T10T: Books I Can’t Wait to Try Again in 2020

December 10, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s theme is a FREEBIE! I decided to go with 10 books that I set aside earlier in 2019 (for one reason or another), but can’t wait to give another try in the coming year. (You might be able to consider this a little sneak peek into my 2020 TBR!)

1. a princess in theory

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I hear so many rave things about Alyssa Cole, but I was in such a bad slump when I tried reading this that I couldn’t even get into romance (which is the one genre I almost never feel too slump-y for!). I can’t wait to pick this back up and most likely fall just as in love with this series as basically everyone else is.

2. kingdom of ash


Only two titles in and I’m already fudging a little, but I technically set this one aside in December of 2018. Meh, doesn’t matter. I am so ready yet so reluctant to finish this series that I’ve loved so much, but enough is enough: I have to find out how it all ends! I miiight even reread the whole series via audio next year…

3. the shadow of what was lost


I haven’t finished this one yet because this is a thiccboi, y’all. I mean, it’s “only” 693 pages (I know some of you read books way bigger than this all the time!), but that’s a lot for me and this story is dense. That said, it’s one of those books that I just know I’m gonna adore, and the third book releases this month (today, I think!), so I can just binge the series next year! Plus, this is one of my spouse’s all-time favorite series, so I know they’ll be so happy if I finally continue it. ♥

 4. the name of the wind


Naturally, I can’t make this list without adding this beauty. I started the audiobook earlier this year and immediately fell head over heels in love with the writing, characters, world, the whole thing — but reading slumps, man. If I could have 3 wishes for 2020, they would be: my loved ones and myself being happy and healthy, comfortable finances, and NO DAMN READING SLUMPS.

5. city of heavenly fire


How have I not finished this book yet, after giving almost every book in this series and the The Infernal Devices books 4+ stars? NOBODY KNOWS! Yet, here we are. I am looong overdue for moving on to the short story collections and The Dark Artifices trilogy.

6. dev1at3


Not to toot my own horn, but I legitimately consider myself one of the most vocal supporters of LIFEL1K3 when it first came out — I talked to Jay a dozen times on social media about it, I gushed endlessly, I think I even cried on live IG stories over that beautiful book. So, how have I not finished the second book in the series?! Again, NOBODY KNOWS! *flails in annoyed confusion*

7. the devouring gray

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I’m gonna be honest: this was originally a full-on DNF. I read the first few chapters and didn’t like it at all! Buuuut… after hearing a few of my faves (*cough* Lauren *cough* Jenna) rave about it, I decided to move it to my “finish-me-soon” shelf, just in case it was that awful slump whispering filthy lies in my ear. ?

 8. the girl from the well


I think I had a really specific reason for setting this aside, like maybe I didn’t have time to read my print copy and my ebook library loan ended before I could finish it? Something like that. ANYWAYS, I was super into what I read of it and would probably pick it back up right this moment if I didn’t have a buddy read to focus on first.

9. rosemary and rue


I love Seanan, I love fae stories, and I loved the first 50-ish pages of this that I read, so I have no doubt I’ll love the rest of it, too (plus I feel super guilty for not having reviewed the special edition copy I received from the publishers, because how awesome is that?).

10. this mortal coil

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And in closing, a book that not only was I loving before the slump kicked my ass, but a ton of my faves love it, too! Honestly, if I wasn’t already into the idea, Kaleena, Bex, and Kelly would undoubtedly have convinced me (plus Taylor, who I don’t think has reviewed it yet but I know she adored it, too!). I’ve just gotta finally finish this and see what all the hype is about. ?

Are there any books you’re giving a second chance or continuing soon? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I am going to try the re-reading the Binding by Bridget Collins again and Illuminae. I have this bad habit of not finishing books i like because i don’t want it to end, i hope to rectify that soon.

    1. HOLY SHNIKES, GIRL IN THE WELL. Based solely on the cover (and now the summary, I guess), I clearly need to read that yesterday. Or, more likely, next Halloween season.

      I wanted to read Lisa Grunwald’s Time After Time this year, but my request didn’t come in quickly enough before the mood passed. I plan to try again next year.

    1. I LOVE City of Heavenly Fire! I hope you can get to it soon, although it is one of the longer books in the Shadowhunter world (if you don’t count The Dark Artifices). Hope you finish (and like) all of these in 2020.

    1. I’m going to re-read Liveship Traders and Rain Wild Chronicles this year hopefully. I have a ton of in-progress series that I’m hoping to continue.

    1. I still need to read Devint3 and can’t figure out how I haven’t. I freaking loved book 1 and cried and couldn’t put it down. I know reading slumps suck. I had a few this year and am starting to worry another is coming on. I am thereadingrebel on Instagram if you ever want to buddy read Devint3.

    1. Ooh, nice topic choice for this week’s freebie! I see a few on here that I love and that I also need to finish *cough* ToG *cough* lol I want to try finishing that series before this year ends but… Ahaha, I’m no super woman. I hope reading slumps desert you next year!

      My TTT post

    1. Reading slumps are the worst, I hope you’re able to return to these books in 2020 and that you enjoy them! A Princess in Theory is one I’d really like to check out. Great list!

    1. You’re making me so curious about The Name of the Wind. I’m in a bit of a reading slump myself!

      My TTT.

    1. I am the same when it comes to Kingdom of Ash. I made it to 50% last year and then 60% and still need to finish it… a year later.

    1. The Mortal Instruments made my list as books I need to read too! I read the first three forever ago and then just stopped. I hope to get caught up in 2020. Great list!

      My TTT

    1. I’ve been trying to finish The Name of the Wind since um… last year? I agree – I love the writing, the characters, everything but the audio is like 28 hours? I will finish it in 2020, I have to!

      Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. I’ve only read the first Throne of Glass book so far and I’m already dying to see what ultimately happens! I started The Name of the Wind on audio this year, but haven’t had enough free time to really listen, so hopefully I’ll get back to it in 2020! I’m also praying for NO SLUMPS! LOL! Happy Tuesday! 😀

    1. I love that you are giving so many books a second chance — I should take a peek at my “not now” shelf and come up with a similar list. I sincerely hope This Mortal Coil blows you away, but even if not I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the book!

      1. It’s soooo pretty! That cover is from the special collector’s edition which I love – I really lucked up on it coming out right when my spouse was buying me a birthday copy a couple of years back. <3 And I always forget that The Girl from the Well isn't a stand-alone, which is awesome because I feel like horror books so rarely come in series! Thank you. 🙂 I hope you like that sequel when you get to it!

    1. i put down so many books this year with the intention of picking them back up again soon… and you guessed it, that certainly didn’t happen, so i should definitely make a list like this for next year!

      city of heavenly fire is so worth it when you get to it but i put off reading it for YEARS because i didn’t want the series to end ? and the name of the wind is also on my 2020 tbr. i need to conquer it but the length! the hype! it’s v intimidating

      1. Omg I feel this so much ? fingers crossed for us both, let’s make 2020 ours!! And I’m really so excited for CoHF but then at the same time, yeah, SO not ready for the series to end. And YES to NotW being intimidating, dear gods, so much size and hype ?

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