T10T: Fall TBR (Spooky & Cozy Reads!)

September 24, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Every season, I dedicate one T10T post to that season’s TBR.
Since fall started yesterday, it’s time to look back on my summer TBR and let you know which 10 books I specifically want to read over the next few months!

While you’re here, you can also check out the fall TBR jar I posted yesterday!

Summer TBR: 80% success!

  1. Growing Things and Other Stories ⌛
    • (in progress)
  2. Changeling ✅
  3. The Gossamer Mage ✅
    • (DNF)
  4. Darkdawn ⌛
    • (in progress)
  5. The Girl the Sea Gave Back ❌
  6. Fence, Vol. 3 ⌛
    • (in progress)
  7. Wolfsong ⌛
    • (in progress)
  8. Rolling in the Deep ⌛
    • (in progress)
  9. Summer Days and Summer Nights ❌
  10. Dreamland ⌛
    • (in progress)


My seasonal TBR usually consists mostly of upcoming review copies and pre-orders, but I decided to theme this seasonal TBR to two themes I associate with fall: half spooky and half cozy!


?‍?  Violet — Scott Thomas
adult horror

I loved Thomas’ debut Kill Creek, so I have high hopes for this novel about a woman returning to her childhood home and finding her old imaginary friend waiting for her.

On the Night Border — James Chambers
adult horror short story collection

I just got this short story collection in the mail and I’m hearing good things about it already!

The Apocalyptic Mannequin — Stephanie M. Wytovich
adult horror poetry

I’m honestly not 100% sure what this is about, but I love horror poetry and have loved what I’ve read of Wytovich’s work so far, so I’m very excited to pick it up!

Remains — Andrew Cull
adult horror

A mixture of horror and grief in a woman mourning the loss of her son. I love Andy’s writing so damn much and friends who have already read this are telling me it’s both heartbreaking and downright terrifying, so it’s most likely going to be my top priority from this TBR!

Tunnel of Bones — Victoria Schwab
MG paranormal

This one isn’t strictly horror, but City of Ghosts had such a fun, spooky vibe that I’m sure this one will, too, and I can’t wait to spend more time with Cassidy and Jacob!


Get a Life, Chloe Brown — Talia Hibbert
adult contemporary romance

Y’all know I love me a good Talia Hibbert book. ♥ This one featuring chronic illness/pain and a motorcycle-riding hero is hiiiigh on my list!

Dine With Me — Layla Reyne
adult contemporary romance

This novella sounds so sweet and so sad! It’s about a terminally ill chef and a doctor falling in love while they go on a tour of the chef’s favorite restaurants. The author swears it has a happy ending, and it had sure better. ?

Never Have I Ever With a Duke — Darcy Burke
adult historical romance

A relationship of convenience in which neither party can really help the other out, so they think they’ll work together to help themselves find rich spouses, but life has other plans~ *eyebrow waggle*

Fix Her Up — Tessa Bailey
adult contemporary romance

This wasn’t that high on my TBR until I started seeing quotes float around twitter, and now I’m dying to get my hands on it. ? It’s apparently about a woman who’s had a crush on her brother’s best friend forever, and he’s finally starting to see her as the woman she’s grown into, yadda yadda. I’m here for it.

Permanent Record — Mary H.K. Choi
NA contemporary romance

Ahh, teen romance in the social media era. I loved Emergency Contact so I’m really glad to get to pick this one up soon.

Do you enjoy creating seasonal TBRs?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ooh, I enjoyed Fix Her Up! Hope you will as well! 😀

      Definitely agree on Tunnel of Bones. I got my preorder in right before my holiday, so I’m planning on reading it in October as well. I don’t read spooky things a lot, but I feel like I can handle MG spookiness. [I remain convinced I’d be creeped out for real if Schwab decided to do YA/adult horror-stuff though.)

      1. Yaaaay, fingers crossed! I’ve been wanting to read Fix Her Up for a bit but haven’t been able to borrow it from anywhere… I finally caved and paid $5 for the ebook a few nights ago so hopefully it’s great. 😀

        Oh, I think V could spook even ME if she tackled legit adult horror o_o

    1. I don’t create seasonal TBR’s but I like the idea. I do think that the cover for the Apocalyptic Mannequin could give me nightmares.

    1. The Apocalyptic Mannequin looks so cool! I can’t imagine what it’s about though! LOL! I love cozies, especially this time of year! Happy reading!

    1. Oh so many awesome books! I had Darkdawn on my list for autumn but I know I’m not ready for all the emotions Kristoff is going to put me through ? I’m really looking forward to reading Permanent Record too! Great TTT 🙂

      My TTT post

    1. I’ve had the displeasure of reading Fix Her Up. It’s in the running for being the worst book of the year for me. The male lead is a walking dick joke- which wouldn’t be bad if the female lead wasn’t an actual clown. It’s just so bad. All I can say is “little sister tit” and I’ll leave you at that.

      1. Oh no, sorry you didn’t enjoy it! I definitely think it must be a polarizing read as it seems like all of my friends either adore it or feel the way you do about it! Hoping I’ll have better luck since I purchased a copy haha!

    1. I like putting together seasonal TBRs too. It gives me something to look forward to. It’s too bad you never got around to reading Summer Days and Summer Nights. It’s a great book. Maybe next year ;-).

    1. …and he’s finally starting to see her as the woman she’s grown into, yadda yadda. I’m here for it.

      ??? I died laughing at this because wow this is literally me with every romance I TBR!

      Looks like you have a solid TBR this season Destiny! Heres to hoping you love all these! Happy reading love !

    1. I often think about creating seasonal TBRs, but I never do it lol. I am too much of a mood reader to ever stick to such lists, even though I like the idea of ‘fall reads’ and the like. I haven’t read anything by Andrew Cull but now I’m curious about Remains…

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