T10T: Books I Want to Reread in 2019 (+ an update!)

December 4, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s challenge was cozy/wintry reads, but as I’m writing this post, it’s sunny and in the mid 70s here, so I’m not feeling particularly cozy! Instead, I thought I’d knock out one of my end-of-year posts a couple of weeks early: books I want to REread in 2019!

Before I jump into the list, let’s revisit my “books I want to reread in 2018” list (here) and see how I did.

1. House of Leaves ❌ did not reread
2. Twilight ✅ ⭐⭐⭐ review
3. Eragon ⛔ DNF
4. Sabriel ✅ ⭐⭐⭐ review
5. Tithe ✅ ⭐⭐⭐ review
6. Fruits Basket, Vol. 1 ✅ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
7. The Hunger Games ✅ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
8. North American Lake Monsters ❌ did not reread
9. Gemina ✅ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review
10. Cress ❌ did not reread

Now, on to 2019’s list:

1. North American Lake Monsters — Nathan Ballingrud
I’m really surprised I didn’t get around to this one in 2018, but I’m definitely moving it over to my 2019 list.
2. Cress — Marissa Meyer
This is another one I’m surprised I didn’t reread, but I still want to read it again before continuing on to Winter.
3. Catching Fire — Suzanne Collins
I really loved rereading THG, so I want to continue rereading the series soon!
4. The Illuminae Files (trilogy) — Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
This is one of my favorite series, and I’ve been dying to reread the whole trilogy via audiobooks lately, so it’s one of my first priorities for 2019.
5. Dreamland — Sarah Dessen
Dreamland was one of the first super heavy YA contemp reads of my life, and it resonated a lot with me at the time, but it’s one of the only Dessen books I’ve never reread.
6. The Nature of Jade — Deb Caletti
This was, I think, the first anxiety rep I ever saw and notably related to in a book, and I’ve read it many times since then and it still means just as much to me.
7. Sadie — Courtney Summers
I’ve only read this as an eARC, but I hear amazing things about the audiobook so I want to check it out!
8. An Enchantment of Ravens — Margaret Rogerson
I’m missing my sweet little cinnamon roll fae prince, Rook ♥
9. The Perks of Being a Wallflower — Stephen Chbosky
This was one of my all-time faves as a teen and still has my #1 favorite literary quote of all time, and I’m dying for Chbosky’s new book to come out, so I think I should reread this to help hold me over!
10. Harry Potter #1-3 — J. K. Rowling
I still haven’t read my illustrated copies of the first 3 books, and I’m long overdue for an HP reread. I’m hoping to add #4 to this list since Jim Kay thinks he’ll be able to finish GoF in time for a 2019 release! I don’t know if I’ll reread the non-illustrated books or just wait on the illustrated versions for those, but I guess it will depend on how much rereading time I can justify making in 2019.

Do you enjoy rereading old favorites? If so, are there any you want to reread in 2019?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I don’t re read books much at all because there are always so many new books that I want to discover. I did love reading Sadie though. If there was any book that I’d really like to reread it would be Kiss of Deception.

      1. I still need to read The Kiss of Deception for the first time! I hope to get to it soon. I know what you mean about not rereading very often, though – I think I only reread a dozen or less books in 2018 so far.

    1. I’m not a big re-reader. I wish I was, but I can’t seem to find the time for re-reads. I hope you get the chance to re-read these books.

    1. Catching Fire is my favorite THG book, I think. Would be fun to re- experience that! Gemina was awesome, and I’ve been kinda wanting to read Tithe too.

      1. Catching Fire is my fave THG book, too! It has so much powerful character development. Tithe is fun, a bit sketchy at points and suffers from some weird insta-love but the lore is really fun. 🙂

    1. I’ll probably reread the Legend series right before Legend 4 comes out (along with Life Before Legend, Life After Legend and Life After Legend 2), as well as the three Ember in the Ashes books before Ember 4 comes out.
      I’ve reread the Hunger Games before (well, I reread it in Spanish).

    1. I haven’t read my illustrated copy of HP1 either, I love the idea of it but I still haven’t picked it up and I’m not sure why!
      I really enjoyed Cress when I re-read it a few years ago so I hope you love it too!

      1. They’re so gorgeous! Part of me just wishes they weren’t so HUGE because I know it’s gonna be a pain to read them, lol. I’m just gonna have to lay them flat on my desk while I read. 😛

        1. I have the same problem! I think they just came out with a smaller paperback edition of the first illustated edition so if I feel the need to pick up the rest of the illustrated editions I think I’ll just get the paperbacks if they continue them!

    1. Honestly, even if I plan not to reread I end up rereading. It’s the best option during exams since I know that my time spent in reading is worth it and there’s no suspense which will stop me from studying. win-win!

    1. I do re-read books, especially old favourites like the HP series (which I re-read in 2018). The illustrated ones are so pretty, I gave have been giving them to my daughter for Xmas for the past three years (just so I can read them myself), its understandable but disappointing that I can’t this year, but next will have to do.

      1. Haha I love that you give them to your daughter so you can read them, too – good thinking! 😀 And yes, it’s really sad that we didn’t get a new one this year! I was wondering why I hadn’t heard anything about it a couple of months back so I looked it up and found an interview where Jim Kay was saying that he had just underestimated how in-depth GoF was. It makes me wonder if we’ll also have a 2-year wait on OotP, since that’s the longest book in the series (I think).

    1. I recently just finished watching the Fruits Basket anime!! It was amazing! I might have to add the manga to my Christmas list and hope my family are feeling kind enough to buy me books again! XD
      I’m in the mood to re-read Illuminae so bad. I’m going to re-read it at the beginning of next year too hopefully. I’m trying to get through the rest of the Throne of Glass series, and then read The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare because the last book came out. So reading Illuminae before the end of 2018 is a big no-no. ; _ ; I miss AIDAN… I need his snarky, oblivious commentary in my life.
      I hope you are super successful with your re-reads next year!!!
      Happy Reading!! <3

      1. You totally should! The manga is so much fun. I want to get the anime and rewatch it before the reboot comes out. 🙂 I haven’t watched it in years but I still remember the theme song and the sound of the voice actress for Tohru, lol!
        Awww, I hope you get the time to reread Illuminae soon! AIDAN. ? Such a hateful little bastard. I love him.
        Thank you so much, and you too!! ♥♥

        1. WaIT!!! A reBoOt?!?!?! WHAAAAAAT????
          How come I’ve never heard of this!!!
          *rushes onto google*

    1. You know I’m bad at rereading since I keep feeling guilty towards all my unread books, BUT I am planning on rereading all Shadowhunter books in 2019. I feel like.. If I set myself a fixed goal when it comes to rereading, I can actually justify it in my mind? I don’t know. It’s weird. :’)
      As you also know, I’m quite tempted to reread The Illuminae Files myself but we’ll see how that one goes, haha.

    1. So fun fact, rereading is how I got into audiobooks. When news came out of a new Princess Diaries and Mediator series book, I wanted to reread the books, but I wasn’t sure where to start, so I just saw my library had most of them on audio through overdrive, and that’s how I got into audiobook and it grew from there.

    1. I re-read The Great Gatsby and To Kill A Mockingbird every single year.
      For 2019, I want to re-read at least these books:
      – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
      – On Writing by Stephen King
      – The Pelican Brief by John Grisham
      – Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich
      – The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
      – If I Am Missing or Dead: A Sister’s Story of Love, Murder, and Liberation by Janine Latus
      Great list! I never felt comfortable posting reviews of my re-reads, but I may change that in 2019. Thank you for the inspiration!

      1. That’s a great list! I hope you get the chance to reread them all. I really recommend reviewing them if you feel up to it! I always think it’s fun to review rereads because it gives me the chance to talk a little about my memories with the book. 🙂

      1. I hope you get the chance to! I thought about also rereading Scarlet just because I don’t remember it so well, but it’s my least favorite so I don’t think I’ll get around to it in 2019 – maybe another time!

    1. You did much better than me this year with rereads! I had a list and I think I only reread one of the books on it. I keep going through phases where I want to reread something but just can’t find the energy to do so. It’s been a weird year! I’m looking forward to listening to the audiobook for Sadie as well! I hope you get to all of these when you can and that when you do, you enjoy them once more!

    1. I like to re-read, but there are just so many other books out there to read too. So little time! I think I will allow myself to re-read more in 2019.

    1. sunny and in the mid-70s!!! i’m jealous. i’m going to stalk you now (which i was already planning but now i’m bumping it up on the priority list).
      i reread so many books this year and i loved it!!! i think i want to do fewer rereads next year, just b/c of how many i’ve done lately, but i’m sure i’ll still reread a bunch b/c my word is meaningless and they’re fun

      1. oooooh no don’t be jealous haha! It went from the 40s one week to the 70s the next and I got sooo sick, it was miserable!! We’re back down in the 40s as of tomorrow so I’ll probably get sick again D:
        That’s amazing!! Iconic <3

    1. I’m not a huge re-reader (oh, how I wish I was, but alas, I never seem to have the time to!), but I REALLY want to reread THG trilogy and Lunar Chronicles all the way through! Also, the Illuminae files and Sadie are so high on my tbr they might fall off the top. I honestly need to read them asap! Lovely post as always, beautiful! <3

    1. I think you did great rereading what you did in 2018. For a change I managed to reread what I wanted to this year too haha.
      I hope you’ll enjoy rereading these!

    1. I would definitely love to re-read Harry Potter in 2019! I’ve been meaning to for AGES but then all these new books come out….but I should revisit what made me fall in love with reading. I might do these via audiobook as I’ve heard good things!
      Good luck on your rereads! HIGHLY recommend Sadie via audiobook – its incredible!!

      1. Haha I feel you! It’s so hard to find rereading time! I wish we could get the UK audiobooks of HP here but I guess you can only do that if you buy the CDs and have them imported over or something. 🙁

    1. I have reread almost every book I own in 2018 so I don’t know if I have anything left ? I hope you finally reread Cress since you didn’t this year.

    1. I have the audiobook for Sadie and haven’t read the book yet (planning on reading along with my physical copy), we should buddy read it!
      Also I love re-reading books and this list makes me happy. Good luck getting most of the ones you wanted in 2018 re-read. Bummer about the DNF.

      1. Oooooh yes! I will 100% reread Sadie with you. I just checked Libby and it’s saying approximately 3 months on the hold list. Would that be too far out for you? If that time frame is okay, I could let you know as soon as the hold comes in.

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