Down the TBR Hole #29

May 13, 2018

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 931* titles

* I swear this number never actually DROPS much… can you imagine how big my Goodreads TBR shelf would be without this meme?

BOOKS 511-515:


The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo – added 03.28.17
It’s Leigh Bardugo. ♥

Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson – added 04.05.17
I tried picking this up last year and couldn’t get into it, but I know a lot of people love it so I want to give it one more try.

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning – added 04.06.17
I’m very torn on this, but I think I want to give KMM a try!

Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon – added 04.06.17
I added this because it is an incredibly popular book in the horror community, but it just doesn’t sound interesting to me at all.

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys – added 04.06.17
You guys know how much I love keeping these depressing hist-fics on my TBR… heh.

BOOKS 516-520:


Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton – added 04.06.17
This is another series I’m extremely torn on. Keeping for now, but… thoughts?

Velvet by Temple West – added 04.07.17
I got this from the library last spring, read one chapter of it, and disliked it so much that it sat untouched on my shelf until its due date.

The Fifth Petal by Brunonia Barry – added 04.07.17
Meh… I have enough other witch-hunt-themed mystery novels on my shelves.

Dark Breaks the Dawn by Sara B. Larson – added 04.07.17
I feel really bad about removing this, because a facebook friend gave it to me, but I just don’t think I’ll ever read it, so it’s better off being passed on to someone who will.

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson – added 04.07.17
I definitely want to read this series – just not any time super soon, haha. I’m still trying to decide if I want to go in “recommended” order, or just start with the series I already own the first 2 books to, which is his current one, The Stormlight Archives.

BOOKS 521-525:


Hearts & Other Body Parts by Ira Bloom – added 04.07.17
This was a cover add.

The Women in the Walls by Amy Lukavics – added 04.07.17
I definitely want to read this some time, but I own 2 other books by her that I haven’t read and will read before this one, so I’ll remove this for now.

Shutter by Courtney Alameda – added 04.07.17
1) this is one of my fave horror covers ever, and 2) this is on the “top TBR” shelf on my bookcase.

Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter – added 04.08.17
I liked the idea of a zombie Alice retelling, but this doesn’t sound very exciting and I haven’t heard good things.

Just a Girl by Carrie Mesrobian – added 04.10.17
This might sound harsh, but my general rule is that if any book on my TBR has more than 100 ratings with lower than a 3.0 average, it goes immediately, and this currently has a 2.9. (Plus, it sounds really basic and meh.)

BOOKS 526-530:


The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan – added 04.10.17
In this house, we do not remove Uncle Rick’s books from the TBR until we finish reading them!

Love & Luck by Jenna Evans Welch – added 04.10.17
I know it’s not advertised as a series, but I should still probably read Love & Gelato first.

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi – added 04.10.17
This is where I’d usually say “I already own a book by her and it’s not this one so let me read that first,” but she seems so lovely and this is YA whereas the other book is MG, so…

Duels and Deception by Cindy Anstey – added 04.11.17
Funny story: I only added this because I won it in a giveaway that I didn’t mean to enter.

Spill Zone by Scott Westerfeld – added 04.11.17
Just to double-check, do you have to read the Uglies books before this? Because I don’t care to read those, but this sounds neat.





More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Oooh, The Final Empire is one of my faves. I hope you love it whenever you eventually get to it!

        1. That’s definitely the best cover set! TFE is defiitely best to start with if you want adult high fantasy. He has a superhero trilogy (Steelheart) but it’s more YA.

          1. Right on, thank you! I’m not big on superheroes so I don’t think I would jump to pick those up right away (I’m still trying to force myself to pick Renegades back up and finish it, lol), but I am super stoked for Mistborn. 😀 I’ve been trying to get into more adult fantasy lately!

    1. I don’t believe you have to read Uglies to read Spill Zone. Uglies takes place in a different world and I read the synopsis and none of the characters sound familiar from the Uglies world.

    1. Yaaaaas for keeping Star-Touched Queen! And I read a good portion of both of Laurel K. Hamilton series when I was in uni…and loved them at the time. But I read one of the books from the fae series last year and thought that the plot and writing were just ridiculous haha. I will say that I really LOVE a vampire character from the Anita Blake series though…

      1. I really do! I’m so torn because part of me wants to read it ASAP because I know it’ll be amazing, but the other part of me wants to save it until closer to King of Scars because I’ve read all of Leigh’s other books! 🙁

          1. Oohhh, I don’t blame you! Especially with the finale coming out and all… I’m trying to read one TOG book a month to prepare myself for the finale’s release, so that I can read it right away, but at the same time, I know I’ll be sad when I’ve read all of Sarah’s books!

            1. I wasn’t able to hold any restraint when I read the first four ToG books! I read them all in two weeks. It was over way too fast! I wish I spaced it out like you are doing, Destiny! I’m going to be so sad once all the ToG books have finished!

    1. Alice in Zombieland is on my TBR. I seriously just liked the covers way too much and I had a huge book budget at the time soooo yeah. Hopefully I’ll end up liking them somewhat.. :’)

    1. So glad to see you keep Furiously Happy, The Final Empire, Shutter, The Lost Hero, and The Star-Touched Queen! I enjoyed Shutter but I still have the others on my TBR, I’m sure we’ll both enjoy them though. I actually got rid of Dark Breaks The Dawn as well, I just feel like it wouldn’t be anything new you know? Kind of sad to see The Women in the Walls go but happy to know you may still consider it, I’ve gotten rid of multiple books by authors on my TBR just because I’m not sure if I even like their style yet! Also I still highly recommend Lukavics’s Daughters Unto Devils…..

      1. All of them sound so good! I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way about Dark Breaks the Dawn, though. :/ Funny enough, right after I typed this post up (I always do these a week or two in advance), I put that book on my #booksfortrade post on twitter and it got snatched up the very same day! So it’s already gone on to a reader who will hopefully be much more excited about it than I was, heh. Ohh, Women in the Walls will DEFINITELY be coming back on my TBR once I read more of her work! I just have this weird thing where I don’t like keeping tons of books by the same author on my TBR unless I own the books? I don’t know if that makes any sense, but I own Nightingale and Daughters Unto Devils by her, so I figured I’d read both of those before adding back Women, since I don’t own that one!

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