T10T: Blog/Social Media Shout-Outs!

August 14, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt is to give shout-outs to 10 bloggers or bookish sites! I also wanted to shout out some of my fave bookstagrammers and book twitter folks, so I’ll include links for those, too!

Note: I’m not including any booktubers because I did a booktube shout-out post so recently, and you can view that here.

There were also several people I wanted to include but chose not to because they are on extended hiatuses—if they end their hiatuses soon, I’ll come back and add them to this list, because three of those people are INCREDIBLY dear friends of mine and, if they were producing content right now, I’d shove you all in their directions immediately!

These are in no particular order, and definitely won’t be ALL of my faves, so please don’t feel left out if your name isn’t on the list. ?


1. Taylor @ Nerd Narration:
blog | twitter | bookstagram | goodreads

Taylor is such a sweetheart, she’s hilarious, and we have the best deep talks. I’m lucky enough to consider her not just a bookish friend, but a friend in every other aspect, too.


2. Areli @offaerietalesandbooks:
bookstagram | goodreads

First, Areli has my favorite bookstagram feed EVER. The colors and angles she uses are so gorgeous, plus I love her book selfies because she’s stunning and so graceful. She’s also one of the most supportive and kind people I’ve met in this entire community and it makes my day every time I get a comment or message from her.

3. Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek:
blog | twitter | bookstagram | goodreads

Heather is my horror twin, and we can chat spooky stories for days, but we’re also just super similar and she makes my day every time we talk. She’s so funny and lovely and writes AMAZING, thorough reviews that inspire me every time I read them.


4. Reg @ Bookish in Bed
blog | twitter | bookstagram | goodreads


If Heather’s my horror twin, Reg is definitely my thriller/mystery buddy! She’s one of my favorite people to buddy read with because not only is she so fun to talk to, but she always makes me think about what we’re reading. She’s so fun to theorize about books with, too, and I love that she’s always down for a chat or buddy read. ♥ I feel like our opinions on our buddy reads are always pretty much identical, too, lmao!

5. Kathy @ Books and Munches
blog | twitter | bookstagram | goodreads

Dude, where do I even start with Kathy? She is literally one of my absolute closest friends, bookish or otherwise. She is so supportive and caring, she always knows how to calm me down or make me laugh when I’m upset, and I can talk to her for hours (and have, many times!). I am so blessed to have her as a friend, and her reviews are so insightful and always make me smile.

6. Kaleena @ Reader Voracious
blog | twitter | goodreads

Kaleena and I didn’t start talking super frequently until recently, and WOW, have I been missing out. She is HILARIOUS, and so sweet, and I feel like our personalities just mesh so well, PLUS she loves gushing over spooky reads and films as much as I do! ♥


7. Sadie @mother.horror
twitter | bookstagram | goodreads


She posts the most gorgeous photos and reviews, but she’s also incredibly kind and welcoming! I was a little bit nervous to finally publicly embrace my love of horror on bookstagram recently because I’d never felt like my feed was “spooky enough” for the horror groups, but Sadie has made me feel right at home and my TBR has grown so much thanks to her recommendations.


8. Amber @ ambsreads
blog | twitter | bookstagram | goodreads

Amber 💌✨

Sometimes, you meet someone, and you’re just in awe of how strong they are, and for me, that person is Amber. She’s honestly just a total badass, but she’s also SO incredibly sweet and funny and wise, and her reviews are 100% some of my top faves.

Heather's Reading Hideaway

9. Heather @ Heather’s Reading Hideaway
blog | twitter | bookstagram

Heather is a fairly new friend, but she’s already made such a lasting impression on me. She is so sweet and is always down to offer a listening ear, but she’s also just such a fun person to chat with and she has amazing taste in books! ♥

10. Kayla @ Books and Blends
blog | twitter | bookstagram | goodreads

Kayla is so sweet, and like a few others on this list, what’s great about her is that she’s become more of a “normal” friend than a “bookish” friend, if that makes sense! I think we talk just as much about our daily lives as we do about our book blogging lives, and I love that I can always count on her for a fun chat or someone to vent to.

These are only ten of the literal DOZENS of bookish people I wanted to highlight today, but I knew if I didn’t cut it off at ten, I’d go on forever! ?

I may do a Part 2 of this list some day soon, with another 10 recommendations, if anyone is interested!


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Destiny! Oh my gosh! I’m crying. Thank so much for this, your comment has melted my heart. You’re quite literally one of the strongest people I’ve ever come across so your kind words mean so much to me. Especially since I love your blog AND you ?

    1. Lots of new people to check out this week. I’ll probably have to bookmark the linky, because there are so many great websites out there. Thanks for sharing your good blogger friends with us!

    1. DESTINY! Thank you so much for including me, it totally warms my heart to be featured among so many wonderful bloggers! I adore you so much and am glad we’ve started chatting more regularly. xoxo

    1. Destiny! You’re too sweet to include me in this list! You know I enjoy our talks (read: twitter rants/debates) and I’m so happy I make you smile as much as you do for me! Thanks for the shout out and all the wonderful new recommendations! *Starts the follow train*

      1. I had to! <3 You were one of my first friends in this community and when I think of people who have always been there for me and made me feel supported and loved in my blogging experience, you're at the top of the list. I'm just so glad we've gotten the chance to get closer this year!!

    1. Thank you so much my horror twin, you know you’re one of my bestites and I’m so happy to have met you! Also loooove all of these other blogs and I definitely have some new people to follow. I love these types of posts because I feel it’s both incredibly easy and incredibly hard to find new blogs! 🙂

    1. Such a great list! Most of these are pretty new to me so I’ll for sure have to check them out. Thanks for the recs 🙂 And yeah, I think a part two is always a great idea!

      1. I’m not very good at it either, or at least I don’t think so. I don’t remember to check it everyday and sometimes it takes me a while to reply back to things. I do love seeing other people’s posts, though!

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