T10T: Overdue ARCs I Want to Read in August

July 30, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s theme is a FREEBIE! I decided to highlight my upcoming ARC August TBR and talk about 10 overdue review copies that I’m hoping to read in the coming month.

Click the cover images for Goodreads links!


1. the silence — tim lebbon (2015)

It was easiest to sort these from oldest to newest releases, but don’t worry, this hasn’t been on my ARC shelf since its original release in 2015! I was sent the Netflix tie-in edition when the movie came out earlier this year. It’s about a post-apocalyptic world where everyone has to stay totally quiet (I know what you’re thinking, it’s kind of like A Quiet Place, but this story predates that film by years).

2. twin lakes: the autumn fires — melissa lason & michelle garza (2018)

I was really excited to get this novella last fall, but for some reason, I didn’t get to it! I hear great things about the “Sisters of Slaughter” writing duo. I think this book’s about an extra messed up serial killer.
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3. the five senses of horror — eric j. guignard (2018)

Eric was so kind as to offer me 3 of his anthologies (one collection of his own stories, 2 collections that he edited and compiled) back at Christmas-time, and… wow. This is where you guys get to see JUST how much I suck: I still haven’t reviewed them all. *quietly weeps in shame*
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4. daisy jones & the six — taylor jenkins reid (march 2019)

Hold up, I have a somewhat okay-ish excuse for this one! I almost picked it up before its release, but so many people told me they thought it would be better as an audiobook, I decided to wait for audio reviews. Literally EVERY SINGLE audio review I read said it worked way better in that format, so I finally set my eARC aside and bought the audiobook on Audible!

5. little darlings — melanie golding (april 2019)

I tried to read this once before, but didn’t get into it right away. The Ladies of Horror Fiction GR group is buddy reading it in August, though, so it’s the perfect opportunity to finally review it!

6. middlegame — seanan mcguire (may 2019)

Y’all know I loooove me some Seanan, so I can’t believe I didn’t finish this when I first picked it up. Curse you, massive reading slump! I am so excited to pick it back up (or start it over, probably) and check out the (undoubtedly deserved) hype.

7. dust devils — jonathan janz (june 2019)

I know what you’re thinking: whaaaat?! Destiny, how could you let a Janz ARC go overdue?! Friends, I don’t know, either. Again, curse you reading slump! I’m super stoked for this western vampire horror adventure.

8. silver in the wood — emily tesh (june 2019)

This is another ARC that I was so pumped for, if you’d told me months ago that I wouldn’t read it by its release date, I would’ve called you a damn liar. And then that would’ve been rude of me and false, so… I guess I’m glad that conversation never happened with anyone. ANYWAYS. Gay tree people? Yes. Yes.

9. growing things and other stories — paul tremblay (july 2019)

Do you ever have a book you’re so excited for, you’re scared to read it just because you’re worried it won’t live up? Even though, deep down, you know you’ll love it just as much as you think you should? Yeah. *gestures to book* It’s a collection of horror short stories, and I think one of them even takes place in the universe of my favorite Tremblay book (okay, the only one I’ve read so far, tbf): A Head Full of Ghosts.
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10. the storm crow — kalyn josephson (july 2019)

Me a few months ago: okay, I’m excited, but wary of the hype.
Me a few weeks ago: yep, still wary…
Me a few days ago: nope, don’t think it’s gonna make my ARC August TBR…
Me after seeing Kaleena’s review: WELL, GUESS THAT’S THAT, HUH *throws at TBR list*


Are any of these settings faves for you, or are any of them too creepy (or maybe just too specific)? Let me know your favorites!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Oh, how cool!
      I really liked Daisy Jones! Listened to it on audio and the narrators were so good!
      I got a copy of The Silence too recently. It sounds pretty creepy ?

    1. I hope your reading slump is over now!
      I have a few review copies I still need to review that are already out, but in each case, I got them after the release date. ::sigh:: For some reason, if you send me a book after it comes out, it’s not as much of a priority.

    1. Great list! I need to catch up on my ARCs too – I’m so behind! I need to read some Taylor Jenkins Reid this year, and I’d like to get my hands on Middlegame and Silver in the Wood, too. 🙂

    1. I actually thought about doing this – something very similar to your title but then backed out because I had other blog posts to write and edit ? Ooh, I have The Silence on Netflix, I did like The Quiet Place a lot.
      I also have Little Darlings to read and review ??‍♀️

    1. Unfortunately I have a few of these as well. However, I have read Dust Devils and will say you definitely need to pick it up. One of my favorite reads so far this year!

    1. I’m so glad to read your picks today because it cheers me up about my overdue ARCs! I have Little Darlings and Middlegame, and hopefully can finish both by next month!

    1. I’m also hoping to participate in ARC August, but since i’ll be traveling a bit,I’m not sure how much reading I’ll actually get done! I’ve also set Middlegame aside to restart when I’m less busy! I’ve loved the hundred pages or so that I’ve already read, but I know that if I try to finish it now I won’t enjoy it!

    1. Hopefully you enjoy these titles when you get to them! I’m curious to know what Daisy Jones & the Six sounds like as an audiobook. It’ll definitely fit the format. Regardless of if I ever get to that variation of it, it was totally a favourite book of mine this year! Little Darlings was really compelling, too.

    1. Haha… I’m kind of scared to go back through my ARCs and see what’s old. I know what I haven’t reviewed since 2018 when I first joined Netgalley, but *shudders* I can’t believe i’m so late. I know you’re going to get through all of these though. You’re a speed demon when it comes to books and I believe in you.

    1. This is a really great post! Let me know what you think about the Storm Crow- I think crows is the theme for this year’s YA and I’m a bit wary of the trend, to be honest. I also have a couple of overdue ARCs, but the highest on my priority list is the Devil’s Apprentice by Kenneth B. Andersen!

    1. Great list, and HELL YEA that The Storm Crow made your list after my review! I honestly keep thinking about that damn book, I think it will easily make my top reads of 2019 list. Happy reading!

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