T10T: Winter TBR [#Project14Lists no. 1]

December 18, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

In September, I did an Autumn TBR for T10T. First, we’ll see how many I managed to finish, and then we’ll talk about my Winter TBR!

This is not to be confused with my winter Seasonal TBR Jar post I made a few weeks ago—those will be pulled randomly, whereas these are 10 books I specifically intend to make sure I read before spring!

This is also my FIRST post in the #Project14Lists series, hosted by Shealea at That Bookshelf Bitch! You can find more information here, as well as a thread of my posts for the event here.



  1. Kingdom of Ash ❌ (started and set aside for later)
  2. Vengeful ❌
  3. Small Spaces ❌ (started and set aside for later)
  4. It ✅
  5. Kin ✅
    • review coming soon ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  6. Children of the Dark ❌
  7. Doorbells at Dusk ✅
  8. (Don’t) Call Me Crazy ✅
  9. Bedfellow ✅
  10. Imagine Us Happy ✅


1. King of Scars — Leigh Bardugo
I usually have a few pre-orders for each seasonal TBR, but this season, only one is making the list (mainly because I have/had ARCs of my other anticipated winter ’19 releases), and I cannot wait!
pre-order; releases 01.29.19


2. A Curse So Dark and Lonely — Brigid Kemmerer
I’m actually hoping to start this one ASAP, but with Short-a-thon later this week, it miiight have to wait until the beginning of January!
review copy; releases 01.29.19

3. Binti: The Complete Trilogy — Nnedi Okorafor
The Binti novellas are being re-released in an omnibus with a new short story, and I was lucky enough to receive a review copy! I can’t wait to get into this popular adult sci-fi series.
review copy; releases 02.05.19

4. The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away — Ronald L. Smith
It’s been way too long since I’ve read a horror novel about aliens, and this MG horror sounds like it’s going to hit the spot, plus I am obsessed with this cover!
review copy; releases 02.19.19

5. The Weight of the Stars — K. Ancrum
QPOC girls, sci-fi, this cover, and more amazing work from Kayla, who is literally one of the kindest authors I’ve ever met? Yeah, I need ALL of this.
review copy; releases 03.19.19

6. Wicked Saints — Emily A. Duncan
I have been dying to get my hands on a copy of this gothic-Joan-of-Arc-meets-Dungeons-and-Dragons fantasy for literally almost this entire year, so the fact that I finally have an ARC of it? I could cry tears of joy. I know I’ll be picking this one up ASAP!
review copy; releases 04.02.19


7. This Mortal Coil — Emily Suvada
Kaleena, Bex, and Taylor recently read this and they have all been singing its praises, so I know they’re going to shank me if I don’t read it ASAP. ??
friends’ recommendation

8. A Heart in the Body in the World — Deb Caletti
I grew up loving Caletti’s The Nature of Jade, but hadn’t read anything newer from her yet. When Chelsea raved about this recently, I ordered it before I even finished her video and knew I had to add it to a TBR ASAP.
friend’s recommendation

9. The Black Farm — Elias Witherow
My fellow witch and horror lover Bethany reviewed this on Goodreads ages ago (like, literally a year and a half or so back) and it sounded so cool, but I totally forgot about it until listening to the NoSleep Podcast earlier this year and hearing the author’s name mentioned. It reminded me that I’d wanted to buy this, so I finally ordered a copy and it’s high time I read it!
friend’s recommendation


10. Kingdom of Ash — Sarah J. Maas
I know, for shame, I haven’t finished this yet. I was reading it very slowly in November and finally realized I just needed a little more time to say goodbye to this lovely series, so I decided to set it aside until 2019. I think this will be one of my first January reads!
series finale

Do you enjoy creating seasonal TBRs?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Glad to hear you liked Imagine Us Happy! With a title like that I knew I wanted to read it! I stopped reading the TOG series around Heir of Fire, should I read Empire of Storm??

    1. Yup I’ll be reading King of Scars as soon as I have it in my possession as well. I even ordered myself a special nikolai book mark for it. 😉

      1. Awww that’s awesome! I had it pre-ordered but then found out Leigh was coming near me for a signing later that week, so I actually cancelled my pre-order because the cost of the event was purchasing a book per person, and with both me and my spouse going, I couldn’t justify THREE copies of it. I’m going to get the two we get at the event signed and give one away, I think! But yeah, so I’ll sadly be waiting a few extra days to read it, unless I cave and buy it on my kindle or something the night it releases, which is totally possible. ???

    1. I still need to finish Tower of Dawn AND Kingdom of Ash! Also I’m pretty curious about the new Brigid Kemmerer. Going to try and find the time to check that out at some stage too.

      1. Oooh, enjoy! Tower of Dawn was so much better than I expected it to be, personally. 🙂 I really liked it. And yes, the new Kemmerer title sounds really cool – I guess I’m of the crowd that never seems to get tired of Beauty and the Beast retellings lol!

    1. A Curse So Dark And Lonelyyyyyyyyyy. I can’t help but still getting excited whenever I see the cover / title / whatever, haha. I just hope my copy will arrive on time for me to be able to read it before little wiggle is born. Like. I don’t know – is that weird? I guess I’ve been looking forward to reading it for too long, haha. :’)
      I enjoy seasonal TBR’s but.. Uhm. Like, I enjoy MAKING them since I don’t tend to actually stick to them like I want to? As per usual. Isn’t that what TBR’s are for though? To be created and then neglected? 😛

      1. Noo, it’s not weird at all! I hope it arrives on time for you, too. Did you pre-order through Amazon? I know they’ve given you some… issues… lately -_-
        LMAO. Yes! I love making them but as you know, I’m not half as good at following them. ?

        1. Yup, Amazon. But it honestly doesn’t matter where I pre-order. I either have to pay tons of shipping [and it still arrives late] or no shipping [and it arrives late] so.. I can only hope it’s minimum “damage” shipping-time wise? :’)
          WHO CARES. At least you love making them, haha.

    1. Kingdom of Ash is on my list too, but (shamefully) I need to pick up Tower of Dawn first. I’ve been dragging my feet with it because I don’t want the series to end, I think.

    1. I’m dying to read Wicked Saints as well, but I’m waiting to see if I got on the blog tour before I request it. Good luck, you have some fantastic books on your list!

    1. So I had a feeling today’s topic would be adding to my TBR/wishlist. Yep, I was right! I can now thank you for adding The Black Farm and The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away. Thanks! All of these sound great and I really should probably give the Binti book a go as well.

    1. Oooh, Kingdom of Ash is also on my Winter TBR!
      And ahhhh Wicked Saints is one of my most anticipated reads for 2019! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it!
      Also you did much better on your Fall TBR than I did! I only read 4/10 books I put on that list (I blame college tho). ?
      Hope you enjoy all these books when you read them!

    1. I won a copy of WICKED SAINTS via Goodreads giveaway, and I’m so excited to read it! It’s been on the backburner of my mind but now that I have it in my hands, I’m more thrilled!

    1. I don’t usually create seasonal TBRs – I never follow them in the end – but I love reading other people’s because I wind up adding more things to my TBR. Like today, with Wicked Saints, which sounds fantastic.

    1. WOW, look at all those stars! Seems like Autumn was amazing for your reading <3 And nah, I don't think seasonal TBRs can work for me but do I want them to work for me? Hell yeah! You have a review copy of the Curse So Dark and Lonely? NIIIICEEE *heart eyeeeessss* I love Beauty and the Beast so much so don't mind me crying here over not getting to read this retelling early XD I just got accepted for Wicked Saints and super excited! 😀

    1. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on The Weight of the Stars! It sounds sooo good and is definitely at the top of my 2019 TBR. I’ve also heard amazing things about A Heart in a Body in the World! I got the arc forever ago but never picked it up, so I’ll have to go back to it eventually.

    1. Really enjoyed this post! Can’t wait to see your thoughts on the review copies. And I’d love to try out seasonal TBRs. 🙂

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