T10T: Winter TBR (no theme, just reading cravings!)

December 17, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s theme is winter TBR time, so let’s take a look at my fall TBR progress and discuss a few reads I’m hoping to tackle in the upcoming season! I normally like to “theme” my seasonal TBRs, but this time, I decided to just pick 10 things at random that I really want to read ASAP!

FALL TBR: 10% success!

Yup, you read that right: only 10%. ? This has been my WORST seasonal TBR in the entire history of my blog, but it’s been a hard last several months and I refuse to beat myself up over it. Onward and upward, and all that, yeah?

  1. Violet ❌
  2. On the Night Border ❌
  3. The Apocalyptic Mannequin ❌
  4. Remains ❌
  5. Tunnel of Bones ❌
  6. Get a Life, Chloe Brown ✅
    1. review here ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  7. Dine with Me ❌
  8. Never Have I Ever with a Duke ❌
  9. Fix Her Up ❌
  10. Permanent Record ❌

Now, for my WINTER TBR:


? come tumbling down

I am SO pumped to finally continue the Wayward Children series! ?

bad for the boss

It looks like I have a bit of a wait ahead of me before Talia Hibbert releases another book (and don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to rush perfection!), so it’s definitely past time for me to finally check out the Just for Him series!

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corpse cold

It’s been a while since I bought this, and I keep meaning to read it! I did read one short story from this collection when I originally bought it and I really loved it.

my fake rake

I don’t read nearly as much historical romance as I’d like to, and this sounds like the perfect way to shove myself back into the subgenre. ? A fake dating story with a super sweet, nerdy guy trying to play it cool and aloof? *swoon*

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better watch out

Christmas horror, creepy Santa… ’nuff said. This is at the very tippity-top of my Short-a-thon TBR, actually, but I wanted to add it here too because I’m just THAT excited. ?

the god game

Not only does this sci-fi gaming-gone-wrong story sound pretty dope, but I’m also on the blog tour for it next month, so it kind of HAS to go on my winter TBR, eh? ?


behind you

I’ve been wanting to read this super creepy little illustrated horror short story collection FOREVER and then Kal went and sent it to me a few weeks ago and it’s been taking every ounce of my self-control to save it for Short-a-thon!

sick kids in love

I just randomly realized yesterday, while taking bookstagram pictures, that I somehow hadn’t read this yet, and basically freaked out because I need it RIGHT NOW.

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I’m actually hoping to start this one today! It sounds so creepy and fun, plus a Goodreads group I’m in picked it for one of the December reads and I really want to pick it up in time to discuss it with everyone. Haunted theme parks, yes please!

10 blind dates

And finally, one more holiday read to add to the list: this super adorable-looking rom-com about a girl whose family sets her up on 10 blind dates over Christmas break. I think this sounds like the perfect palate cleanser to help me bust the remaining bits of this reading slump!



What does your winter TBR look like? (And what do you think of the new formatting I’m trying out in today’s post?!)


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Love the mix of genres on here and totally support the mood reading!
      I haven’t read any of these books but I also have a Seanan McGuire book on my TBR (Rosemary and Rue)! I haven’t read a book by her yet and I really need to change that.
      Happy reading! 🙂

    1. Ooh, I love this format for the post! Also, some great stuff on here – I got that Christmas horror one to read during my vacation because of YOU! I love your posts so much, I’m meaning to comment more but in case I still suck at it, know I love you & read everything you write!!! You’re amazing!

    1. Oh I can’t wait for come tumbling down! I hope we will both love it!


    1. Your format is nice. Now I’m wondering how you did it.

      The God Game sounds interesting. Hope you do better than 10% on this TBR… but even if you don’t, I’m sure you’ll read plenty of amazing books in this upcoming season.

      1. Haha this makes me feel better and less alone, thank you! <3 I'm bad with series a lot of the time, too, but they're such quick reads hopefully it'll go well for you when you do try the Wayward books! 😀 Thank you, I hope your winter TBR goes well too!

    1. Omg love the quartz heading

      I need you to read and review the illustrated one, sick kids (is it satire??), and 10 blind dates plzty

    1. I’ve never tried a seasonal TBR, only a monthly. I think I’ll have to try that out next time. I already did a December TBR post so maybe I’ll make a winter one for Jan and Feb

    1. Your TBR looks fantastic! I have Ghostland to read as well, and I’ll be reading Come Tumbling Down by the end of the month?

    1. I love the new format, it looks amazing! ? Best of luck with your winter TBR, I hope you get to all the books ⛄ I’ll definitely be reading my Arc of Tweet Cute, as it’s already coming out in January ?

    1. 10 Blind Dates, The God Game and Come Tumbling Down are on my TBR. I am most looking forward to Come Tumbling Down, even though the Jack & Jill story line is one of my least favorites (and I feel it has already played out).

      I read Fix Her Up, and I really hated it. I’m not anti erotica, but it kind of came out of nowhere for me. My bad for not being familiar with Tessa Bailey I guess. And parts of the book were just creepy and felt clumsily written.

      1. I hope you enjoy all of those! Hopefully Come Tumbling Down will make the whole Jack & Jill arc feel a little fresher to you – I love their characters so I’m eager either way, but I can see what you mean, too. 🙂

        Sorry to hear you hated Fix Her Up! I’ve heard mixed reviews but I’m hoping I’ll have better luck.

      1. Thank you, that would be awesome if I could finish my winter TBR and then work my way back to my fall one or something – thank you for the idea haha, I think I might try to run with that now! 😀

    1. Love how many spooky things you have on your TBR, and totally agree that you deserve to let yourself off the hook for your fall TBR! I also adoooore the new layout for this. 🙂

    1. You just reminded me I grabbed Ghostland and need to work it in during January too. Man, I need to go and grab Better Watch Out. Sounds perfect for this time of year. I also can’t wait for the Seanan McGuire book either!

    1. loooove the new format!

      AHHH SICK KIDS IN LOVE IS SOOOO GOOOD! i hope you adore it because it’s maybe my favourite book of 2019 and i want to shove it in everyone’s hands because it’s just perfect.

      i am so looking forward to come tumbling down! and i still haven’t read tunnel of bones yet either, whoops.

      best of luck! <3

    1. COME TUMBLING DOWN I’M SO READY. Also I love the formatting! I was going to comment on it before I even got to the part where you asked for opinions, haha. I like the alignment of the content and the inclusion of emojis 🙂

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