T10T: Characters Who Could Teach Me Something!

November 7, 2017

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is Ten Characters Who Would Make Great Leaders! I like to change the challenge up a little sometimes, so I decided to name ten fictional characters who I would like to learn a thing or two from (and what those things are!).

Click the book covers for links to the book’s Goodreads listing, or the fanart pictures for links to the artist’s page!


1. Azriel – No spoilers for ACOWAR, but he does have to teach someone how to fly, and I would love to learn how to fly – especially from someone as sweet and precious as Az. ?



2. Rhysand – You had to know I was including him, right? I mean, it’s probably been three whole weeks since I’ve mentioned him in a T10T post. That’s a record for me. I’d love to learn winnowing!


(JLaw played the perfect Katniss and yes this is my hill to die on)

3. Katniss – She’s such a badass, and I’ve always thought learning archery would be sooo cool! I mean, she honestly probably wouldn’t be a very good teacher, as she’s not super patient, but it’s okay.



4. Kell – I’ve only read the first book in the Shades of Magic trilogy, but it was enough to tell me that Kell is a bona fide badass, and his blood magic is awesome. I know he couldn’t really “teach” it – you’re meant to be born with it, right? – but that doesn’t stop me from wishful thinking.



5. Gandalf – Honestly, who wouldn’t want an excuse to hang out with Gandalf? He’s snarky, brilliant, gruff, and unbearably lovable despite the fact that I am 100% certain he would be a very impatient and un-gracious teacher. I don’t care what he teaches me, though.



6. Hagrid – Another dear soul who could teach me anything at all (or nothing), because I’d just be so delighted to spend the afternoon with him! Hagrid was always one of my favorite characters in the HP universe, and he’s so patient and kind that you know he’d be the perfect teacher.


7. Kady Grant – Sadly, I couldn’t find any fanart of Kady that I liked, but man, she became a total hacking whiz and I would love to learn those skills! Plus, she’s short, pink-haired, and sassy, so we’d get along well.



8. Audrey Rose Wadsworth – Audrey is such a delightful character, and while it might be pretty nausea-inducing, I’d totally let her show me through the nitty-gritty of performing an autopsy. (I swear I’m not a psycho… don’t go…)



9. Emika Chen – First of all, can we talk about this adorable art? Done by the goddess herself, Marie Lu, before she renamed Emika’s character. Anyways, Emika is another badass hacker chick, and I would love to hang out with her and get some instructions!



10. Blue Sargent – I know Blue isn’t a psychic like the other ladies at 300 Fox Way are, but she could at least help me memorize my tarot cards, and we’d have fun doing it.


What character would you most like to have as a teacher, and why?

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Yes! I’d follow Gandalf everywhere, that would be so cool! And an apprentice to Hagrid would be fun as well! I like your take on the topic this week, maybe I try to do something similar as well at some point.

    1. I’d love to learn something from Hagrid or Rhysand, and I feel like they’d be great teachers too!

    1. Oh my, I absolutely LOVE your list! I totally agree with all of these and would love to learn from all of them, like I can’t even choose who or what I’d love more 🙂

    1. YES, YES, YES. I completely agree. Kady and Katniss would both be absolutely amazing leaders. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! <3

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