10 authors that have been on my TBR for WAY too long! [Top 10 Tuesday]

April 12, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday post! This week’s theme is “authors I haven’t read, but want to” and I decided to narrow it down a little: 10 authors that have been on my TBR for what feels like forever, and the books I want to read first by them!

10 authors that have been on my TBR for WAY too long:

  • Laini Taylor → the first book I want to read is… Strange the Dreamer
  • Ania Ahlborn → the first book I want to read is… Brother
  • Patrick Rothfuss → the first book I want to read is… The Name of the Wind (obviously)
  • Sabaa Tahir → the first book I want to read is… All My Rage (I know, a bunch of people are probably shocked I didn’t pick AEITA!)
  • Dawn Kurtagich → the first book I want to read is… Teeth in the Mist

  • Jennifer L. Armentrout → the first book I want to read is… From Blood and Ash
  • Nick Cutter → the first book I want to read is… The Troop
  • Mindy McGinnis → the first book I want to read is… Be Not Far From Me
  • Elise Kova → the first book I want to read is… A Deal with the Elf King
  • Tiffany D. Jackson → the first book I want to read is… Grown (it’s on my Spring TBR!)

What author has been on your TBR way too long? Have you read any of the authors in my list?
Let me know in the comments, or drop a link to your T10T post for the week!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I love the Laini Taylor books I’ve read, especially Strange the Dreamer. I hope you get to a few of these authors soon.

    1. Elise Kova, yesssss!!! I feel like I never see her mentioned and I’m such a huge fan of her ? give some love!

      1. Oh awesome! You’re right, it seems like people don’t talk about her too often even though the few people I do hear talk about her, all really love her books! I guess she must be one of those really underrated faves. 😀 I own a few books of hers and I’m excited to finally read one soon, hopefully!

    1. I think All My Rage is an excellent pick for your first Sabaa Tahir book – her writing really shines in her latest novel! And I can’t wait to hear what you think of Tiffany D. Jackson and Grown!

      I still want to read something by Elise Kova & JLA too. FBAA is staring me down in my Audible account….and so is A Deal with the Elf King LOL. Hoping to read these this year!

      1. Oh awesome, I’m so glad to hear you say that about All My Rage! I have the ALC from Libro and I keep thinking I’ll pick it up soon, but I haven’t had a lot of audio-friendly time lately.

        I hope you get the chance to read them soon and that you like them! 😀

    1. Great list! I feel like Elise Kova has been on my TBR for *ages* as well. I keep seeing ads for her books on my Kindle and every time I see the covers I want to add them all to my list but I still haven’t read one ? I hope to read Grown this year too—it’s defo high up on my TBR. I hope you enjoy these authors/books whenever you read them!

      1. Thank you! Omg, Elise Kova has the BEST covers, I swear! I fell in love with the covers for the Loom books years ago and somehow still haven’t read them, but to this day, they’re some of the prettiest books on my shelves. ? I hope we both get the chance to check her books out soon AND that we both enjoy Grown!

    1. I really want to try The Troop too, although after everything I’ve heard, I’m a little nervous, lol.

    1. So many amazing books. I love Sabaa Tahir!!! Laini Taylor is great too. Strange the Dreamer is such a beautiful book. I hope you get to these and enjoy them! <3

      My Top Ten!

    1. Taylor and Armentrout are the only ones I’ve read, but they are great writers. I hope you love all of these authors when you get to them.

    1. Laini Taylor has been kind of hit and miss for me, I really enjoyed Daughter of Smoke and Bone and the novella from that series, Night of Cake and Puppets, but Strange The Dreamer and the second book of the DOSAB trilogy, Days of Blood and Starlight were real misses. I’ve only read An Ember In The Ashes by Sabaa Tahir and it was fine, but not enough for me to want to continue the series.
      My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2022/04/12/top-ten-tuesday-363/

        1. Yeah, some authors are just like that I guess, you can’t love everything by everyone, even my favourite authors have some books I wasn’t as keen on. Hopefully!

    1. Laini Taylor’s writing is beautiful and Tiffany D. Jackson ALWAYS emotionally destroys me with her books, so happy reading! 😀 <3

    1. My comment didn’t got through the first time, so again…Tiffany D. Jackson is one of my favorite authors. Her debut, Allegedly, had such a huge impact on me. I still think of that book all these years later. Grown is probably my second favorite. Prepare yourself emotionally before diving into that one.

      1. That’s amazing! I LOVE hearing someone say a book has really stuck with them over the years, especially in this community because we all read so much – for a book to stick with you for so long, that’s something really special. ♥ I will definitely have to prepare myself for Grown! I keep hearing it will wreck me! ? I’m a little nervous, lol.

    1. Sabaa Tahir & Laini Taylor are some of my favorite authors, so I hope you enjoy many of their work ?✨ and you reminded me that I want to read something by Tiffany D. Jackson too! All of her books sound amazing and powerful ??

    1. I’m currently reading Strange the Dreamer! It’s my first Laini Taylor book as she has been on my TBR for so long as well ? I also want to read A Deal with the Elf King! I read Elise Kova’s Alchemists of Loom before and it was really good ?

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