T10T: Reading Habits I Hope to *Return* to in 2020

November 19, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s theme is changes in my reading life! My reading life has changed a LOT in 2019, and not for the better, sadly. Here are a few things that I’ve lost this year, and hope I can return to in 2020!

1. reading every single day

In my 2018 bullet journal, I kept a tracker where I filled in a square every day that I read for at least 30 minutes that day. Can you believe, by the end of 2018, I had filled all but maybe 10 squares? That means I read almost every single day in 2018. In 2019, however, if I had kept up with that same day tracker… I bet it would be half full at best.

2. staying on top of my ARC schedule

I used to pride myself on rarely letting ARCs go unreviewed past their release date, but this year, I think I can count on both hands how many ARCs (of full novels — not counting comics, etc.) I’ve reviewed before their release date. That’s… really not okay with me anymore. 🙁

3. successful buddy reads

If you’d asked me a year ago what I thought about the idea of “failing” a buddy read — as in, falling way behind schedule, to the point where my buddy read partner had finished and reviewed the book before I even started it! — I would’ve said, “Nah, that wouldn’t happen to me!” … yet here we are, and I don’t know if I’ve successfully completed a single buddy read this year (besides one this past week that I accidentally finished way before the schedule intended… but it’s better than falling way behind, right?).

4. reading more novels than other formats

Full transparency here, when I say I haven’t read as much as usual this year, everyone seems to think I’ve lost it, because at the time I’m typing this, my GR challenge is at a whopping 292 books read this year. I know, that sounds awesome, right? But, here’s the catch: you would not believe how many of those have been graphic novels, manga, comic collections, short stories, and children’s picture books. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that AT ALL, but when I’m reading 10 library-loaned graphic novels for every 100 pages of an ARC novel I read, well, we have a problem.

5. series binges

I binge read SO MANY series in 2018! I read (and reread), off the top of my head, the whole Percy Jackson series, all of Throne of Glass minus KoA, the Shades of Magic trilogy, The Raven Cycle, the Captive Prince trilogy… the list goes on, seriously. Meanwhile, this year, I’ve read almost no series titles!

6. posting frequent reviews

When I migrated my site over to self-hosting a few months ago, I was going through old posts and realizing something that jarred me a little: in 2017 and 2018, I was posting multiple reviews per week, but in 2019, I’ve been averaging about 5 reviews per month — barely more than 1 a week (not counting mini reviews).

7. gushing about beloved books on social media

Seriously, I used to consider myself practically a queen of gushing about my faves on twitter and bookstagram — what happened to that blogger?! I miss how often I used to get DMs telling me I’d encouraged someone to pick up a book because I wouldn’t shut up about it. That’s a damn good feeling and I’d like to get it back.

8. a consistent bookstagram presence

This is easily one of the things I’ve missed most, but I’ve been an epic failure at keeping a routine schedule on IG this year! I post every day for a week or two and then don’t post anything for a month or longer. I constantly get DMs asking where I am and why I don’t post anymore, and trust me, I’m heartbroken over it, but it’s been so hard for me to get into the IG spirit this year. I’m really hoping I can find something that works for me in 2020, whether it’s a new theme, or going back to taking huge batches of pictures once a month, or whatever it might be.

That’s it — 8 reading habits I hope to pick back up in 2020! Obviously, I won’t be breaking my back to force any of these back into practice, because that won’t help… but I miss the “spark” I used to have and I want it back! Are there any reading habits you hope to develop or return to next year?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I feel you… I too want to write more book reviews and read more but due to work and being sick all the time the energy to read is just gone hahaha

    1. Great twist on this week’s topic! I used to be dreadful at buddy reads, too, so you’re definitely not alone there. I hope you manage to pick up all of these reading habits in the new year! 🙂

    1. I totally understand for the point of not keeping up with eARCs I’m playing catch up at the moment.

      Good luck with all these in 2020!!!

    1. I totally understand about that lack of Insta spirit. I posted about 250 times last year, and I will be lucky to have posted 100 times this year… probably closer to 50…!!

    1. I’m also absolutely awful at buddy reading. Sometimes (rarely) I find a good book to do it with, but most of the time I’m just awful. I love the idea of it so much though.

    1. i loooove the idea of tracking if you read every day! it’s a habit i want to get back into, too. and i’m with you on consistent bookstagram…because mine has been deactivated for like a year. hope your 2020 will end up the best year of all time in human history (because that’s what you deserve!)

    1. I love your twist on the topic! As a new blogger, I’m having a hard time balancing the blog and bookstagram, which I miss as well. I’m working on it! Great post!

      Here’s my TTT for this week!

    1. I love the idea of listing what habits you want to return to! 🙂 I’ve head times this year when I read more inregularly and I really like that I’ve managed to read every evening again lately ? I used to track my daily reading, but I’d like to do it again next year as well! 🙂

    1. These are good goals to aspire to! I am SUCH a series binger, but that’s something I’ve kinda slipped on too. I’m trying to get back into reading series, but it’s hard when you can’t always get the titles you need from the library because they’re on loan.

      Also, I love your instagram 🙂 You post such interesting photos that I’ve not seen people post before — like the one with the book (Bloom) sticking out of the shelf. I love it!

      1. Thank you! 🙂 Yes, I totally feel you – having to wait makes it tough, but if you get them TOO quickly, you might have to take them back before you’re ready – it’s tough!

        Awww, thank you so much! <3 That means a lot to me!

    1. These are a lot of great points I will be considering for myself as well! (#1 [it’s a bit alarming how easy it can be to go an entire day without reading], #2, #6, #7 for starters :P) My blogging habits (and my reading habits to some extent) have been bent out of shape since April. I am working hard to get things back into a consistent, sustainable shape. I’m already excited for what’s to come – here’s hoping we both find our spark again 2020 ^^

    1. i love this! i lost the habit of reading every day this year too and the idea of tracking it in my journal for motivation is fantastic. i know how you feel about being inconsistent with your bookstagram presence and not gushing about your faves as much as normal too. what a year 2019 has been, eh?/ wishing you all the best for 2020 though !! i’m sure you’ll do amazing at this <3

    1. I love these habits and think you have a good chance at bringing them all back! I try to read every day for at least half an hour, Bookly actually helps with that because of the reminder on my phone.

    1. I relate to so many of these. I want to read more novels again and not just novellas and poetry. I definitely want to do more series binge, posting more review again, and use social media to talk more books.

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