T10T: Ten Books I’m Thankful I Read

November 21, 2017

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is Top Ten Books I’m Thankful For, in honor of this being the week of Thanksgiving here in the US!

I decided to list ten books that have seriously impacted my life, and tell you why. This list won’t be focusing on anything particularly “deep”, just books that I needed at that particular time in my life.


1. I’ve always been a total bookworm, but when I was in my late teens, friends and significant others convinced me that I was “too old” for YA, so I let go of the genre. For years, aside from a very rare exception, I only read horror and thrillers.

Last fall, however, I finally decided to give both YA and fantasy another chance, because I missed the genres so much, it was breaking my heart. This book was the one that made me fall back in love with the genre, and made me realize exactly what I had been missing. I devoured it (practically in one sitting) and was sucked wholeheartedly back into the world of not only YA, but also fantasy. Because of that, this book will always have a very special place in my heart.


2. How could I make this list without including this series? Harry Potter gave me so much over the years; it brought me friendships, helped me connect with my fiance, comforted me through many dark days in my life, and gave me this incredible group of magical friends to grow up with.


3. Every ounce of love that I have for genuine high fantasy stories, full of dragons and magic and mythical creatures and races, stemmed from this book. When it first released, I was 9 years old, and the librarian at my local library had specially ordered it for me, and her. She read it as soon as it came in and then gave me a call and asked my mom to bring me in to borrow it, because she knew I would love it – and she was absolutely right. I remember staying awake until 4am to finish it, and then turning around the next day and starting it again. It was pure magic for 9-year-old me, and I’ll never forget that.


4. This trilogy was one of the “exceptions” I mentioned in #1; I had no interest in reading this book, but a friend of mine begged and insisted for weeks until I finally caved and asked for it as a Christmas gift from my parents. I remember reading it right after the second book had come out, and I think I read it all in one day, and immediately had to buy the second book on my phone’s Kindle app or something because I couldn’t stand to wait until the bookstore opened the next day. ? It was probably the first series that ever had me so desperately on edge for the next release, so I’m always going to be thankful for that first feeling of, “oh my god, I HAVE TO FINISH THIS SERIES RIGHT NOWWWW!”


5. I am eternally thankful for this book, for two big reasons (besides the fact that it’s amazing): the smaller reason is that it was the first ARC I was ever approved for, and the larger reason is that it was the first book I ever read with on-page bi rep, and it positively stunned me. I’ll never forget the legitimate tears that filled my eyes when I actually read the word “bisexual” and when Grace described her sexuality in all of these ways that I related so hard to. I craved queer rep in books as a teen, and I am so thankful that today’s teens have books like this one to find themselves in.


6. I only picked this book up earlier this year because I thought the formatting was so unique that I couldn’t pass it up, and man, am I thankful that I did. I’ve never been a fan of space-themed scifi books before this book, because I never really gave them a chance, but Illuminae opened me up to a whole new sub-genre that I’d never given a fair chance, and now I love books set in space. <3


7. I’ve raved about this book a million times, I know, but it is genuinely the most underrated book I have ever read, and I’m so thankful that it fell into my lap as a kid. It offers such a good reminder to love people past their struggles and obstacles. Its moral boils down, in a nutshell, to this: just because someone is difficult to get to know, does not mean that they aren’t worth the efforts.


8. Sarah Dessen was my introduction to the YA contemporary genre, and while Just Listen was actually the second book of hers I read, it was the one that really made me fall in love with the genre. While it isn’t my favorite anymore (by far), it carried me through many years of my teen life and I’m so grateful for the escape it provided.


9. Honestly? I haven’t even finished this series yet. I’m just naturally thankfully for any series I can feel as obsessed with and in love with as I do with The Raven Cycle.


10. This might seem like an odd one to put here, because it’s definitely not one of my favorite books, and I haven’t continued the series yet, but I have a very specific reason for being thankful for this one. I have a bad habit of getting into my “comfort zone” with books and refusing to pick up anything outside of it. When this book was voted in as a BOTM pick for my facebook group, Life & Lit, I had no interest at all in reading it. I didn’t feel good about skipping out on what was only our second BOTM ever, though, so I reluctantly picked it up a few days before the discussion… and couldn’t put it down. I was sucked in so much, and it made me realize that I have to stop letting myself get stuck in comfort zone “ruts” and start being more open-minded about the books I pick up!

What was the most recent book that just really positively impacted your mood?

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m currently reading The Raven Boys and I really hope it’ll be as good as everyone says it is!!
      I loved ACOTAR so much… The second book is so incredibly beautiful. And eragon also means a lot to me.
      I loved reading your list! Great choices! ?

      1. Oh wow, how exciting! I really hope you enjoy it! Whatever you do, please please PLEASE do not DNF the first book. I personally enjoyed it from the beginning, but I have SOOOOO many friends who have told me they almost DNFed book 1 (or DID DNF it) and then went back and finished it later and ended up falling head-over-heels in love by the end, and adored the rest of the series. Of course, you might already be falling in love and my warning might be irrelevant, haha! ? And thank you so much, Lena. It’s so nice to learn that the books I love are meaningful to my blog buddies, too.

      1. Oh, Cress is so good. I loved Cress so much that I haven’t continued the series yet because I’m just not ready to say goodbye. I’m honestly really thinking about even giving Cress a reread before continuing!

    1. It is great when books out of our comfort zones are books that we end up not being able to put down.Book clubs are great for that to be honest. I would never have read Simon vs if it hadn’t been for the night at a local book store where we were going to talk about this book. I’m not a contemporary reader but I make an exception for Becky Albertalli now.

      1. Yes, that is honestly one of my favorite things about book clubs! They really are so good at pushing us to read things we wouldn’t have picked up otherwise (for better or for worse lol!). Simon VS is a great book – it’s the only book of Becky’s I’ve read so far, but I’m really excited for the film adaptation. I hope that it does well because I think it’s so important for gay teens to find themselves mirrored in media, and we don’t see it much at all in movies.

        1. So curious for the movie adaption. It needs to be good, yeah. But we’ll have to wait a bit longer for it. March I think, right?

    1. I love ACOTAR so much, acutely the whole series and I can’t wait for the next book in the series. Book clubs are really enjoyable. I hope you have a great day.

      1. The whole series really is amazing! I am so excited for the new release in May. I already have it pre-ordered through Amazon though I am sure I will end up switching over to Books a Million or something if they get an exclusive edition like they did with ACOWAR. 🙂 Have a wonderful week!

          1. Hahaha yes, I feel you! I have to hold myself back because I always end up thinking I need every single one! At the end of the day, though, I’m just a sucker for fanart so I always go for the editions with fanart pieces!

            1. Same. And I am a sucker for author signings so I sometimes would buy like a second or third copy at the book store so they can buy it or something.

    1. Great list! I now regret forgetting to put The Hunger Games on my list. ACOTAR and The Raven Boys are both amazing. I tried both of them this year after hearing so much hype for them, and I loved them both.

      1. Oh no! I always see books on other people’s lists and think, “Wow, I wish I’d added that to mine” haha! I’m so glad you enjoyed both ACOTAR and The Raven Boys. Those are really two of my top favorite series.

      1. Thank you, Dani! It honestly is just such an important list of books to me that I had to gush about each of them! Have fun with Throne of Glass, I’m starting it next month. 🙂 I’ll check your list out too, of course! ♡

    1. The Hunger Games is always a great option and ACOTAR made it onto my TTT. I’ve been a bit suspicious of Illuminae because of the format and space sci-fi thing but this has made me think that I should give it a chance :). Great list. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday if you are interested.
      Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.

      1. I was a little nervous to pick up Illuminae, honestly, because for some reason, the formatting and the size actually intimidated me just a tiny bit – mainly since I didn’t normally read scifi anyways! But it’s really SUCH a good story and I cannot recommend it highly enough. If you have any access to the audiobook of it, reading the physical format while listening to the audiobook is THE ultimate way to read it. It has a full cast audio that is magnificent. No matter how you decide to read it, I hope you love it! And I’ll definitely check your list out, too. ♡ Happy Thanksgiving, Elena!

    1. Some good books on here. HP is all over the place today which isn’t a surprise because it’s such an excellent and well loved series. Nice to see the Bone Season and the reason why you picked it up. It is good to step out of your comfort zone.
      Lynn 😀

      1. Yes, I agree 100%! It makes me sad to think that anyone ever shamed me into putting the genre away for a few years, because now I feel like I’ll be devouring YA fantasy for the rest of my life, haha! Thank you ♡♡

      1. Thanks girl! ♡ Oh man, Starfish was SOOOOO GOOOOD! That book really was so heart-warming and sad and touching and just… wonderful. One of the best contemporaries I’ve read all year, by far.

    1. I love what you’ve said about ACOTAR. I had the same thing — feeling “too old” for YA — a while ago, but got back into it too. I’m glad you’ve rediscovered genres you enjoy.
      My TTT this week

      1. Thank you, Louise! I’m glad you got back into it, too. ♡ Now, I’m convinced that there’s no such thing as “too old” for YA – or MG, for that matter! I’ll check your list out, too. 🙂

    1. Your list is fabulous, and I also immediately fell in love with ACOTAR this year, actually I believe I started it last December, but still it was so well crafted.

      1. Thank you, Marissa! I can’t remember when I first read ACOTAR – either December of last year or January of this year, I think – but now it seems hard to think of a time when I didn’t adore it, lol.

      1. Oh wow, how cool! I’m super jealous that you got to meet her! I keep hoping she’ll do a signing near me soon, but I think she’s said she’s off of tours for a little while. Fingers crossed! I’ll check your list out, too, and thanks!

    1. i’m glad you gave the bone season another chance the series is one of my favorite and i too sped through it. illuminae was so good not only the format but the plot and characters as well can’t wait to read gemina!

    1. Oh man, I can definitely relate to people saying you’re “too old” for YA. The same thing happened to me! I gave it up for a while until I realized that I liked it too much. Haters gonna hate!
      But this is a great list! Harry Potter and the Raven Boys made mine too, I LOVE THEM!! And I’ve always had such a soft spot for Sarah Dessen, I love her books. She pretty much WAS my teen years.

    1. I’m so glad to see Harry Potter on here! That was certainly a life-changing book for me. I love this series. I re-read at least one book from the series a year. They make me so happy. I also adore The Illuminae Files. I’m a HUGE epistolary novel fan. These are amazing epistolary sets.
      There are so many amazing books on this list! The only other ones I’ve read are Eragon and The Hunger Games. What of the remaining books would you recommend I read first?
      I am thankful for the collection of books I read as a child which built me into the reader I am today. You can check them out on my own Top Ten Tuesday here!

      1. They’re all such great books! I can’t wait to continue The Bone Season series. 🙂 I have a strong feeling I’m going to love the next two books as well! Thanks for commenting – I’ll check yours out, too!

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