries, I think it was a case of “it’s not the book, it’s me”! I’m planning on buddy reading it with another blogger right before the 2nd book comes out, and hoping I’ll have better luck then!

      1. Thank you, I definitely will! I’m hoping to save it until just a little bit closer to the King of Scars release because the idea of having nothing unread by Leigh Bardugo makes me sad haha!

    1. I’m so jealous you have Escaping from Houdini; that’s a top pick of mine for this year! I just love that whole series. I’m also really excited about City of Ghosts. I’m slowly making my way through Schwab’s work and I just adore her.

      1. I honestly feel super privileged to have gotten EFH; it’s one of my favorite series and it’s been so great to watch it unfold! And same here on Schwab, I’ve only read a few of her books so far but they’ve all been flawless 5-star reads.

      1. Yeah, it was only announced pretty recently! I was actually surprised they had printed ARCs so soon after it was announced, but you won’t hear any complaints out of me. 😀

    1. I love the way you did a recap on last year! I just got a surprise copy of Empire of Sand in the mail so I’ve already added that to my list?

      1. Thank you, Tammy! Yaaaay, enjoy it! I requested it back in March, I think?, and got approved right away but had to wait until things settled a bit with cons and expos before they could send the copy out. I squealed a little when it showed up the other day hehe. 😀 Now I’m just waiting on my other approval from them, which is the Sisters of Winter Wood one.

      1. SBB was really fantastic! I am SO JEALOUS that you got to read Wildcard, that’s amazing!! I was declined on Edelweiss so I’m just going to pre-order it. I can’t wait!
        I’ll check yours out, too! 😀

    1. Dear Heartbreak sounds like it’s gonna destroy me, but I’ll be reading it for the cover art alone! Also PLEASE read Nyxia. Like do it now. And if you hate it you can send me a glitter bomb in the mail! 😉

      1. Dude, right?! That cover art kills me all on its own, it’s gorgeous. And LMAO at the Nyxia thing – I promise not to glitter-bomb you, but Nyxia is on my July TBR, so maybe I’ll go ahead and start it tonight or tomorrow!

        1. Haha! Whew! I said that in an adrenaline-filled moment and now I feel like I can let the terror go! 😉 PLEASE message me whilst reading Nyxia so I can hear your thoughts along the way!

    1. The more I wait, the more excited I am getting for Wildcard. And ooh, Toil and Trouble looks FANTASTIC and I’m definitely, creepishly, making grabby hands at it.

      1. Same, it’s like the closer the release date gets here, the more nervous/excited I am to see what happens! And yeah, man, I am LOVING Toil & Trouble so far – I already know it’s gonna get 5 stars!

    1. So excited for Wildcard and I *really* need to get on the Stalking Jack the Ripper series! Love this list – hope they all live up to expectations!

      1. Thank you, Kaila! Oh wow, I seriously love the SJTR series so much and recommend it to everyone! The first book is a little bit hard for some people to get into, but books 2 and 3? Perfection. ♥

    1. Your list made me realize I’ve yet to read anything from V.E. Schwab. This is especially weird because I have been following her on Twitter for… almost a year now? Oh boy, gotta get onto it! ?

    1. Empire of Sand looks interesting.
      I’ve been waiting for Wildcard since… last year? I pre-ordered it in April. I’m also looking forward to Muse of Nightmares.

      1. I’m very excited about Empire of Sand!
        Oh yes, I feel you – it seems like it’s been forever now that we’ve been waiting! I read Warcross as an ARC last summer and it was one of those rare times where a little part of me wished I had waited until the series was finished just so I wouldn’t be kept in suspense. 😛

    1. omg did i not know you DNFed renegades or did i just forget? now i’m scared to read it. (even scareder than i already was just how based off how long it is)
      & i got an ARC of Dear Heartbreak! i’m really excited to read it, but it’s not a good moment for me to do so mental health wise :/ hoping to get to it soon, tho!

      1. I don’t know if I ever officially “announced” it as a DNF on my blog before now that I think about it! It was one of those soft DNFs where I do want to pick it back up sometime, so I might not have said anything.
        OMG. Ahhhh! I hope you love it! I haven’t requested it yet. Maybe I should… And I hope your mental health improves very soon. ♥

      1. Don’t worry, I’ve been really struggling to keep up with people’s TTT posts lately too! It’s hard for me to get them done because I’m in the EST time zone, so it’s almost bedtime by the time they start going live, and then Tuesdays are my big “homework” days so I don’t get online too much those days haha. But thank you, I will check yours out! 😀 It helps me so much when people post links to theirs in their comment so I don’t miss it! And I’m so happy you added Empire of Sand 🙂

        1. I’m glad I’m not the only one! 🙂 And yesss, I’m in EST time zone too so I always have to quick post at midnight and then go to sleep without looking at anyone’s else because I have work at 8am the next day. And ewww homework, I am not looking forward to my fall semester starting at the end of August 😛

            1. Wow, I can’t imagine taking a class in the summer and only having a 2 week break; I’m so impressed! You’re taking a child/YA lit class, right? How’s that going?

            1. Thank you, that’s right! It’s going okay. One of my classmates has been a nightmare. The topic is multiculturalism in childrens/YA lit, and he’s made a point to pick apart almost every book and actually went on some horrific transphobic rants a few weeks ago. I really hope I never have another class with him. -_-

            1. Ewww, that’s awful! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you won’t have to deal with him again!

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