T10T: Overdue ARCs I Need to Read ASAP

November 6, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s challenge was to list 10 backlist books we want to read, but I thought my twist on the topic would be focusing specifically on overdue ARCs I have!

These are all eARCs (except one). They’re not the earliest-released titles I have (as some review copies get sent months or years after their release), but they are the titles that have been in my possession the longest! NONE OF THESE ARE BEING REMOVED FROM MY TBR — I’m just lazy. ?


1. Berserker — Emmy Laybourne
October 2017
why haven’t I read it yet? The plot sounded cool, but I’ve heard mostly really “meh” reviews, so I keep skipping past it.

2. The Glass Spare — Lauren DeStefano
released: October 2017
why haven’t I read it yet? I honestly just lost all interest in the plot shortly before it released.

3. Alone — Cyn Balog
released: November 2017
why haven’t I read it yet? YA thrillers are super hit and miss for me, but I thought this was horror when I first requested it (very early in my ARC requesting days!).

4. Bad Call — Stephen Wallenfels
released: December 2017
why haven’t I read it yet? This is, funny enough, another YA thriller I thought was horror when I requested it. (As you can imagine, I quickly learned to check Goodreads listings before sending random requests on Netgalley.)

5. A Dash of Trouble — Anna Meriano
released: January 2018
why haven’t I read it yet? It still sounds adorable, I just have to be in the right mood for MG fantasy.


6. A Conspiracy of Stars — Olivia A. Cole
released: January 2018
why haven’t I read it yet? I got super burnt out on sci-fi at the start of this year and hardly touched it for months (but I’m getting back in the mood for it right now, so I’ll probably read this soon!).

7. The Queen’s Rising — Rebecca Ross
released: February 2018
why haven’t I read it yet? I was in a fantasy rut right before this came out, and it was getting such mixed reviews I didn’t prioritize it. Funny, though, now I constantly see AMAZING reviews for it, and the sequel is about to release, so, uh… consider my interest re-piqued!

8. Beyond a Darkened Shore — Jessica Leake
released: April 2018
why haven’t I read it yet? I HAVE NO IDEA. I’m still so interested in this but I never found the time for it before it released and now I don’t know why I haven’t gotten to it yet!

9. Ash Princess — Laura Sebastian
released: April 2018
why haven’t I read it yet? I read the first 30% or so before it came out and hit a really bad rut and put it down. Now, I just keep forgetting to pick it back up!

10. Anger is a Gift — Mark Oshiro
released: May 2018
why haven’t I read it yet? me upon eARC approval: *SCREAMING*
me for the next 2 months: “I’m gonna save it for RIGHT before it releases so I don’t have to wait forever to review it!”
me a week before release date: *terrible mental health, refusing to touch anything sad*
… aaaaand I don’t know what’s happened since then.

If you review ARCs, do you have any overdue ones? If so, how overdue is your oldest ARC?


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Oh yeah Berserker! I remember when that came out- the premise sorta had me, but then yeah same- I saw some so-so reviews and just kinda let it go. I hope it’s good!

    1. I don’t know why it said I wasn’t following you when I have for a while, so please don’t be surprised if you get a notification saying i’m following you! 😀 Your list has made me want to read quite a few of these!

    1. I got so many arcs to read. Got my October arcs together and did not put a dent in it. Been reading library books, plus reading a series for signing event. My tbr is out after I went to two book conventions..

      1. Those always tend to slide down the list pretty quickly for me, too. I usually won’t write a book off 100% without seeing excerpts or something, buuuut it definitely lessens my enthusiasm!

    1. Reading and reviewing ARCs can be stressful sometimes! I don’t read many but when I do receive one, it usually languishes on my shelves for months before I’m in the mood to pick it up! I really want to read Anger is a Gift but it sounds so heartbreaking, I’m scared.

    1. Best of luck for all of these overdue ARCs! I’ve heard amazing things about Anger Is A Gift, I hope you’ll enjoy it 🙂

    1. A Dash of Trouble by Anna Meriano has the cutest cover and sounds so adorable! But yeah, I can understand what you mean because MG books are such a mood for me. Thanks for another wonderful post 🙂

      1. Isn’t it so cute?! I’m glad I’m not the only one who has to be in the mood for them though, haha! I feel like people look at me funny sometimes when I say that I love MG but can’t always read it. 🙂 Thank you so much! ♥

    1. I have so many overdue arcs and I have basically stopped requesting new ones because I feel like I end up losing interest in the books that I get arcs for (I don’t know why maybe it has to do with being a mood reader) and then I feel bad for not reading them. Some of my overdue arcs are Furyborn, Girl Made of Stars and Lessons in Falling.

        1. I have heard amazing things about Girl Made of Stars, but when I got the arc I was having a really hard time with my anxiety, so I couldn’t bring myself to read it and since then I have been avoiding really heavy books. But I hope to get to it soon!

    1. I have “The Queen’s Rising” on my list of books to read! I hope you read it and like it. When I first started book blogging, I got suuuuper far behind in my ARCs. I’m definitely a mood reader, so it didn’t quite work out for me. I’ve resigned to just reading books when they are published lol.

    1. I have so many overdue arcs too! >.<
      I currently have Beyond a Darkened Shore, The Glass Spare and The Queen's Rising out from the library. They sound really good!
      My TTT post!

      1. Oh don’t worry, this is only the ten that I feel the most guilty about. ? Sadly, I have a LOT more than this that are overdue. I feel bad, but it happens, and I’m trying to stop beating myself up over it.

    1. Beyond a Darkened Shore looks so good! But I hear ya. I have six books on my Netgalley shelf right now and I’ve read one and 3/4 of them. And I don’t even understand why I haven’t read them all. *sigh* Good luck getting through these!
      Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. I’ve read The Glass Spare, The Queens Rising and Beyond A Darkened Shore and I really enjoyed all three. However, I HIGHLY recommend Beyond A Darkened Shore, it was absolutely amazing and is now one of my all time favourite books. Its based on Celtic and Norse mythology and set in ancient Ireland, so good!

    1. I need to read Conspiracy of Stars and Beyond a Darkened Shore as well. I tried 100 pages of Ash Princess but didn’t enjoy it and put it down for good. I’m curious of your thoughts on all of these 🙂

      1. I don’t blame you on Ash Princess! I want to give it one more shot, but I’m not going to restart it when I pick it back up, I’m just gonna pick it up where I left off and if it doesn’t catch me within a couple of chapters, I’m officially DNFing it.

          1. How so – like it bothered you, or you couldn’t connect? If you don’t mind me asking! 🙂 I’m just curious because I heard a lot of early reviewers say they hated the abuse and thought it was too dark for YA, but from what I had read of it so far, it didn’t strike me as super intense and I was wondering if it got much worse or if it was one of those “reading adult horror for the last 15 years has broken my brain” things ???

            1. I couldn’t connect to it honestly. It didn’t feel real and just forced. Sorry if I didn’t clarify lol 🙂 I think the book overall just felt juvenile to me

    1. I think the moment you’re introduced to Netgalley is the moment you become “overdue/behind on ARCs” lol. It’s just a plight we all deal with once we enter this beautiful bookish blogging world. lol I think my oldest is an October of ’17 so trust me, there’s guilt to share lol!
      If I had any of these titles I’d offer to buddy read, but unfortunately I don’t! Glad my list gave us our next like 20 ?

      1. Bahahaha very true!! I joined Netgalley in… March of ’17, I think? And up until very recently, I had some from my very first batch of requests ever. 😛 At least I’m not alone, so thank you for that, lmao! And yeah, thankfully we are set on BR ideas for a while! ??

    1. What a great spin on the topic! I have some ARCs I should’ve read already as well. I have to admit that I haven’t read any of these though, so I’d be interested in your thoughts on them when/if you do get around to reading them 😀

      1. Thank you! 😀 I think one of my 2019 reading goals is actually going to be catching up on all of these by the end of winter or even spring, so hopefully I’ll have reviews for all of them coming fairly soon!

    1. HA! What a great idea! NetGalley ARC list is a tad out of control. I’ve stopped myself from requesting anything else until I’ve read what I have! I haven’t ready any of these ones specifically but they all look really good!

    1. I really want to read Anger Is a Gift, but I just haven’t been in the right mindset to pick it up. It’s like with Adam Silvera books, I need to be completely prepared. I really enjoyed A Dash of Trouble, but am not always in the mood for an MG book, so I completely understand. Good luck with all these!

      1. Exactly! Sometimes you just have to really pump yourself up to deal with that tragic of a story. 🙁 And you’re the first person I’ve spoken to who read A Dash of Trouble, so the fact that you liked it makes me feel way more enthusiastic about reading it! Thank you, love! ♥

    1. omg probably sooo overdue. i’ve stopped making myself read arcs because it makes me slump 100% of the time but that uh…has repercussions

      1. I hear mostly really good things about it, but for some reason I had such a hard time getting into it when I started it before! I’m hoping it’ll go better next time I try reading it, though!

    1. Oh my goodness, if I did this list I couldn’t possibly narrow it down to ten. You have so much good stuff on here though, I hope you enjoy Ash Princess, that’s one I’ve actually been eyeing!

    1. I also have Anger is a gift and like I don’t understand why I’ve not gotten to it yet???? I just stopped reading eArcs for months and never got back to them…. Oops!

      1. Oh, no worries Becky, I’m not removing it! It’s just really low on my list but I’m going to count this as a vote to move it up my TBR 😀 I’m glad you enjoyed it, I feel like I never hear anyone talk about it! That makes me more excited to read it. I somehow didn’t realize it was inspired by the Midas myth but I’ve always loved that story!

    1. Ooooh I’m so using this to boast because I FREAKING CAN.
      The eARC on my TBR that’s oldest when it comes to release date is.. Magical Mystery Paws by Mandy Morton BUT – here’s the twist – I only requested it in October, HA. And I’m currently reading it. DOUBLE HA.
      Then, the next one – again, when it comes to release date – is The Queen’s Wing by Jessica Thorne which is being released on November 21. TRIPLE HA.
      I’m so on top of my ARC’s – I’m awesome. ?
      [I only have like.. five eARC’s on my NetGalley right now so yeah..]

    1. I’ve been somewhat interested in The Glass Spare as I followed the author on social media for a while but I hear so little about it.

    1. The only ARC that I haven’t read that has already been released is The Darkest Star, and I received that as a prize in a contest that a friend held last week (I didn’t get it from the publisher). I’m actually pretty good with reading my ARCs on time.
      Out of the ones that you have outstanding, I’d like to read Ash Princess someday.

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