T10T: Books I Love… With Antagonists I Love to Hate

August 13, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s theme is “characters you’d be besties with”, but how could I narrow that down to 10?! (Besides, I did that topic a few months ago and my answers haven’t really changed much.) So, instead, let’s talk about ten antagonists I hate — from books I love!


1. charlie manx — nos4a2

Given that I’ve never hurt a child, and I’m not a child myself, I don’t think Mr. Manx would have much business with me, but I still don’t want to go on any trips to Christmasland.


2. the merrill family — kin

A family full of cannibalistic redneck serial killers? Noooo, thank you.


3. adam — sour candy

I usually try not to pick multiple books from the same author, but KPB is just too good at crafting antagonists that I genuinely DO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH, and this creepy little shit is one of them for sure.

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4. the shelbys — the siren & the specter

The Shelbys are a couple who lives next-door to the house the MC is staying in, and they aren’t even *the* villain of the story necessarily, but they are villains in their own ways and they are ABSOLUTELY AWFUL. This is an all-time favorite read of mine, and these two were the easiest antagonists to hate.


5. terry hunt — we sold our souls

I mean, the first thing we learn about the dude is that he probably sold his bandmates’ souls just so his shitty nu-metal group come become famous. How messed up is that? Actually, maybe I do wanna meet this dude so I can kick ‘im.


6. osaron — a conjuring of light

I don’t know if this is just me, but a lot of fantasy antagonists, while awful, don’t really bother me all that much — even if they do terrible things, it can just be hard for me to internalize the idea of how scary or cruel they’d be IRL. Osaron, on the other hand? I remember reading ACOL and thinking that I would literally be terrified to live in a world with this power-hungry maniac in it.


7. daniel burne — a girl like her & damaged goods

AUGH. What a jerk! What an abusive, twisted, egomaniacal little… *screams forever* If Daniel were a real person who had done the things to poor Hannah and Laura that he does in the Ravenswood series, I wouldn’t want to meet him because I’d probably end up with a restraining order or worse. ?

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8. the queen — the throne of glass series

For anyone who isn’t this far into the series, I won’t name this character (though I remember pegging her as a villain the moment she was first named), but this particular Queen is one of the most vile, awful characters and my fear of her actions is the single reason I haven’t finished Kingdom of Ash yet. ?


9. dolores umbridge — hp & the order of the phoenix

How could I make this list and not include Umbridge, amirite?? She’s gone down in history as the Worst Villain Ever for a lot of us, no doubt; in fact, I’d easily say that, as a kid, I hated her worse than Voldemort, the Death Eaters, and the Dursleys combined.


10. …spoilers… — captive prince

I didn’t want to name this character, either, because when you start the series, you’re not quite sure how to feel about them through Damen’s lens. That said, there’s a final-book reveal about this character that I predicted but DESPERATELY hoped I was wrong about, and watching it all unfold felt like a literal punch to the gut. If you’ve read the third book in this series, you probably know who I’m talking about, but if you don’t:

Clicky clicky

The Regent, of course. What a piece of TRASH! I’m never going to stop screaming about how much I hate him and everything he put poor Laurent and those other boys through. ?



Did I miss a character you’d hate to meet? Let me know who it is!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Great list! Umbridge is the woooorst and that’s why I love to hate her, just like you do. She’s worse than Voldemort in some ways because I bet most of us have known an Umbridge at some point in our lives. Then again, with the way politics is around the world at the moment I’d say quite a lot of us are seeing a few Voldemorts, too. NOS4R2 and Captive Prince are two I’d like to read! 🙂

    1. Dolores Umbridge was the best antagonist in the HP series. She made my skin crawl!
      My TTT.

    1. You’ve nailed it with some of these. Charlie Manx is so evil and creepy and even as an adult, if you get in his way, you’re a goner. I found Adam to be super creepy as well when I read that book and there are no words for Terry Hunt. Love you spin this week!

    1. I am not familiar with many of these books, but they seem really intriguing so I am going to have to check them out! I totally agree with Osaron, he is terrifying and I 100% get what you mean by the feeling you got. Great list!
      Amber ♡ The Book Bratz
      My TTT!

    1. I love your topic today! A good villain (or even villain adjacent) is always great for a book. Man, my 19-year-old started rereading the HP books this weekend and we got talking about how much we both hate OOTP because of Umbridge. Man, that book made me rage (and I was an adult when I read it).
      Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Ugh Dolorus Umbridge.. Don’t we all love to hate her?!

    1. Love your topic choice this week! I agree with so many of these. Villains are so delectably evil, it’s impossible to not love to hate them. (Which, dang, that statement was a mouthful. Textful? Whatever, haha.)

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