Down the TBR Hole #37

July 8, 2018

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 912 titles

BOOKS 671-675:


The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic – added 07.07.17
I resisted this book forever because of its hideous corndogs-being-dipped-in-sauce cover, but it’s soooo widely loved by my friends that I have to try it.

The Rattled Bones by Shannon M. Parker – added 07.08.17
Eh, this one just doesn’t sound super interesting to me? It’s a YA paranormal mystery, and those are kinda tough to catch my interest with.

Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu – added 07.14.17
Definitely keeping this one! I want to read it before Catwoman comes out, even though I know they don’t have to be read in order.

Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser – added 07.18.17
I love books with nautical themes, but I just honestly know I’m never going to get around to this one.

That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston – added 07.20.17
I was initially interested in this book because I’m told it has a ton of diverse rep, but even with that in mind, I just don’t think it’s anything I’ll ever get around to.

BOOKS 676-680:


Beast by Megan Crewe – added 07.20.17
I think I only have this because my mom liked one of the author’s other books, but I don’t think I would enjoy this one.

You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone by Rachel Lynn Solomon – added 07.21.17
I picked this one up a few months ago and keep meaning to read it. It’s about two twin girls who are at risk of inheriting a degenerative disease from their mom, and it turns out that one of them has tested positive and the other negative. It sounds horribly sad, but really interesting.

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand – added 07.26.17
I’m so torn on this one because my sense of humor is kind of odd and comedy books and films almost never work for me, but everyone keeps begging me to read it, so I’ll try it eventually.

The Calculus of Change by Jessie Hilb – added 07.27.17
There are so many reviews making me want to run far, far away from this one.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell – added 07.27.17
Okay… a lot of you are going to be sad about this one, but I have no interest in this at all. I liked Fangirl, but I absolutely hated the Simon/Baz bits in it. I thought they were so boring, and while I have nothing against stories that are clearly obvious tongue-in-cheek references to other stories (as this one is for the HP series), it isn’t a storytelling style that I typically enjoy.

BOOKS 681-685:


Kissing Max Holden by Josiah Bancroft – added 07.27.17
Um… I’m not sure why this is her. From the synopsis, it sounds like the only real plot is the guy’s dad recovering from a stroke, and the guy cheating on his girlfriend with the female protagonist. Nah.removeflower

The Dead Inside by Cyndy Drew Etler – added 07.27.17
This is a memoir about a rehab facility for teens that went awry, and while I’m sure it’s interesting, I doubt I’ll ever pick it up.removeflower

Dress Codes for Small Towns by Courtney C. Stevens – added 07.27.17
I doubt this is anything I’ll rush out and grab right away, but it does sound like it’s worth picking up, and I know that my favorite booktuber is obsessed with it, so I might as well.

Paper Butterflies by Lisa Heathfield – added 07.27.17
I meant to preorder this when it re-released and I forgot to, but I still want to read it!

The Sidekicks by Will Kostakis – added 07.27.17
This sounds super sad, but also pretty “meh”.removeflower

BOOKS 686-690:


The Grave Keepers by Elizabeth Byrne – added 07.27.17
I just think this cover and synopsis are both so cute and fun and strange.keepflower

Salem’s Vengeance by Aaron Galvin – added 07.27.17
Nah, this one doesn’t sound super compelling.removeflower

Madness by Zac Brewer – added 07.27.17
I’ve heard a looooot of mixed things about this author’s writing, but if I were to try any book they’ve written, it would be this one, so…

Ultimate Sacrifice by S.E. Green – added 07.27.17
This book has super few ratings and reviews, but surprisingly to me, quite a few of my friends actually read it (and loved it)! The synopsis sounds pretty interesting, too, so I’ll keep it for now.

Horror in the Heartland by Keven McQueen – added 07.27.17
This is supposed to be a horror nonfiction collection about a bunch of midwestern states, and honestly, I don’t know why I added it to begin with because it doesn’t sound like anything I’d enjoy AT ALL.removeflower





More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. Oh wow, I think this is the first time I’ve heard someone say they liked Simon and Baz in Fangirl but not in Carry On! 😮 Was there any particular reason why, if you don’t mind me asking?

        1. It felt like being plunged into the 7th book of HP, without prior knowledge of what happened before, and the characters tell us about what happened but in a short-recap-bc-you-should-know-this kind of way 😀 Also, it’s just too similar to HP it’s unnerving :/

          1. Oh wooooow, that sounds really unpleasant. :/ Yeah, it always weirded me out that it was meant to be basically published HP fanfic… and it always gets me that everyone pitches a fit about other books being fanfic, but nobody cares that Carry On was literally intended to be that way? Yikes.

    1. I’m with you on Carry On. I didn’t even add it to my TBR.
      The Foxhole Court though is one I keep hesitating on. Many of my friends seem to have liked it, but I’ve read some reviews that weren’t so positive that spoke to things that would bother me. *sigh* I’m waiting for more GR friends to read and review it before I give it a shot/add it to my TBR.

      1. I’m glad I’m not the only one with Carry On! And yeah, it took a loooot of pleading from many friends to convince me to add The Foxhole Court to mine. Luckily though, one of my best friends literally JUST finished it and she adored it, so that has helped me feel more enthusiastic about it since she and I usually have similar tastes. I don’t blame you, though – there’s so much in the world to read that sometimes we just have to be picky!

    1. These are so interesting and fun to read! Also, I love BooksandLala too if that’s who you’re referring to, if not, there’s a new Booktuber recommendation 🙂

    1. I read a pdf of The Foxhole Court and it was…okay? I don’t see the hype at all, but I didn’t hate reading it. The characters are all terrible!

    1. Aweee I still need to read The Foxhole Court and Carry On as well! And I’m so glad that you decided to keep My Lady Jane!!!

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