T10T: TBR Titles From Authors I Love

September 25, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s challenge is to list ten books I haven’t read yet from authors I love! Rather than just listing ten books, I decided to list ten beloved authors, and each book of theirs that I haven’t read yet!

I’m also going to list the books in priority of which ones I want to read soonest!

The authors themselves are just in alphabetical order by last name, because I couldn’t decide which one deserved the #1 spot. ? Obviously, I’m also only listing authors I love whose work I haven’t read all of. I’m also only including full works, and I’m only including titles that have already been released (unless I have an ARC of an unreleased title). For authors with a lot of unread books, I’ll pick the 5 I’m most excited to read



1. Darcy Coates
read: 3 | unread: 16
priority (highest to lowest):
Craven Manor → The Carrow Haunt → The Haunting of Rookward House →
The Haunting of Ashburn House → The Folcroft Ghosts


2. Sarah Dessen
read: 10 | unread: 4
priority (highest to lowest):
Once and For All → Saint Anything →
The Moon and More → Someone Like You


3. Talia Hibbert
read: 3 | unread: 7
priority (highest to lowest):
Damaged Goods → Untouchable → Bad for the Boss →
Undone by the Ex-Con → Sweet on the Greek


4. Joe Hill
read: 10 | unread: 4
priority (highest to lowest):
NOS4A2 → The Fireman →
Wraith → The Cape


5. Jay Kristoff
read: 5 | unread: 4
priority (highest to lowest):
Godsgrave → Stormdancer →
Kinslayer → Endsinger


6. Sarah J. Maas
read: 9 | unread: 3
priority (highest to lowest):
Empire of Storms → Tower of Dawn →
Catwoman: Soulstealer


7. Seanan McGuire (not including Mira Grant titles)
read: 4 | unread: …a lot (I stopped counting at 20)
priority (highest to lowest):
In an Absent Dream (ARC) → The Girl in the Green Silk Gown →
Rosemary and Rue → Discount Armageddon →
Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day


8. Marissa Meyer
read: 4 | unread: 7
priority (highest to lowest):
Winter → Stars Above → Heartless →
Wires & Nerve, Vol. 1 → Renegades


9. Victoria/V. E. Schwab
read: 5 | unread: 6
priority (highest to lowest):
Vengeful → This Savage Song → Our Dark Duet →
The Archived → The Unbound


10. Maggie Stiefvater
read: 5 | unread: 7
priority (highest to lowest):
The Scorpio Races → Shiver → Linger →
Forever → Sinner

Are any of these books on your TBR, or have you read them? (And if so, what did you think of them?)


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. I’m so sorry this is such a late reply, but thank you! All I have left now is Winter and some of the short stories, so far so good! I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out as well for you, though!

      1. Yeah, she is SO proficient as an author! It blows my mind! She does several series as Seanan, tons of series and stand-alone novellas as Mira, and now she’s writing comics, too. And thank you!!

    1. i want to read more Schwab and more Stiefvater and more Seanan McGuire…and also reread The Lunar Chronicles and catch up on the Meyer i haven’t read…and also finish my Dessen reread and get around to Once and for All…
      uh, so, basically the majority of this list i also want to read.

    1. The Archived and The Unbound are so much fun. Bump them up 😉 I want to read more Seanan McGuire after Every Heart a Doorway but not sure where to start beyond that series.

    1. I read Heartless, and it was pretty good.
      I still have to read Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn as well, but I’ll probably skip Catwoman (not too big into superheroes). I got This Savage Song and Our Dark Duet when they were on sale earlier this year, but haven’t read those yet either.

      1. I don’t blame you too much for skipping Catwoman—I have to be in a very particular sort of reading mood for any books including superheroes, which is why I haven’t finished Renegades, either! I’m hoping one of those moods will strike me soon and last long enough for me to power through Renegades, Batman: Nightwalker, and Catwoman, lol!

    1. I do want to read Catwoman by Maas. I keep forgetting about that one! And October Daye! I did like Discount Armageddon, that’s another series I need to get back to.

      1. This is suuuuch a late reply, but yes, Kristoff and Schwab are both phenomenal if you enjoy adult fantasy with very distinctive writing voices like I do! I haven’t read any of Schwab’s YA work yet, but I love her adult and MG stuff, and Kristoff, I’ve loved both his YA and adult work.

    1. I definitely need to catch up on Empire of Storms and everything that follows as well. And I’ve never picked up a Jay Kristoff but I really want to read Nevernight soon.

      1. I’m reading Queen of Shadows right now and am a little nervous for Empire of Storms because I hear so much stuff goes down, lol! Jay is such a fun author, I hope you enjoy his writing whenever you get the chance!

    1. I really liked Nos4a2. ? Still want to read the Fireman. Didn’t like Horns tho, so I’m kinda worried and can’t decide if I’m even gonna like anything else he wrote.

      1. Are those 2 the only things you’ve read by him? I can’t recall, sorry! I’m just wondering because I know Horns is very hit and miss in his fanbase, so I would definitely recommend trying more of his work just in case! It’s one of my favorites of his, but it’s kind of weird and a little too long, probably. ?

    1. I did the same thing you did with listing authors instead of specific books. Marissa Meyer should probably have been on my list today because I still haven’t read WIRES AND NERVE or any of her non-Lunar Chronicles books. I want to. I even have them on my bookshelf. I just haven’t gotten to them yet. *Sigh* It’s tough to keep up, isn’t it?
      Happy TTT!

    1. I love Seanan McGuire’s Incryptid series. It’s awesome. I’ve never read Rosemary and Rue, and I’m waiting for Girl in the Green Silk Dress from the library. I’ll continue to read the Wayward Children series, but there’s something about it that just irks me.
      I am intrigued by Sarah Dessen, but my library doesn’t really have any of her books!

      1. I’m sorry Wayward Children isn’t working as well for you, but I am glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the other things you read by Seanan! I also hope you get to check out some of Sarah Dessen’s work soon, it’s really enjoyable!

    1. I need to read more Joe Hill too! I loved Horns and NOS4A2! I am still slowly getting through my re-read of Throne of Glass. Hopefully I can get through them before the release of KOA! I haven’t read any Maggie Steifvator! I hear good things about her Raven Cycle books! Great post Destiny 😀 <3
      Heather @ Heather's Reading Hideaway|My Top Ten Tuesday!

      1. I’m so glad you loved Horns! I feel like that might be Joe’s most polarizing work but I loved it, so it makes me really happy to see someone else loved it, too. 😀 And thank you, so far so good on the TOG series! The Raven Cycle is phenomenal and I honestly think you would like it, just based on what I know of your reading tastes, so pleeeease check it out when you get the chance! ♥♥

    1. I love they way you spun this week’s topic! I really enjoyed Winter! It is such a good conclusion to The Lunar Chronicles series. I thought Stars Above was okay. I didn’t enjoy it as much as the rest of the series, but still thought it was worth the read. I’d like to read Heartless. I’v never read anything by Sarah J Maas or V.E. Schwab, but keep hearing great things about their work. I’m going to have to make time to read some of their work! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

      1. Sorry for the late reply! Thank you. 🙂 I’m so glad you loved Winter! I’m excited to read it. I’ve read some of the Stars Above stories so far and thought they were just okay, too—not sure how much I’ll really prioritize the rest of them, but I’m sure I’ll read them eventually.

    1. Ah Sarah Dessen. The defining author of my high school career! lol. I need to also save this list because there are a lot of books I haven’t read yet by authors that I need to read.
      Fantastic post!

    1. I thought Jay Kristoff’s Lotus War trilogy was pretty darn good, despite the naysayers! It made me a fan of his and got me into his Godsgrave series anyway. And I think you’d like Steifvater’s Wolves of Falls series! Well, I adored the first couple of books anyway, by the time we got to Sinner though, things kinda went downhill 😛

      1. Haha, excellent! I’m very curious to read it and see how Jay’s writing has progressed since that point. Also, you’re not the first person I’ve heard say the series went downhill with Sinner, which is such a bummer, but at the same time, I guess at least that’s the last book? Better than going downhill with book 2 or so, eh? ? I love Maggie’s writing, but I’m a little nervous about picking up that series, so I’m glad to hear you say you think I’ll like the books!

    1. I have never read Sarah Dessen’s books but I have heard they’re really good so Saint Anything is in my TBR too. Winter is a good book but not as good as Cress was. I still need to finish Shiver series but to be honest I don’t really remember a lot of this series and it wasn’t really good enough to reread.

      1. If you enjoy somewhat fluffy YA contemporary (which most of her books are, though Dreamland definitely is NOT), Sarah Dessen is honestly a fantastic writer! I really love her stories, so I hope you will, too. 🙂 And I’m a little sad to hear you say Winter isn’t as good, but then again, Cress has been my favorite in the series so far by a long shot, so that doesn’t surprise me!

        1. I have only read one or two YA contemporary books since I usually only read NA contemporary.
          I still loved Winter but Cress was my favorite too.

      1. Yaaaay, success! 🙂 My personal favorite of hers is Ghost Camera, but I’m hearing a lot of her readers say Craven Manor is her best work so far—honestly, I don’t think you could go wrong with any of them, though! Enjoy 🙂

    1. Oh! A few of ours overlap! I need to read Renegades and Wires & Nerve 2 from Marissa Meyer. And I also never read Our Dark Duet, but I’m hopefully gonna rectify that by the end of the year. This Top 10 really made me see all the series I need to catch up on!

    1. Like, 90% of these are on my TBR. xD I just bought Nevernight by Jay Kristoff, and if I like that (which I’m pretty sure I will), I plan on getting the sequels. I’ve also just picked up The Archived and The Unbound from my library this week. And you got an ARC of In An Absent Dream?! I look forward to seeing what you think! The third book, I think, was my least favorite of the series, but I’m excited about the next one!

      1. Hahaha, I love it!! Nevernight is so fun so I hope you love it. And yes, I was so happy to get In an Absent Dream! I’ve somehow managed to get lucky enough to befriend someone at TorDotCom and I’m continually amazed by how good they are to me. ♥ I’m sorry you didn’t love the third book in the series as much! I adored it because so much of the representation was very true to life for me and was something I almost never get to see reflected in the books I read, but I think a lot of people were less fond of it than the first 2. Hopefully #4 will knock your socks off! 😀

    1. Seaman McGuire is one of my favorite authors as well, but pretty just for the Wayward Children books. Her other books don’t really appeal to me but she has one coming out next year (Middlegame) that I think I might enjoy! Schwab isn’t quite one of my favorite authors, but The Archived is on my TBR as well. I have trouble motivating myself to pick it up because of the incomplete series. ^^;

      1. Middlegame does sound really cool! I can see how Seanan is one of those authors where you might want to read some of her work but not others, though, because she’s kind of all over the place with fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal, horror, and so on. And yeah, I feel you on The Archived, it is tough to know that it isn’t finished and might not ever be. 🙁 If it makes you feel any better, though, a friend of mine who read it recently said she felt like the 2nd book ended in a decent place to end the series!

        1. That is encouraging! I imagine I will give the first book a try some day. I’m kind of expecting the series to be re-released/continued at some point, what with Schwab’s increasing popularity.

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