10 favorite books with star-crossed lovers! [Top 10 Tuesday]

March 8, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday post! This week’s theme is books with your favorite trope, so I decided to go with one of my favorite romance tropes: starcrossed lovers!

I love rooting for a couple who was never meant to be together, especially if it’s something grand-scale in their circumstances keeping them apart (like royals from warring nations, etc.).

10 of my favorite books with star-crossed lovers!

  • Captive Prince // C.S. Pacat — like I said, royals from warring nations gets me every time. Add in the family drama… oof.
  • Cemetery Boys // Aiden Thomas — I mean, gosh, Julian is a ghost. It doesn’t get much more doomed than that!
  • Hate to Want You // Alisha Rai — I don’t hear this book get enough hype, but it’s such an angsty modern Romeo & Juliet retelling and the yearning is immaculate.
  • Girl, Serpent, Thorn // Melissa Bashardoust — We have a Persian princess who isn’t able to touch anyone without poisoning them, and a demon the princess is supposed to hate. So good.
  • The Hunger Games // Suzanne Collins — The Peeta shipping in this house has gone strong for too many years for me to not put this doomed-from-the-start couple on the list.

  • Six of Crows // Leigh Bardugo — Maybe this one’s a stretch, but think Nina and Matthias fit the theme.
  • The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo // Taylor Jenkins Reid — *cries forever*
  • The Fault in Our Stars // John Green — I know, I KNOW, but I’m probably never going to let go of Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters.
  • The Lunar Chronicles // Marissa Meyer — I kind of feel like all of these couples count to some degree or other? And while I still haven’t read Winter (for shame, I know), I really love all three of the couples I’ve met so far in this series.
  • The Bone Season // Samantha Shannon — I didn’t think about adding this until the end of the list, and it was kind of a face-palm moment, because DUH, this series has one of my favorite star-crossed couples of all time? They’re so tragic and angsty!

What are some of your favorite romantic tropes?
Let me know in the comments, or drop a link to your T10T post for the week!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Nina and Matthias for sure fit! Girl Serpent Thorn is a good read. And I really need to reread The Bone Season and then read the rest of the series.

    1. Ooh, yes, this is such a great trope and not one I read enough of. Evelyn Hugo really does have me crying forever ? (that book has such power over my emotions LOL)! And yes, Cemetery Boys. So good ? Awesome list, Destiny!

    1. Nothing matches “star crossed” as much as Fault in our Stars! That book really made me cry buckets.

    1. HUNGER GAMES! That’s very much overdue a re-read from me. I have read and loved Cinder, I just need to read the rest of the series.

      1. I re-read the first THG book a couple of years ago and honestly loved it so much all over again. I need to re-read the other books in the series, though! I haven’t read books 2 and 3 in ages. 🙂

    1. I love The Hunger Games, and Six of Crows. I’ve never understood why people love Gale more than Peeta because he had me at baking, I’m a sucker for a baker! I liked Girl, Serpent, Thorn but I wasn’t that invested in the romance, and I have to admit I’m one of the few people who didn’t really like The Fault In Our Stars. I also wasn’t massively keen on Cinder, though I did enjoy the second book in that series more.
      My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2022/03/08/top-ten-tuesday-358/

      1. Haha I feel you on Gale/Peeta! I was so sold on Peeta from the start that I couldn’t fathom being Team Gale. ? And for what it’s worth, I also felt that the later books in The Lunar Chronicles were better than the first book!

        1. Yeah I just never saw what she saw in Gale, though the movie did get me slightly closer, I’ll admit. I have heard that a lot, maybe one day I will finally finish the series.

      1. I would love that! I might need to find a recap of the series first, because I’m not sure I remember the events of Cress very well, or I might re-read that one beforehand lol!

    1. Cemetery Boys!! I loved the romance so much and the angst of Julian being a ghost ? This also took me back to my Hunger Games and The Fault of Our Stars days – the nostalgia is real ?

    1. Ooooo Girl, Serpent, Thorn huh? Is this going to turn into another book you recommend me that I need to invest in? Also, a demon you say? Also, Cemetery Boys is so freaking good. Hands down one of my favorite books! ♥

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