T10T: Autumn TBR

September 18, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

In June, I did a Summer TBR for T10T. First, we’ll see how many I managed to finish, and then we’ll talk about my Autumn TBR!

This is not to be confused with my new Seasonal TBR Jar post I made a few days ago—those will be pulled randomly, whereas these are 10 books I specifically intend to make sure I read before winter!


1. Toil & Trouble — Jessica Spotswood & Tess Sharpe
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review here
2. Mirage — Somaiya Daud
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review here
3. Worlds Seen in Passing — Irene Gallo
⭐⭐⭐⭐ review here
4. City of Ghosts — Victoria Schwab
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review here
5. Twilight — Stephenie Meyer
⭐⭐⭐ reread review here
6. Eragon — Christopher Paolini
7. The Hunger Games — Suzanne Collins
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reread review COMING SOON
8. Shatter Me — Tahereh Mafi
currently reading
9. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer — Michelle Hodkin
⭐⭐⭐⭐ review COMING SOON
10. Vampire Academy — Richelle Mead


1. Kingdom of Ash — Sarah J. Maas
I mean, how could I not include this one? I have my readings for the rest of the series mapped out so that I’ll be finishing Tower of Dawn riiiight before this releases.
pre-order; releases 10.23.18
October TBR

2. Vengeful — V. E. Schwab
I just read Vicious and loved it, so I definitely am excited to read this one when it arrives!
pre-order; releases 09.25.18
October/November TBR

3. Small Spaces — Katherine Arden
I haven’t read anything from this author yet, but I love MG horror and this sounds so fantastic that I can’t wait for its release date to get here!
pre-order; releases 09.25.18
September/October TBR


4. It — Stephen King
I’ve been putting this monster off forever, but I’m finally reading it next month! There miiiight be some interesting information on the way about this one…
spooky reads
October TBR

5. Kin — Kealan Patrick Burke
All of my horror-loving friends rave about KPB’s writing, and I hauled this one recently, so I’m going to be sure to prioritize it this fall!
spooky reads
October/November TBR

6. Children of the Dark — Jonathan Janz
After how much I’ve raved about his book The Siren and the Specter (review here), it’d be a shame for me not to fit another Janz book on the top of my TBR.
spooky reads
October/November TBR


7. Doorbells at Dusk — Evans Light
This is a Halloween-themed anthology I was sent recently, and it has taken everything in me not to read it already, but I’m not reviewing it until October so I’ve been prioritizing other things. That said, I’m picking this up later this week!
review copy; released 09.03.18
September TBR

8. (Don’t) Call Me Crazy — Kelly Jensen
I love a good nonfiction anthology, and this one about mental health showcases a few of my faves, so I’m very eager to start it!
review copy; releases 10.02.18
September TBR

9. Bedfellow — Jeremy C. Shipp
I absolutely loved Jeremy’s last TorDotCom novella, The Atrocities (review here), and I feel super blessed to have been sent an ARC of his next release, which promises to be super creepy!
review copy; releases 11.13.18
October TBR

10. Imagine Us Happy — Jennifer Yu
Sometimes, you just know you’re gonna love a book, and this is one of those books for me. It’s a heavy YA contemporary about abuse and toxic relationships, and I’m really looking forward to it.
review copy; releases 10.23.18
October TBR

Are any of these books on your autumn TBR, too? Which of these do you think I should read first? (And don’t forget to check out my new Seasonal TBR Jar series!)


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ahhh, how did I forget to add Kingdom of Ash to my Fall TBR?
      Also, wow, you did a great job on your Summer TBR! Looking back, I only got through like half of mine. ?
      And oooh, my roommate is reading IT right now!
      Happy reading!

        1. Ooooh, that’s exciting! QoS, EoS, and ToD are all such great & exciting books, I hope you love them all when you get to them!
          And thanks! 🙂

    1. I have yet to finish Tower of Dawn too so I’ll be reading that soon in preparation for Kingdom of Ash! I also, shockingly, haven’t read Vicious yet so that will also need to happen. I recently read a short story of Janz’s (Witching Hour Theatre) and it was quite good so I need to add more of his to my TBR for sure. Hope you enjoy IT! I listened to all 45 hours of that beast on audio but it was well worth it.

    1. Ooh a Halloween anthology sounds AWESOME! And Vampire academy I really need to read one of these days, I’ve been wanting to forever (especially since seeing the movie, which okay wasn’t GREAT but it did make me want to know more).
      Happy reading!

      1. Thank you! I am soooo excited for the Halloween anthology – and same here on VA! I didn’t care a lot for the movie but it definitely piqued my interest to read the books.
        Happy reading to you, too!

    1. Kingdom of Ash is definitely on my TBR… although I don’t know if I’ll get the chance to read it this fall or not. I still have to read Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn, and my library isn’t giving me the opportunity to put it on hold yet. But I will read it at some point.

      1. Another late reply, sorry (my pending comments were slammed for some reason), but you totally shouldn’t feel ashamed for not knowing the titles in the list! That just means you hopefully get to add new things to your TBR! 😉 Imagine Us Happy was fantastic – did you get the chance to read it?

    1. I’m scared shitless of IT so that’s promising.. :’) I haven’t put Kingdom of Ash on my TBR simply because.. I already KNOW I’m going to read it as soon as it arrives. Using the seasonal TBR to get myself to pick up older reads haha. :’)
      [My post’s scheduled for Thursday; if you need me to send you anything before that just let me know!]

      1. Same. ? Not because of the content, for me, just… it’s so fucking long. Aaaand that’s smart. ? I probably could have left KoA off too, to be fair.
        Oooh, yay! I probably will make my post early next week? I have a few double post days later this week already so I don’t think I’ll add to those.

        1. [I’m not awake yet. I thought I wrote shirtless instead of shitless for a second there.. Dear lord..]
          Hahaha. Well, you curse on the length, I’ll curse the stupid clown. ?
          Okay! I’m curious to see how many victims we’ll have joining in. ? [I was thinking about looking into that linking up-thing that’s used for TTT’s but I’ve no clue how that works.. :/ ]

    1. I’m so excited (and a little scared) for Kingdom of Ash. I’m hoping to read Tower of Dawn right before so I can dive in as well. Fun list (also I love the name of your site!). Thanks for sharing 😀
      Here’s my TTT.

        1. I’m reading now book 2 of the Paper Magician (by Charlie Holmberg) series – it’s a super light read and quite entertaining without turning really deep or depressing.
          Managed to finish the Dominion Trilogy by Joe Hart which is a dystopian series.

    1. IT literally stares at me while I sleep. It’s currently living in a porg book sleeve, but it’s right next to my bed. Taunting/haunting me. Also, holy crap, I need Vengeful. I cannot wait a week. It needs to be here now.

    1. I like the way you laid out your post. Easy to see your goals and how well you did on your summer choices. Why didn’t you finish Eragon? I loved that book.
      I read these lists and I start to panic. There are so many books out there that I haven’t even heard of and now I want to look into them. But my TBR is already over 100 books long. If I just read them it would take me over a year to finish the list without adding new titles (which I do all the time.) Eek! My Fall TBR list

      1. Sorry for the super late reply! I missed so many comments on this post that I’m just now getting around to double-checking them all, but I saw you asked about Eragon and wanted to reply. It was actually one of my all-time favorite books as a kid and I’ve probably read it 10-15 times, but I wanted to reread it this summer, and sadly it just didn’t live up to my memories! I ended up putting it down about 100 pages in because I didn’t want to tarnish my memory of it too much. 🙁

    1. I’m so extremely excited for Kingdom of Ash and Vengeful <3 I'm should finish my reread of the Throne of Glass series right before the release so I'll have all the details sharp in my memory haha.
      I'm amazed at all the books you crossed off of your Summer TBR, I'm the worst with making and sticking to TBR's haha.

    1. Umm, this may be weird but I got SO excited seeing how much of your Summer TBR you read, congrats!!! Seasonal TBRs seem like they’d be easier to stick to than monthly TBRs, but also seem like they could get out of control easily.

    1. ooh i love the graphics on this post. and look at your summer tbr!! my god, impressive. hope your autumn reading is excellent <3

    1. Wow, good job on completing your summer TBR! I’m probably close to a 70-75% completion rate. Not too terrible, but man, I need your self-discipline and organization! 😀

    1. My list this week is pretty much just made up of TOG books as I am rereading them before the final book comes out. I am so damn excited! I hope you enjoy all your reads.

    1. ‘It’ is my all-time favourite book…I just love it and I hope you enjoy it too! Kin is also on my tbr and I hope to reading that next month. Need to finish my shark horror books this month first!

    1. You did so well on your Summer tbr! I finished Eragon a few years ago and rated it 3 stars but never could get myself to pick up the rest. I don’t think I’d care for it now either.

    1. I love how you put the last seasons tbr up and if you read it or not. That’s a fun idea! Here’s hoping you enjoy all of your fall reads and good luck with It! The last one I read by Stephen King was Cujo and that destroyed me for life lol!

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