T10T: Book Worlds I Would NOT Want to Visit

December 5, 2017

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is Top Ten Bookish Settings I’d Love to Visit! You know how I like to change things up, though, so I’m going with ten settings I would NOT want to visit!


1. The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins
Out of all of the scary bookish settings I could think of, Panem is absolutely horrifying to me.

2. A Darker Shade of Magic – V.E. Schwab
I’ve only read the first book in the trilogy, but it was more than enough to convince me that I would never want to visit White London!

3. Dread Nation – Justina Ireland
It would be bad enough to live in the 1800s in America, but to be surrounded by vicious zombies, too? Nope.

4. Monstress – Marjorie M. Liu
I’ve only read the first volume of this graphic novel series, and while it is stunning, the setting is so dangerous! It seems like people are dropping like flies. No, thank you.

5. The Innocence Treatment – Ari B. Goelman
I can’t say exactly why this setting would be a terrible one to live in, but it’s a dystopian book, and the government is doing some weird shit. Enough said, right?


6. Rosemarked – Livia Blackburne
In the world of Rosemarked, there’s an extremely contagious plague that kills most people. The people who survive have a very high chance of being left with the plague running dormant in their veins, where it will return and finish them off after a few years. YIKES.

7. Saga – Brian K. Vaughan
Can you guys tell I just really don’t want to live in a war zone? Because that’s really what this boils down to.

8. Illuminae – Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman
I adore this series, so much, but again with the war zones, and the deaths, and the contagious illnesses…

9. Game of Thrones – George R.R. Martin

10. Uzumaki – Junji Ito
The town in the Uzumaki manga is cursed by a bizarre spiral shape that turns people into massive snails, requires pregnant women to become cannibals, deforms people’s faces, and turns them into violent psychopaths. Plus… it’s just a really gross town.

What is one bookish setting you would never want to visit or live in?

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Great list!
      As great as Westeros is and as amazing as it would be to see the Wall, Winterfell, the Eyrie etc.. nope! Too freaking dangerous. If I don’t get robbed, raped and/or eaten by a dragon, I’d probably freeze to death. I pass!
      Same as with the Hunger Games, I like to be safe & have enough food, thank you!
      I’m intrigued by white London now – will buddy read the book soon 🙂

    1. I love your little twist on this one. I could not agree more about not wanting to go to Panem or the world of Game of Thrones. Clumsy me would be the first to go xD. When I was putting together my Top Ten Tueday I kept thinking that a lot of the places were places I should probably not stay long for similar reasons, haha.
      Great list! I enjoyed it a lot.

    1. i like that you switched the theme 🙂 i think one world, i would not want to be in is the world from “the enemy” series by charlie higson. first of all, i would be a zombie, because only kids live in that world. so yeah, i wouldn’t want to be a zombie 😀

    1. I love that you switched the theme, it’s the first one I’ve seen today. Totally agree with you on all these places but the town in Uzumaki sounds especially gross.
      My TTT this week

    1. Your interpretation of the theme is awesome. At first, I was like “What?!” but then “That’s really creative!”. I wouldn’t go to The Hunger Games’ setting as well. White London sounds way too creepy not to try it tho :D. Here’s mine TTT

      1. Thank you so much! 😀 I try to switch things up a little whenever I can, haha! I bet White London would be cool to see and maybe visit for a little while, but I couldn’t live there, at least!

    1. ADSOM actually made it to my list, but with me WANTING to go to Red London ? And I mentioned THG as well, in my “not want to visit” list which is actually the TTT topic for next week ?

    1. I love your list and I took the same twist and shared places I didn’t want to visit. Loved seeing where you definitely did not want to go! I mentioned the Game of Thrones kingdoms as well!

    1. really solid call on the hunger games and illuminae. also solid call on being the most interesting blog of the bunch as per usual

    1. I probably would have had an easier time making this list instead haha! Can’t agree with you more on both Westeros and Panem!

    1. I don’t know, Panem would be fine as long as you were in the Capitol and it was before that rebellion. I kinda want to try one of those showers.
      It’s probably more historical settings with no showers or even hot water I’d rather avoid ?

      1. Very true, the Capitol would be really cool, haha. I guess really, all of the first 4 districts had it easy, so I should say I’d just rather not be in, you know, district 11 or 12 especially!

    1. I can’t think of any places in Junji Ito’s work that would pleasant to live in. Especially The Enigma of Amigara Fault and Uzumaki, yuck.

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