T5W 04.26.17: Authors You Want to Read More From

April 26, 2017

I’ve decided to join the T5W group over on Goodreads, created by the lovely Lainey! Every Wednesday, participating bloggers are given a “top 5” challenge/tag to answer, and this week’s is Authors You Want to Read More From! Here are my picks:

  1. Nicola Yoon – I own and flew threw both Everything, Everything and The Sun is Also a Star, and cannot hype this author enough! She’s offering up adorable fluffy contemporaries in a beautifully diverse packaging, and I am so ready for more releases from her.
  2. Jay Kristoff/Amie Kaufman – This one might be sort of cheating, but I’m dying for more co-authored books from this duo. Illuminae and Gemina were both unputdownable 5-star reads for me, and I’ve essentially been reduced to wasting vast amounts of my time trying to force all of my loved ones to pick this series up, while simultaneously staring at the calendar, anxiously awaiting the Obsidio release. These two write such brilliant characters and plots, and I seriously need more AIDAN in my life right now.
  3. Noelle Stevenson – Having read Nimona and the first four volumes of Lumberjanes, Noelle has quickly become my favorite graphic novel author and I’m dying to get my hands on anything and everything that she creates. She writes such fun stories with fantastical elements, diverse casts, and brilliant representation of both ethnic minority groups as well as those on the LGBTQ+ spectrum.
  4. Julie Buxbaum – Let me put a disclaimer on this one; yes, I know Julie has also written adult fiction, but I specifically want to read more YA fiction from her. Tell Me Three Things was my first read of 2017 and I gobbled it up in one go, totally in love with not only her writing, but also the characters themselves. It was such an enjoyable and sweet read; albeit predictable, but less in the boring way and more in the “I can veg out with this book and relax” way. She strikes me as one of those fantastic “fluffy summer reads” authors (yes, it’s a thing!) and I need to get my hands on more of her work.
  5. Ashley Herring Blake – I’m going out on a bit of a limb with this one, as I’m currently only halfway through my first book of hers, How to Make a Wish. That said, I am absolutely adoring this novel already. Ashley’s writing is sweet, comical, and raw all at the same time. Her bisexual representation is 100% A+ (in this bisexual woman’s opinion, anyways), and it’s really evident that she’s got a goal in mind to offer diversity in her writing, which I will always appreciate. Obviously, I’ll be posting a review when I complete HtMaW, but so far, it’s 5 stars from me, and I really am eager to read more by her.
More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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