T10T: Fall TBR

September 19, 2017

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is to pick ten books from your upcoming fall TBR!

I’m obsessed with making lists, so I make my TBR lists ridiculously early. I’m already working on December’s list. They’re flexible, don’t get me wrong, but it happens. Anyways, the reason I’m telling you guys this is to say that I’m going to divvy this up by month! I’ll list my most exciting planned reads below: 4 for October, and 3 each for November and December. <3 Each month’s TBR is themed, and I’ll explain the themes below.

(And yes, I know December is when winter starts, but dammit, the first 20 days are still fall!)

October TBR picks:

(BOO!kish Bingo TBR – primarily horror/thriller themed)

1. Strange Weather – Joe Hill

love Joe’s books, and I love horror anthologies, so when I heard he was coming out with a new one, I flipped my lid. I was lucky enough to be approved for an e-ARC of this one and it’s taking all of my willpower not to read it early!

2. The Hollow Girl – Hillary Monahan

A book about a sexual assault survivor using magic to get revenge? GIMME.

3. There’s Someone Inside Your House – Stephanie Perkins

I know this hasn’t been getting the greatest reviews, but I’ve already got it pre-ordered, and something about the idea of Perkins writing a YA horror just really intrigues me.

4. Blue Lily, Lily Blue – Maggie Stiefvater

This has literally nothing to do with the horror/thriller theme. I just can’t bear the thought of waiting too long to continue the series, plus, I’m buddy reading this with a couple of my mods from the Life & Lit group!

November TBR picks:

(Catching up on ARCs!)

5. Retribution Rails – Erin Bowman

I have an ARC of this one, despite having not read the first book. I do own a copy of Vengeance Road, and I’m hoping to get to it before September ends.

6. Between the Blade and the Heart – Amanda Hocking

I hear great things about Amanda’s writing, so I was pretty pumped about getting an ARC of this beauty!

7. The Night Market – Jonathan Moore

I got this in an ARC trade with Chelsea over at The Suspense is Thrilling Me, and she had nothing but good things to say about this author, so I can’t wait to dive into it! (It might actually get bumped up for my October TBR)

December TBR picks:

(No ARCs – just unread books already on my shelves!)

8. The Hate U Give – Angie Thomas

Trust me, I’m just as shocked as you guys are that I haven’t read this yet, especially given the fact that I pre-ordered it months before it even released.

9. A Gathering of Shadows – V.E. Schwab

I’ve been putting off continuing this series because I hear you basically have to move from book 2 straight on to book 3, so I’ve actually made room for this and ACOL on my December TBR.

10. The Assassin’s Blade – Sarah J Maas

I’m finally going to start Sarah’s other series! *fangirlish screaming*

What’s your most anticipated upcoming fall release, or a backlisted title you’re planning on reading before winter arrives?

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m super excited for stranger weather! The cover is awesome and I love Hill 😀 I’m wary about Perkins book but I’m hoping it’s amazing. Awesome list 😀 Thug and AGOS are faves of mine and I’m sure you’ll love them!

    1. I only read the first installment of The Raven Boys up until now, but I definitely need to read the rest as well! Especially since I own them, haha.
      THUG is an amazing book; hope you love it as much as I did once you get to it! December is such a long way off.. On the other hand, time has been flying lately. :’) I’ve yet to read Schwab’s books as well; same for the Throne of Glass-series. But since I got The Assassin’s Blade for my birthday, I’m obliged to buy the whole lot of them soon! 😀

      Nice list!

      1. Man, I LOVED The Dream Thieves! I need to type up a review for it but I just have so many freakin’ feelings about it that I don’t even know where to begin. And yes, December feels far away and at the same time, right around the corner, lol! Thanks!

        1. I’m 10% in right now! Started it late last night – didn’t want to risk a reading slump after Warcross because it was just. that. good. Kind of happy that I’m getting to find out more about Ronan! Was intrigued by him from the start, haha.
          December’s going to be here soooon! Before you know it, we’re setting up our christmas trees!

          1. Oh I feel you, Warcross was amazing! I’m the same way – if I finish an AMAZING book and worry about book hangover/slump, I have to immediately jump into another book lol. Yes, you get LOADS of Ronan backstory and development in this one! I would go so far as to say this is really “his” book. It made me really eager for his trilogy, though I don’t think Maggie has an expected release date on the first book of that series yet.

            Riiiight! Lol let me enjoy my halloween decorations first! bahah

            1. It really was! It’s been so long since I’ve been that smitten with a book. One of my most anticipated releases and it still blew me away completely!
              AWESOME. Now I’m really looking forward to it! Hoping to get The Raven Cycle read this month so I can tick those off of my Sequel September TBR, haha.
              He’s going to get his own trilogy? Oooooh now I’m curious. But I’m not going to look anything up because spoilers maybe.

              Indeed! Reminds me that I’ll have to get my little pumpkins out of the closet next week or so. 😀

    1. it’s good that you’re making time for “a gathering of shadows” and “a conjuring of light” haha! very good choice!
      and i am also excited for stephanie perkin’s book ?

    1. Looks like you have some great books on your list. AGOS is great. Also yeay for continuing on with The Raven Cycle.

      I secretly make tbr’s way ahead of time as well sometimes, haha.

    1. I’m going to have to grab Joe Hill’s book! Sounds amazing! I’m so glad you put December on your TBR, lol. I was going to but thought people would think winter, so I let the thoughts of peer pressure sway me to stop at Nov ??

    1. THUG was such a powerful read, I keep delaying writing my review as I have no idea how I will do the book justice! I also need to get all of the Maggie Stiefvater books once my self imposed book buying ban is over in October. I keep walking by them in the bookshop and I have heard so many amazing things 🙂


      1. I seriously considered picking it up about six times today but the two gals I’m buddy reading it with aren’t reading it until next month and I’m TRRYYYYIIINGGGG not to be that jerk who goes “ummm I’m gonna go ahead and read this k BYE” but damn it’s hard

    1. I have Schwab on my list too! I have been hearing so many good things about her books.
      Good choice in starting to read the Throne of glass series. I really enjoy it and the prequels are good to read as they give good insight for later in the series! Enjoy!

      1. Oh no! I think I requested it all the way back in April? And they only sent me the e-ARC of it a month or so ago. I didn’t actually realize it was a sequel when I requested it, so I went ahead and bought the first book but haven’t gotten to it yet, of course.

    1. AWESOME LIST! And it was so cool that you divided them up by months! Literally such a genius idea!!

      And we are looking forward to There’s Somebody Inside your House too! We loved all of Anna companion novels and it will definitely be interesting to see Perkins not writing a fluffy, YA contemporary romance haha!

      -Ash & Lo

    1. I think you can safely call The Raven Cycles paranormal, so it’s definitely acceptable for fall reading in my opinion. I really liked Vengeance Road more than I though I would. Retribution Rails is on my TBR. Hope you enjoy.

      1. Yeah! I’ll totally use that as my excuse if anyone picks on me, ha. I mean, between you and me, as someone who doesn’t spook easily, the night terrors in TDT actually creeped me out a little! I think it was the clicking noises that got me. Tchk-tchk-tchk-tchk!

        Thanks, you too! 🙂

    1. Awesome list! I got to say, those are some interesting books, and I haven’t gotten to read any of them. Though I have read most (I believe) of Vengeance Road, and thought it was pretty good.

    1. The cover for Retribution Rails is stunning. I wanted to read Vengeance Road for the same reason, but haven’t got around to buying a copy yet.

      1. The covers on both of them really are so gorgeous. I’m obsessed with the whole “desert skull” aesthetic and animal skulls (I actually have a ram skull tattooed on my forearm), so when I saw the covers, I think I audibly gasped, lol.

    1. Great list! Assassins Blade is one of the few short story collections I enjoyed, personally it reads almost like a book and I think it should have been a prequel. I too, am excited about Retribution Rails and secretly hoping I get an ARC from my publisher to review before the release date.

    1. Looks like an amazing TBR! I think the Raven Cycle books are perfect October, Halloween-y reads, so I hope you’ll enjoy! TSIYH is on my fall TBR as well 🙂 Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on A Gathering of Shadows!

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