Down the TBR Hole #31

May 27, 2018

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 914 titles

BOOKS 551-555:


Far From You by Tess Sharpe – added 04.15.17
I never really hear about this one, but Tess seems pretty awesome and I like the synopsis.

Noteworthy by Riley Redgate – added 04.15.17
Lately, I’ve come to realize that if a YA contemporary features a specific hobby (like art, music, or in this case, a cappella singing groups), if you’re not at least 1% interested in that hobby, you’re probably not going to have a good time.

Radio Silence by Alice Oseman – added 04.15.17
I hear lots of good things about this one, so I definitely wanna read it at some point!

The Impostor Queen by Sarah Fine – added 04.15.17
I was gonna remove this, but so many of my friends are calling it an incredibly underrated read, so I’ll leave it for now!

Not Otherwise Specified by Hannah Moskowitz – added 04.15.17
This author seems like such a doll, so I always end up adding her books to my TBR, but honestly, almost every synopsis ends up sounding like nothing I personally would be interested in. :/ Including this one.

BOOKS 556-560:


A Darkly Beating Heart by Lindsay Smith – added 04.15.17
I think I must’ve been on a kick on April 15th, 2017 for adding books with queer rep regardless of whether or not they actually sounded interesting.

A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard – added 04.15.17
I don’t remember adding this one, but it’s got autism rep as well as a deaf love interest, and it honestly sounds really precious and sweet.

Dreadnought by April Daniels – added 04.15.17
Honestly, I’m really not into superhero books very much, even if they do have queer rep. 🙁 I think I’ll pass this one up.

Ida by Alison Evans – added 04.15.17
Seriously, though… this is, like, the 4th or 5th book in this week’s post that I can tell I must have just quick-added from an “LGBTQ+ YA Books” list or something.

The Education of Margot Sanchez by Lilliam Rivera – added 04.15.17
This cover is gorgeous, but the plot doesn’t sound too interesting.

BOOKS 561-565:


You’re Welcome, Universe by Whitney Gardner – added 04.15.17
This honestly does sound kinda cute, but at this point, my contemporary TBR list is so massive and I have got to start whittling it away.

Hello, Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly – added 04.15.17
I’m really picky about MG books, and try to keep as few of them on my TBR as possible, so even though I love how diverse the cast of characters in this book is, it doesn’t sound like my cup of tea.

The Gauntlet by Karuna Riazi – added 04.15.17
This book is marketed as “a steampunk Jumanji with a Middle Eastern flair”, and that’s good enough for me.

Get it Together, Delilah! by Erin Gough – added 04.15.17
Yay for f/f YA books! Boo for… well, almost anything that gets pitched as a “rom-com in book format”.

Meg & Linus by Hanna Nowinski – added 04.15.17
After reading a few reviews, dealbreakers I’m seeing several people mention independently of one another:
1. fat-shaming
2. bi-erasure
3. categorizing sexual orientation exclusively by attraction to genitals (which is hella transphobic, for starters)

BOOKS 566-570:


Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy – added 04.15.17
I loved Julie’s short story in Three Sides of a Heart, so when I saw this on sale in the kindle store for $2, I had to grab it.

The Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana – added 04.15.17
This was a major cover add, but the plot also sounds really cool.

Spindle by Shonna Slayton – added 04.16.17
I think I’m pretty much over the whole “Basic YA Fantasy Retellings” theme.

The Queen’s Poisoner by Jeff Wheeler – added 04.18.17
I downloaded this from a kindle sale on a whim last year, without knowing anything about it, but it doesn’t sound particularly interesting.

Burial Rites by Hannah Kent – added 04.18.17
I love historical fiction, especially when it’s inspired by a true story, so this one sounds pretty dope – plus, it’s set in Iceland!





More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Shame about Dreadnought, but if you are tired of superheroes then it is best to miss it 🙂
      I hadn’t heard all of that about Meg & Linus! Definitely going to make sure it isn’t on my TBR now.
      The Imposter Queen though! That was surprisingly interesting. I still need to read the 3rd/final book, but just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

      1. Thanks, Sionna! Did you enjoy Dreadnought? If you recommend it, then maybe I’ll keep it in the back of my head for when/if I get out of my slump with superhero stuff! 😀

        1. I did really like it, but I do know people who had complaints and I didn’t think the second book was as good. Worth considering if you like superheroes or at least if you want to recommend a book with a transexual character.

    1. You’re Welcome Universe was on my spring TBR last year but I never ended up reading it. I think it’s still on my TBR. It sounds like an interesting read. Sad to see it go.
      The Gauntlet sounds really good. I’m going to have to check that out at some point.

      1. Omg, okay, funny story about You’re Welcome Universe – I made this post a couple of weeks ago, before I got my reading list for my summer class… AND GUESS WHAT’S ON THE LIST. And I forgot to change it on here but I guess I have to put it back on my TBR, so let me know if you wanna buddy read it lmao!

        1. I was thinking that today when you showed me your list of books you have to read. I was like I’m pretty sure she just removed it from her TBR. I am glad we ended up deciding to buddy read it. I wanted to read it last year but didn’t get to it. I hope we end up enjoying it.

            1. Yess! My copy is currently in transit so it will be here within the next couple of days. I can’t wait!

            1. I went to the library yesterday hoping that it would be there but nope. I just checked today and it’s still in transit. So hopefully by tomorrow or Friday it should be in. I’m surprised it’s taking so long.

            1. Haha, booooo! Oh well, hopefully soon. They rearranged my class schedule a bit but still left the disability rep week for the end of the summer-semester, so I’m in no rush – any time will be fine. ♥

            1. That sounds good! It’s finally at the library but they had something going on today so I didn’t want to go when it was crowded. I am aiming to pick it up on Monday. I will message you on twitter when I do. I can’t wait to read it.

            1. That works! 😀 I can’t wait, either – I can’t believe I had removed it from my TBR because now it actually sounds so good lol. Maybe it’s a sign that I should go back through my old Down the TBR Hole posts one day and see if I want to re-add any…

            1. That could be a fun way to continue the series after you’re finished with it. I feel if I did that I’d just end up adding a bunch of the books back.

    1. Glad you kept RAMONA BLUE and A QUIET KIND OF THUNDER! I really loved both of them. I read YOU’RE WELCOME UNIVERSE and it wasn’t my favorite, so I don’t think that’s a loss. But I really loved NOTEWORTHY – it had lots of laugh-out-loud moments.

      1. Yay, I’m glad you loved both of those that I kept! And funny enough about You’re Welcome Universe – I just had to add it BACK to my TBR because it’s in my assigned reading for my summer class! UGH.

    1. The Queen’s Poisoner is sooo good but if you aren’t a huge fan of historical fiction, you might not like it. I reminds me a lot of King Henry VIII’s time with hints of fantasy in terms of the magical system.
      Far From You is so great but man, it broke my heart right in two. But I loved it!

        1. 😀 It’s on Kindle Unlimited (last I knew) if you have that. I believe they have up til the latest book on there if you wanna check them out.

    1. I absolutely freaking loved A Quiet Kind of Thunder.
      Deaf rep and selective mute-rep. [Not even mentioning how every chapter also has the sign for the chapter number above it because that made me SO HAPPY.]

      1. Awwww, yaaaaay! OMG. This makes me wanna go buy it right now. BOOK BAN, DESTINY. (I’m officially trying to reinstate my book ban, as of this weekend, because I realized shit is getting out. of. hand.) So, I’m putting it on my WL right now!

        1. Don’t even mention that.. torturous thing. I was. WAS. on a book buying ban since Edinburgh but then.. like.. yesterday was a shitty and boring day and I ended up ordering books. And pre-ordering books.
          I am legit hoping the boyfriend does not find out because he’ll be MAD. AS F***.

    1. I read Meg & Linus earlier this year and I didn’t have any of those problems with it. I actually really enjoyed it. I can see where there might be bi-erasure, but it honestly didn’t even cross my mind while reading the book.

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